Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
Institutions of higher education, be they public or "private", adjudicating claims of sexual assault makes them state actors, and at that point, due process kicks in and needs to be preserved.
This is something that I never understand/understood and why I stay away from 'student affairs' side of academia as they are the ones who are usually behind investigating/adjudicating these issues.
While professors/academic affairs are the ones who get accused of brainwashing students and being the masterminds behind any social justice causes, I don't see it as much. In reality, I think it is the student affairs people (they are where housing & clubs/organizations belong) who do much of the agenda pushing. I only remotely associate b/c I'm the advisor to a psychology club on campus. What is crazy (especially to us on the academia side) is that they think they are equally as important as academic affairs.
I don't think the ideological stuff is as prevalent in the science departments. I don't envision pittmike pushing a "social justice" agenda.