Nas wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
Nas wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
If you thought there was no one on this board who was a sex offender, you're naive.
If you thought there was no one on this board who has been charged for violent crimes, you're naive.
If you thought you could take your kids to a board-sponsored event, around dozens of people you've never met, and let them roam free, you're not only naive... You're negligent.
Let's stop pretending this is some huge revelation. If it is, you need to get out more. If it's not, you should know better than to turn your kids loose at social gatherings with strangers.
I've never seen more arrogance and insults in one post. Congrats!
Feel free to expound.
You make all of this sound so simple. I not only think it's bullshit, but I think you are being extremely unfair to ALL the CFMBers who have brought their kids around board members, shared stories or photos and you owe them an apology.
We communicate with each other in some cases more than we do our own families and the people we work with. This has been the case for years. Really good friendships have been developed from this board. If you take your kids to work events or to a friend's party and let them roam, why wouldn't you allow them to roam around fellow CFMBers and their kids? I'm confident you know more about people who post here than you do most of your coworkers or friends of your friends.
Are the members of our community perfect? Of course not. Neither are we, our families, friends or coworkers. Some of them/us have also done things that we/others would find reprehensible if we/others had knowledge of. I can't speak for the lurkers, but this community has a diverse and solid group of regulars that I would put up against any similar group anywhere.
I will apologize to no one. If that post offended you so much, get a new perspective. I was specifically referring to letting kids RUN AROUND unattended at an event, not simply bringing them.
And... this will be my last post on the matter... but let's please stop with the Holier than thou "Oh, we stopped a child predator from getting to our kids!" That's nonsense... Chas was never coming to a board event. If he did, we all already thought he was weird, and we don't even know the circumstances.
But hey, you be the moral victor here. I'm glad we could post shit like that about a guy who clearly has mental problems, whose brother just died, and who had reached out to this board for support. Maybe this will be the push he needs to put him over the edge. It's all very Christian.
I addressed your post where you called MANY people in this community naive. If you want to climb down off your high horse and rebut my response feel free. Otherwise you can continue with your bullshit insults.