FavreFan wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Look, I'm with you on a "one world, we're all brothers" philosophy on a theoretical level. I just don't see how that works practically and I'm almost certain that allowing whoever wants to come into the United States will result in a place that you and I don't want to live.
And I’m equally certain that’s not true. Agree to disagree I guess.
Well, there seems to be some cognitive dissonance on the American Left when it comes to this subject. On the one hand, there is the idea that everyone has the right to come to the U.S. for a better opportunity while at the same time there is the insistence that America is not exceptional.
I think if we're going to go to bat for foreigners who want to enter our country we should acknowledge just why they want to enter it. It's a purely economic question in most cases. (People actually fleeing oppressive regimes are a different matter. Regardless, the fact that they are fleeing to the U.S. suggests the U.S. is better than where they came from.)
You'll often hear the platitude that "diversity is our strength". I don't really believe that to be the case. Diversity is an obstacle that America has done a wonderful job in overcoming. That's what "E Pluribus Unum" is all about.
The default is not people sitting around celebrating their differences. The default is people grouping themselves into tribes. That's why the Democratic Party's encouragement of identity politics is so cynical and really, anti-American.
So if we agree that the reason that an immigrant comes to or wants to come to America is to make a better life for himself and his family, it goes without saying that America is a better place than whence he came. Or at least that the immigrant believes that is the fact.
And if the immigrant believes that America is better, what would be the point in recreating the worse place that he came from in a different location? But inevitably that will happen if there aren't controls on immigration. And that's why there always have been. America has to have the ability to absorb the immigrants and make them Americans. We have to have a common language, some core common beliefs, and real loyalty to certain concepts. Otherwise, America, a nation based on assertion of citizenship rather than citizenship based upon ethnicity or race like every other place in world history, simply won't work.