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Jill Stein
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Author:  conns7901 [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Jill Stein

All the Bernie Bros in my facebook feed are now talking about this lady.

Is there any chance she takes away enough votes from Hillary to actually do damage?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

Not a chance, but neolibs are ready to blame her anyway.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

conns7901 wrote:
All the Bernie Bros in my facebook feed are now talking about this lady.

Is there any chance she takes away enough votes from Hillary to actually do damage?

No I don't think so. A lot of people don't know she is running and the "anyone but Hillary" slant of Sanders supporters will only serve to hurt and possibly kill his "revolution". Hillary will win even without the Support of Sanders followers in my opinion. If she does the there is no need to give credence to Sanders platform. He couldn't deliver his supporters.

Author:  Nas [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

conns7901 wrote:
All the Bernie Bros in my facebook feed are now talking about this lady.

Is there any chance she takes away enough votes from Hillary to actually do damage?

It's possible in some states she could.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
the "anyone but Hillary" slant of Sanders supporters will only serve to hurt and possibly kill his "revolution".

Most of Bernie's voters are going to vote for Hillary, but keep wishing against social democracy, I guess.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

Curious Hair wrote:
long time guy wrote:
the "anyone but Hillary" slant of Sanders supporters will only serve to hurt and possibly kill his "revolution".

Most of Bernie's voters are going to vote for Hillary, but keep wishing against social democracy, I guess.

Social democracy really isn't a political movement. It's a political thought.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

Which requires a movement to gain currency in contemporary American politics, yes.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

It's strange to me that MANY Hillary supporters hate Bernie so much that they're still taking shots at him even after he lost and supported their candidate.

One would think there would be more vitriol toward Trump or others who are currently taking tons of shots at Hill-Dog. I just don't understand where the deep-rooted hatred comes from.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

leashyourkids wrote:
It's strange to me that MANY Hillary supporters hate Bernie so much that they're still taking shots at him even after he lost and supported their candidate.

One would think there would be more vitriol toward Trump or others who are currently taking tons of shots at Hill-Dog. I just don't understand where the deep-rooted hatred comes from.

Didn't Sanders continue to take shots at Hillary long after he lost? Would you consider that to be "vitriolic"? What about his supporters? Aren't they continuing to bash away? That is what this thread was about or maybe I missed something.

As far as Sanders goes he really is an afterthought. I didn't really care if he endorsed Hillary or not. Trump us such a terrible nominee, easily the worst nominee that I have seen on either side in my lifetime. That accounts for either side too. It's truly a bipartisan opinion.

To elect him suggests much more about this country than it suggests about him.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
It's strange to me that MANY Hillary supporters hate Bernie so much that they're still taking shots at him even after he lost and supported their candidate.

One would think there would be more vitriol toward Trump or others who are currently taking tons of shots at Hill-Dog. I just don't understand where the deep-rooted hatred comes from.

Didn't Sanders continue to take shots at Hillary long after he lost? Would you consider that to be "vitriolic"? What about his supporters? Aren't they continuing to bash away? That is what this thread was about or maybe I missed something.

I think the thread is about Jill Stein, actually.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
It's strange to me that MANY Hillary supporters hate Bernie so much that they're still taking shots at him even after he lost and supported their candidate.

One would think there would be more vitriol toward Trump or others who are currently taking tons of shots at Hill-Dog. I just don't understand where the deep-rooted hatred comes from.

Didn't Sanders continue to take shots at Hillary long after he lost? Would you consider that to be "vitriolic"? What about his supporters? Aren't they continuing to bash away? That is what this thread was about or maybe I missed something.

I think the thread is about Jill Stein, actually.

Really? Must have missed that one.

Author:  WaitingforRuffcorn [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

Well, she probably should if she wants to keep pretending that she is inclusive of everyone's ideas. After all, the Democrats are theoretically supposed to be the "liberal" party.

Also, I wouldn't call it "Presidential" that she doesn't engage others. I think a better description would be "up in the polls due to name recognition and a massive fundraising campaign and don't want to engage anyone who might call me on my bullshit." Fortunately for her, even when she did, Sanders took it easy on her (except at the end).

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

Well, she probably should if she wants to keep pretending that she is inclusive of everyone's ideas. After all, the Democrats are theoretically supposed to be the "liberal" party.

Also, I wouldn't call it "Presidential" that she doesn't engage others. I think a better description would be "up in the polls due to name recognition and a massive fundraising campaign and don't want to engage anyone who might call me on my bullshit." Fortunately for her, even when she did, Sanders took it easy on her (except at the end).

Sanders took it easy on her as far as the Email stuff, but his implicit cries that her Wall Street ties were criminal echoed throughout the campaign.

Hillary rarely attacked him. Whatever the rationale was she left him alone. If he'd have been running in the Republican primary is there any doubt as how Trump would have treated him?

Hillary essentially ran a general election campaign during the primary season.
His extremely tacit endorsement is nothing more than "whistling past the graveyard" at this point.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

Well, she probably should if she wants to keep pretending that she is inclusive of everyone's ideas. After all, the Democrats are theoretically supposed to be the "liberal" party.

Also, I wouldn't call it "Presidential" that she doesn't engage others. I think a better description would be "up in the polls due to name recognition and a massive fundraising campaign and don't want to engage anyone who might call me on my bullshit." Fortunately for her, even when she did, Sanders took it easy on her (except at the end).

Sanders took it easy on her as far as the Email stuff, but his implicit cries that her Wall Street ties were criminal echoed throughout the campaign.

Hillary rarely attacked him. Whatever the rationale was she left him alone. If he'd have been running in the Republican primary is there any doubt as how Trump would have treated him? Hillary essentially ran a general election campaign during the primary.
His extremely tacit endorsement is nothing more than "whistling past the graveyard" at this point.

Assuming that's true, are you a fan of that? Do you like a system where the nominee is essentially "anointed" a year before the general campaign even begins and isn't even challenged before the general? And do you think it was "out of bounds" for the only person who even came close to challenging her to bring up her ties to Wall Street?

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

Well, she probably should if she wants to keep pretending that she is inclusive of everyone's ideas. After all, the Democrats are theoretically supposed to be the "liberal" party.

Also, I wouldn't call it "Presidential" that she doesn't engage others. I think a better description would be "up in the polls due to name recognition and a massive fundraising campaign and don't want to engage anyone who might call me on my bullshit." Fortunately for her, even when she did, Sanders took it easy on her (except at the end).

Sanders took it easy on her as far as the Email stuff, but his implicit cries that her Wall Street ties were criminal echoed throughout the campaign.

Hillary rarely attacked him. Whatever the rationale was she left him alone. If he'd have been running in the Republican primary is there any doubt as how Trump would have treated him? Hillary essentially ran a general election campaign during the primary.
His extremely tacit endorsement is nothing more than "whistling past the graveyard" at this point.

Assuming that's true, are you a fan of that? Do you like a system where the nominee is essentially "anointed" a year before the general campaign even begins and isn't even challenged before the general? And do you think it was "out of bounds" for the only person who even came close to challenging her to bring up her ties to Wall Street?

I'm not in favor of a person being anointed before the process starts. For all we know the party may be rewarding Hillary for electing to "wait her turn". She could have run against Obama in 12 and if she'd chosen to do so he would have lost. It would have split the party and essentially handed the election to Romney.

I also think that the anointing of her was done by the Democratic party in their refusal to run anyone against her. Their should have been more competition for her. It makes for a better process. She can't be blamed because there was only one serious candidate. I think she has been though.

I also think that Sanders support is more of an anti Hillary vote than it is a vote for him. I think Democratic voters made the same mistake to a large extent with Obama. I'm all for being for the guy if that is their guy. Most people didn't know who Sanders was as late as 2 yrs ago and now regard him as a revolutionary? Not buying that one.

Author:  conns7901 [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

Greens and Jill Stein Supporters – March in Philly on Monday July 25

The Jill Stein for President campaign is helping to organize several events in Philadelphia during the week of the Democratic National Convention:
Power to the People Rally with Jill Stein

The main event will be the Jill Stein Power to the People Rally on Monday July 25 from 6 to 9 PM at FDR Park, following the March For Our Lives.

The Power to the People rally will highlight the Green New Deal, creating 20 million new jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030. This rally will include an end to unemployment, hunger and homelessness; money for education; affordable, accessible housing; living wages; and an end to the prison industrial complex. Speakers and musicians will include 2016 Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein, Chris Hedges, Immortal Technique, Medea Benjamin, Mic Crenshaw, Cheri Honkala, and Howie Hawkins.

March for our Lives with Jill Stein

The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign will host the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES: March of the Poor, Homeless, and Unemployed in Philly at the DNC. Monday July 25, 3 PM. Start at City Hill.

Join the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign in the fight for economic justice by protesting the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia! Join Us in Demanding an End to Unemployment, Hunger and Homelessness, Money for Education, Single Payer Health Care, Affordable, Accessible Housing, Living Wages, and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex. Money for the poor not for WAR!

The March for Our Lives has been endorsed by Jill Stein for President and the Green Party of the US. Please join with the Greens in marching in support of this important event.

Jill Stein will also speak Wednesday night July 27 at the Socialist Convergence, and (tentatively) on Saturday July 23 at the People’s Convention.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

leashyourkids wrote:
It's strange to me that MANY Hillary supporters hate Bernie so much that they're still taking shots at him even after he lost and supported their candidate.

They remind me of Patriots fans having it both ways. "No one believed in us! It was us against the world! And you never had a chance!"

Author:  Nas [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

Berniebros are still grieving.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

There you go again. Who do you suppose comfortable white twentysomethings in well-appointed apartments from Boston to Washington have been vociferous in their support for? the guy who wants better life for the poors?

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

I'm not sure Hillary even knows she herself exists.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

I'm voting for Jill Stein.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

I'm worried about Jill Stein being anti-vaccine. If that's the case, I'll just have to vote for Hillary, I guess.

Author:  RFDC [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

PHILADELPHIA – Bernie Sanders has another presidential nomination available to him if he wants it.

Jill Stein, the presumptive presidential nominee from the Green Party, said Monday night that she’d cede her spot atop the White House ticket to Sanders if he was willing to flip his allegiance and join her cause.

“I myself would be perfectly happy as far as I’m concerned to step aside and allow him to run for that position if he truly became a proponent for revolutionary politics inside the Green Party,” Stein told a small group of reporters Monday night sheltering under I-95 during a heavy storm that swept across Philadelphia.

Author:  FavreFan [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

Warrant out for her arrest. ... 1786330274

Good for her.


Author:  WaitingforRuffcorn [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
I'm not in favor of a person being anointed before the process starts. For all we know the party may be rewarding Hillary for electing to "wait her turn". She could have run against Obama in 12 and if she'd chosen to do so he would have lost. It would have split the party and essentially handed the election to Romney.

I also think that the anointing of her was done by the Democratic party in their refusal to run anyone against her. Their should have been more competition for her. It makes for a better process. She can't be blamed because there was only one serious candidate. I think she has been though.

I also think that Sanders support is more of an anti Hillary vote than it is a vote for him. I think Democratic voters made the same mistake to a large extent with Obama. I'm all for being for the guy if that is their guy. Most people didn't know who Sanders was as late as 2 yrs ago and now regard him as a revolutionary? Not buying that one.

This Hilary in 12 is simply crazy. It would have been political suicide for Hilary, and she would have been destroyed for it in the media.

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
It's strange to me that MANY Hillary supporters hate Bernie so much that they're still taking shots at him even after he lost and supported their candidate.

One would think there would be more vitriol toward Trump or others who are currently taking tons of shots at Hill-Dog. I just don't understand where the deep-rooted hatred comes from.

Didn't Sanders continue to take shots at Hillary long after he lost? Would you consider that to be "vitriolic"? What about his supporters? Aren't they continuing to bash away? That is what this thread was about or maybe I missed something.

I think the thread is about Jill Stein, actually.

Really? Must have missed that one.

Well the title is Jill Stein after all. They were right in the other thread. You will pounce on any thread and make it your own.

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
leashyourkids wrote:
long time guy wrote:
WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
It would be good to get her on the ballot and expand the debate. The Hillary people taking shot at Bernie are DiCaro types, who are in a constant state of victimhood.

To be honest Hillary rarely acknowledged Bernie Sanders during the campaign. She was far too presidential during the primaries. I wished that she'd engaged him more. She probably doesn't know that Jill Stein exists

Well, she probably should if she wants to keep pretending that she is inclusive of everyone's ideas. After all, the Democrats are theoretically supposed to be the "liberal" party.

Also, I wouldn't call it "Presidential" that she doesn't engage others. I think a better description would be "up in the polls due to name recognition and a massive fundraising campaign and don't want to engage anyone who might call me on my bullshit." Fortunately for her, even when she did, Sanders took it easy on her (except at the end).

Sanders took it easy on her as far as the Email stuff, but his implicit cries that her Wall Street ties were criminal echoed throughout the campaign.

Hillary rarely attacked him. Whatever the rationale was she left him alone. If he'd have been running in the Republican primary is there any doubt as how Trump would have treated him? Hillary essentially ran a general election campaign during the primary.
His extremely tacit endorsement is nothing more than "whistling past the graveyard" at this point.

Assuming that's true, are you a fan of that? Do you like a system where the nominee is essentially "anointed" a year before the general campaign even begins and isn't even challenged before the general? And do you think it was "out of bounds" for the only person who even came close to challenging her to bring up her ties to Wall Street?

Let me answer this for LTG and you can ignore every thing after. YES!

Author:  leashyourkids [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jill Stein

I'd definitely fuck her.

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