Chicago Fanatics Message Board

This statue is sexist?
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Author:  WaitingforRuffcorn [ Fri May 06, 2016 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  This statue is sexist? ... 9cb0466545

Author:  good dolphin [ Fri May 06, 2016 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?


let me add, NSFW so no one gets in trouble

Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri May 06, 2016 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?

This ditzy HuffPo "writer" didn't actually explain why it's being called sexist....she just says it is.


Author:  pittmike [ Fri May 06, 2016 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?

Who pruned the dykes with the strap on?

Author:  IkeSouth [ Fri May 06, 2016 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?

SomeGuy wrote:
This ditzy HuffPo "writer" didn't actually explain why it's being called sexist....she just says it is.


i think its sexist they are taking down the man statue and putting up a womens tribute. what do they think women are better and not equal to men?

Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri May 06, 2016 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?

IkeSouth wrote:
SomeGuy wrote:
This ditzy HuffPo "writer" didn't actually explain why it's being called sexist....she just says it is.


i think its sexist they are taking down the man statue and putting up a womens tribute. what do they think women are better and not equal to men?

Great point, Ike. The man statue should stay and that HuffPo troll should be thrown in an oven.

Do you still need a roommate?

Author:  Hatchetman [ Fri May 06, 2016 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?

The 22-ton statue was moved to a Brooklyn cemetery in 2012 after various groups complained that it depicted Hercules trampling two figures — Vice and Corruption — which look like women. It had belonged to the borough since 1941.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri May 06, 2016 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This statue is sexist?

Hatchetman wrote:
The 22-ton statue was moved to a Brooklyn cemetery in 2012 after various groups complained that it depicted Hercules trampling two figures — Vice and Corruption — which look like women. It had belonged to the borough since 1941.

So the people complaining about the statue are actually a collection of mentally handicapped insane people that have escaped from the loony bin.

Makes sense.

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