Nas wrote:
Everyone is collecting data. Of course the government is too. Are you a cash only type of guy? If not every time you swipe your card that data is collected and sold. Every time you search something or visit a website data is collected. This is the world we live in.
yeah this is an old msg to reply to, and i forget if it was you or someone else who played the "HURR DURR THE GOVERNMENT REALLY WANTS TO SPY ON YOUR LAME ASS THROUGH YOUR TV" card, but to <<<that point i wanna point out that even with all this state of the art "Death to privacy" stuff [and this is quite possibly some sort of a controlled leak where maybe the powers that be wanna spook everyone into acting right, akin to stores that have security cameras that arent hooked up to anything] you know, it's not like america stopped having drugs available over the last 5-10yrs as the CIA got all these abilities, and at the very least you figure they'd be able to use all these new toys to figure out who's making bank off of drugs and at least get a nice cut out of it..... let alone worrying what some dipshit in wilmette is up to at 7pm on a tuesday night.
so hey, as long as there's still drugs out there all over the place and my actual neighbors arent getting busted for frivolous shit, i'll be quite alright.... assuming that like, you know, even if you have all of this data you at least need either 1) an insane amount of manpower to parse through it all [esp if you wanna go for real time] or 2) some kind of AI that you bet your sweet ass wouldn't be in these leaks, but would be so "secret" that even decent to proper drug dealers would be safe cuz they're only gonna use that for "the good stuff" which is above all of our paygrades.
honestly, i'd be more worried about this one far-out story i heard about cops having some technology that where they can pull you over and run your ATM/bank cards through a swipe, see how much $$$ is in there, and confiscate whatever they want cuz they might wanna claim it's "drug money" if they pull you over with a quarter of weed or something stupid [yet technically "probable cause", like "i saw [dude] talking to those 3 black guys in hooded sweatshirts on the street corner! [$1250] impound for attempted purchase of marijuana or controlled substances! [and the city keeps that $$$ no matter what, barring a monumental fuck-up in the officer/s writing up the arrest report]
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?