Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
America wrote:
there is no line anymore.
I suppose that's a position, but if so, the Right should stop whining about "fake news".
The worst part of Trump re-branding biased news as FAKE is that actual FAKE NEWS still exists and nobody gives a shit. Trump tweeted out a bunch of it this morning with the apparently staged videos of muslim violence.
That's what FAKE NEWS is. The stuff on that makes the over 55 crowd think there are muslims and mexicans hiding under their beds ready to pounce on their jobs, take their guns, and rape their families.
I don't even blame Trump anymore. He's too old to even know better.
I don't think Trump's age has anything to do with it. Someone might call you "ageist". And some things Trump calls "fake news" really are.
I dont care what anyone calls me, people who didn't grow up with the internet are more prone to be taken in by internet bullshit. It's not that theyre too old to be sharp or smart, it's just not their world for the most part.
I know this sounds silly, but it is actually important that we distinguish between FAKE NEWS- totally made up stories like the FB partisan ones or Jayson Blair type stuff and BIASED NEWS- MSNBC obsession with Trump,Fox obsession with Hillary, CNN spin etc.
I don't think there's anything to support your statement. It's not factual.
And you're spinning yourself. Biased news IS fake news. In fact it's worse because it has the sheen of believability. If you believe shit like Comet Pizza, shame on you. This is what passes for "fact checking": ... ate-media/What statement? About people who grew up without the internet being less savvy than people who did? Well, I havent done the research and that was really a throw away line so whatever. Fine, forget the age.
And what do you mean shame on you? That pizza story was fucking huge. It matters. I'm not spinning anything. You cant change the meaning of words.
Focusing on negatives via
facts is not FAKE. It's biased.
Making things up out of whole cloth is FAKE.
If the FACTS are not true in the network stories, that's FAKE.
Fake and biased are not synonyms and never will be no matter how much you and the current POTUS want them to be.