Drunk Squirrel wrote:
Saw that on I-90 between Bozeman and Belgrade
Coming home from Denver on Thanksgiving weekend, I nearly died driving this. My '98 Contor did not have what it took to drive thru the pass in the snow. However the weather on either side of the pass was perfect. Land in Billings around 11, driving thru Belgrade about 2, and it starts snowing. I had some minor slippage going up, but nothing too crazy. Coming back down was a different story. I was going pretty slow, maybe 35mph. I felt my car going faster as I was on a downslope, so I barely tapped the brakes and immediately started fishtailing. I couldn't regain control, so now I'm sliding down this interstate sideways. Its a drop to the left of me, and just a ditch to the right. I start going more left than right, so now I've got my hand on the door handle ready to bail if needed. I ended up getting control back and made it back to my dorm room just in time to see Brady juke the shoes off of Urlacher.
Thinking you mean Livingston instead of Belgrade but yes, that would be a non fun pass in a car in the snow. I drove through going about 90 in my truck (it was new to me and went faster than I thought) and a corvette went by me like I was standing still.