CSFMB SURVIVOR – SEASON TWO!!!We’ve run this once here, and with NBA Basketball likely to not happen for a while, it’s time to start up SEASON TWO! The game works very similarly to the TV show. There will be eliminations which form a prize jury, and that prize jury will pick the winner from the final three players. There will be immunity won by performing well in challenges. These challenges will be of a predictive sports nature – there will be predictions against the NFL spread, fantasy Big Ten basketball drafts, big salami hockey predictions, etc. If you like the TV show, or you enjoy sports contests, I think you'll like this game. Bigfan, feel free to delete if you are in opposition to having season two.
Post in this thread if you'd like to play.If you’d like to see what happened in the first year, the thread is still active --
viewtopic.php?f=39&t=54667The prize for winning: Around $100 in gift cards (from coke rewards) and the right to add CSFMB Survivor 2 Champion to your sig.
As in the TV show, your goal in CSFMB Survivor is to outwit, out think, and out play your fellow competitors. Your goal is not to out think the rules themselves. Please follow the spirit of the rules below even when circumstances arise that aren’t explicity detailed below. As fun as it is to watch the CSFMB semantic police place posters under arrest, this isn’t the thread to do that in.
1) To win CSFMB Survivor, you must survive as an active contestant until there are only three remaining, and the prize jury must vote for you as the winner. The grand prize consists of $100 in gift cards (to amazon.com type places, winner can pick from a list of eligible cards that Coke wants to give me at the time.)
2) The CSFMB Survivor schedule will follow this format as a rule: There will be an announcement of a challenge on Tuesday. The challenge occurs on Wednesday and after we know who has immunity, the vote off will occur on Thursday. The next event will be announced on Friday, the event will occur on either Saturday or Sunday, and then the vote off will occur the next Monday. This means there will be two contests per week. In many instances, the contest may be announced a day prior to the official announcement.
3) To be eligible to sign up to be a contestant, you must have at least 500 posts on the site and not be a mult. If we do not have the game full within 24 hours of the scheduled start time, the post requirement will be dropped. If we do not have the game full within 6 hours of the scheduled start time, the mult requirement will be dropped.
4) All CSFMB Survivor 2 postings must remain in the CSFMB Survivor 2 thread. If you start spamming the board with Survivor posts, you will be eliminated from the contest. Any requests made by bigfan will override rules listed here. Remember that this is supposed to be a fun game to fill some time; it is not intended to replace the focus of the board from its usual bullshit. If this negatively impacts the board, the contest can be terminated at any time via bigfan.
5) There will be a total of 36 contestants allowed in this contest. Captains have been predetermined and have all agreed to participate in the contest this year. Once we have registered 36 contestants (including captains,) the remainder will be put on a pending list. In the event that a player does not submit a vote in two out of the first five required voting periods, they will be eliminated and the first player in the list of substitutes will fill in carrying the voting penalties along with them.
6) Captains remain captains until they are eliminated from the game or choose to transfer their captainship to a willing recipient. Transfers are permitted during non-voting times only, and are completed by the captain posting the event in the Survivor thread, and a post by the new captain accepting the transfer. If a captain is eliminated via a vote off, the first player who voted for the captain to be eliminated will become the new captain. If the captain is DQ’d or otherwise eliminated from the game, random.org will be used to assign a new team captain.
6) Challenge immunity will be awarded based upon predictions of events, primarily around current day major sports (NFL, NHL, NCAA football and basketball, NASCAR, golf, soccer, etc.) There are two primary subtypes of Challenge Immunity
a. Team Immunity: During the team portion of CSFMB Survivor, the challenges will (primarily) be Team Immunity Challenges. Each team will submit one challenge entry as defined by the challenge post. This entry must be submitted by the team captain. Only the last entry submitted will be used (i.e., you may submit as many times as you like, but only the last submission counts.) The immunity challenge will detail the contest and applicable tie-breakers. If your team wins the contest, each member of your team will be safe from elimination.
b. Individual Immunity: After having merged to a single team (and possibly during some team challenges), immunity will be given individually. Each player will submit their own challenge entry. Only the last entry submitted will be used. If you win an Individual Immunity Challenge, you’ll be immune from being eliminated on that week’s vote. However, you do have the option until noon on elimination day to give the idol to another player by posting in the voting thread. This idol may not be passed along further.
7) Hidden Immunity Awards will be awarded periodically throughout the contest. To claim a Hidden Immunity Award, send an e-mail to the contest email address with the title “HI: <immunity word or phrase>” substituting the word or phrase. If you have correctly identified a Hidden Immunity Award, you will be notified via that email address. NOTE: A lot of people don’t get this. Ask JORR how it works. I’m sick of trying to explain it.
a. Hidden Immunity Awards can be redeemed during any specific vote from the beginning of the voting window until 9:00pm (after the voting window has closed.) To redeem, email the CSFMB Survivor account -and- post a message stating as such in the thread. You may redeem each award one time only, and once you have sent an email, there is no way to “un-redeem” it.
b. Hidden Immunity Awards may be transferred to other players; however, once transferred, the receiving player becomes the sole possessor and controller of the award. To transfer to another player, send an email and a confirmation email will be sent back to you and the recipient.
c. Hidden Immunity Awards may not be played once the game is down to five players or less.
Elimination voting will occur via secret ballot. Ballots will be accepted after the Immunity Challenge results are posted up until 7 PM
a. Only your first vote will count; you cannot change your vote later in the voting period. During the team phase, only active members of the vulnerable team will be required to vote. During the individual phase, all active players will be required to vote.
b. You must vote when you are required to. Baseball rules apply – if you miss three votes, you will be eliminated from the contest. This rule overrides all immunity rules. Reference rule #5 regarding missing too many votes early – it is bad for you.
c. The player with the most votes will be eliminated. SHAKES RULE: If there is a tie, then there will be a runoff challenge on Tuesday/Friday. This will be in the form of a confidence pool against the Vegas Line (or the Newper Line) that will be used to break the tie. People may need to place provisional entries during this time.
d. Once we are down to the final twelve contestants, each member eliminated will join the Prize Jury who will determine who will win the grand prize. Only contestants voted out are eligible for the Prize Jury – if you failed to vote or were otherwise DQ’d from the game, you’ll not be able to sit on the Prize Jury. The Jury will be filled in that instance with the previous eligible contestants in reverse order of elimination until a total of nine jurors have been chosen.
e. Krazy Ivan and Douchebag will be penalized for not voting in the final game by having only one voting strike.
9) Once the contest has arrived at the final three contestants, a two day period will be reserved for Prize Jury members to ask questions and/or make public statements. A twenty-four hour voting window will open to vote on who deserves the grand prize. Any ties in this process will be broken by eliminating the vote of the first member to join the Prize Jury, then the second, etc., until the tie is broken.
10) As questions arise about the game, they may be posted publicly in the forum, or sent privately via email. If an email is sent with a point determined to be important to all contestants, a response may be posted in the forum but the source email will not be posted.