Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
I'm not someone who subscribes to the belief that people shouldn't complain because someone has it worse. Someone's income level or success doesn't exempt them from vices or bad moments or days. That said, all of life's problems can't be because of some evil politicians, evil coworker, family members, who someone else loves, etc. Being a habitual victim is a choice. It's also lazy.
We just disagree on who the habitual victims are. In my view they're usually the ones shouting "HEY! HEY! HO! HO! SOMETHING SOMEONE HAS GOT TO GO!" and trying to shut everyone else up.
There's only who has habitually done this and positions absolutes in every discussion. I'm happy to see that you've recognized Habitual Victimville is a shitty place to live. It's always raining.
The idea that moral relativism is admirable is quite odd. Is their anything you don't want to tolerate? I know there is. That's why you're either doing a bit or being as asshole. I charitably choose to believe it's the former.
It's fine to call me an asshole, bu this wasn't a discussion about some universal principles. You're shifting the conversation to something different; however, most disagreements are often a matter of perspective. Eating a cow in America is viewed as normal, but in other countries, they may find it to be immoral. Very few things we discuss here rise to the level of universal good versus evil, but far too often, debates are framed that way. I view that as lazy and divisive. When we discover we're wrong, we never say we were evil for believing X instead of Y.
Ultimately, I can't control the way anyone wants to express themselves. These are just personal preferences. I have no desire to ever be pitied or a victim, and I don't see anything productive in a negative mental attitude. It's wasted energy in my world. While I understand wanting validation for our views, I'm still the 3rd youngest male adult in my family for another 9 months. Then I'll drop to 4th for a decade. I'm used to being told my views are wrong or crazy. Validation ain't coming, and I'm okay with it. I don't generally say, "I told you so," when I'm right. I'm sure people are aware.
I'm not calling you an asshole. Ad hominem is your thing, not mine. Your default is to call people with legitimate complaints "ignorant" or accuse them of "playing the victim."
Eating a cow in America is viewed as normal, but in other countries, they may find it to be immoral.
That's just it. Who do you think is correct? This is the entire problem and the reason our nation is unraveling. We have lost confidence that our way of life is the best. In that scenario, how can you ask anyone to fight for anything?
You can't. So you may as well allow anyone with different ideas about morality to pour over your border and once they outnumber you, you can live under a system of their values.