When I was in high school I was in love with the NBA and couldn't wait to watch every playoff game and the draft. I stopped watching after I got more into the NFL, and the Malice at the Palace coupled with Reggie Miller's retirement (I was a huge Pacers fan) sent me on my way. In a great many ways I miss being so excited and enamored for the NBA, particularly the day of the draft, but that's life. It's not going anywhere, so maybe someday I'll resume digging pro hoops to that extent again.
My favorite sports day of the year used to be hands down the first day of the NFL Draft. I loved that it took place during the day, and in the spring time I could usually throw the draft on the radio while doing yardwork or whatever out in the garage. Get rounds 1 and 2 in, have the whole evening to look over how it went down and the players the Bears got, and the next day was even more chill. Now that the draft is at night and it's only 1 round of hot garbage coverage, I simply "watch" the draft through Tweetdeck since all picks break on there a solid 2-4 minutes before they're announced.
The process then gets dragged through an extra day of coverage, and it's lost its luster by then.
The NFL simply couldn't help itself, and took what was an awesome thing as it was and impregnated it with pageantry, belligerent advertising, and blood-from-a-stone depths of hollow analysis.
My favorite days of the sports year now? It's not necessarily a specific day on the calendar:
- The first blue sky/green grass day of the baseball season where I have the Cubs at Wrigley on the television while something's cooking on the grill and the windows in the house are open.
- The first true Autumn days of the football season where there's a touch of chill in the air, and typically I'll watch a college football game that I have no vested interest in, and simply enjoy the sport.
- There's always typically a day in January/February where all other sports are in their death throes, and I'll realize that I've got an evening free where I can watch an entire Blackhawks game stem-to-stern. I usually am only able to catch chunks of games anymore, so watching the whole contest reminds me of my love for hockey and reminds me to make more time for the Blackhawks during the regular season.
When it comes to the Bears, America is just a slobbering shitwagon. Every single opinion of his regarding this team is the most pristine of doomsday horseshit.