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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 10:05 am 
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Used to love the clever, or not so clever attempts to "suffer fools gladly" you used to hear on talk radio.

Remember listening to the often deliciously awkward Jimmy Piersall segments back in the day, realize that may blow the minds of some of the defenders of modern sports talk radio, but yep they used to seek out people that would have different takes, and actually let them speak, sometimes it would create some highly entertaining content, especially if you were a long time listener and knew the inside logo.

My favorite was when Piersall would let a caller say something odd, or something he did not agree with, he would dismiss them by saying, "thanks for your call", kind of like a pat on the head for at least making an effort to formulate a thought, of course Uncle Terry, as he often did, would start using the phrase in a similar manner.

Then of course you had North, who would use the odd, "I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'", when trying to argue for arguments sake, a way of injecting a completely alternative take into a conversation.

The greatest stuff came from Kevin Matthews, still use, "Is it wrong", "get a haircut hippie", and "show's over at 2:30", from time to time.

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 11:17 am 
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Thanks for your post.

Antonio Gramsci wrote:
The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 12:24 pm 
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Tall Midget wrote:
Thanks for your post.

:lol: :lol:

The Jimi Hendrix music always made me laugh

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
The victims are the American People and the Republic itself.

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 12:43 pm 
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Jiggs and North wrote:
Seacrest wrote:
Tall Midget wrote:
Thanks for your post.

:lol: :lol:

The Jimi Hendrix music always made me laugh

Is that right?

See ya!!!!

An unjust law is no law at all--St. Augustine of Hippo

Cause tried and true
I see the light in you
Oh, can you dig in my soul?
Could you smell my whole...
life?--Gener and Deaner

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 7:43 pm 
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Tall Midget wrote:
Thanks for your post.

Appreciate ya lil' buddy

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:05 pm 
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Clawmaster wrote:
My favorite was when Piersall would let a caller say something odd, or something he did not agree with, he would dismiss them by saying, "thanks for your call", kind of like a pat on the head for at least making an effort to formulate a thought, of course Uncle Terry, as he often did, would start using the phrase in a similar manner.

I believe "thank you for your call" was the signal to the producer to hang up the phone. There was never any further conversation after the line.

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2023 8:50 am 
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It was the original "have a blessed day"

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:22 am 
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Thought Kev's, "Is it wrong", was hilarious, wasn't it supposedly from an old actor hitting on Bears players?

Still use, "He used to breed dogs, until he found out they could do it themselves", used to be some talented and funny dudes on the radio.

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:27 am 
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See ya!

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:28 am 
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Clawmaster wrote:
Thought Kev's, "Is it wrong", was hilarious, wasn't it supposedly from an old actor hitting on Bears players?

Still use, "He used to breed dogs, until he found out they could do it themselves", used to be some talented and funny dudes on the radio.

Raymond Burr

Elections have consequences.

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 1:11 pm 
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Murph -

Odd and Even Buses soundclip from The Honeymooners when a caller made sense.

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 2:01 pm 
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Then of course the classic, "a-huh" from the Chetster when a guest droned on, or when he was taking a drag off his Diet Coke and missed what the guest said.

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