long time guy wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
Nobody is playing the role of a cop. Nobody is saying you can or can't post things.
We're simply asking you to have respect for the rest of us and not hijack multiple threads a week. You have major issues with this.
I never hijacked a thread. I provided my opinion. If you want to address something how about addressing the 4-5 people that chime in solely to disagree with something that I post.
That would make for a better place. I responded to something and provided an example.
If people on here were really as concerned about keeping the B.S. down then they would address the personalized way that posting is handled on here. If I have a conversation with Mike which is civil and actually agreeable is it necessary for Brick JLN and the usual cast of characters to jump in with the ever present array of condescending and snarky comments?
If people here were really concerned about making for a "better board" then they'd address that instead of instinctively running to the extremely fashionable area of dismissing people that are not part of some silly childish click.
I'm not merely referencing myself either. I've seen it done with other posters as well. McNown catches it. Sini catches it. 312 catches it. Chas of Course.
I'm not going to value anyone's opinion on this until I see them call people out on their B.S. When you see people piling on call them on it.
You and the others that constantly rail about screwing up threads never do. You find the guy considered least popular and attempt to go in on them.
1 stop dragging me into your bullshit.
2 If you do not want other people to contribute to the discussion ,use the PM fucking you fucking Nancy boy.
3 You catch shit because you say unpopular and face it outright lies sometimes.
4 You play the board cop a lot,you tell people several times a week that your vast knowledge is superior to anyone else on the board and we have to take what you are posting as the gold standard. Honestly,I do not know who is a bigger blowhard,you or Quad city Pat?
5 Take a week off you are becoming unhinged seriously. MOSSAD is not Israel? Dude,they are part of the government so they are representative and part of the government. What you said is like saying the Parks service is not part of the U.S. Government.