... etes-2016/An online study of male undergraduates shows that more than half of study participants on intercollegiate and recreational athletic teams – and more than a third of non-athletes – reported engaging in sexual coercion, including rape. The increased risk of sexual coercion by athletes was linked to “traditional” beliefs about women and a higher belief in rape “myths,” which are used to justify sexual assault.
For this study, the researchers surveyed online 379 male undergraduates: 191 non-athletes, 29 intercollegiate athletes and 159 recreational athletes. The study was conducted by researchers at NC State, the University of South Florida, Northern Arizona University and Emory University.
Study participants were asked about their sexual behavior, their attitudes toward women, and the degree to which they believed in rape myths.
“We found that 54.3 percent of the intercollegiate and recreational athletes and 37.9 percent of non-athletes had engaged in sexually coercive behaviors – almost all of which met the legal definition of rape,” Desmarais says.
“As high as these numbers are, they may actually under-represent the rates of sexual coercion, since the study relied on self-reported behavior,” Desmarais says.Which "legal definition of rape" is being used here? How much is "almost all"?
Nobody has a link to the actual methodology of the study, because the journal publishing it wants $36 just to read the damn thing, so everybody is just posting conclusions gleaned from the abstract without taking any kind of skepticism to the claims made about all collegiate male athletes based on 379 dudes from some un-named college.