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All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for you
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Author:  Hussra [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for you ... e-bullies/

Author:  The Original Di Cairo [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Bout damn time.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Hussra wrote:

Hillary has said she wants to do something similar.


Now, this is only really directed at people criticizing Islam and questioning why the their leaders want tot destroy their nation, history, people and culture.

Sucks, but if Hillary gets in it will come here as well. She has said as much.

You’re going to hear all of the usual complaints, you know, freedom of speech, et cetera. But if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating. It’s more complicated with some of what they do on encrypted apps, and I’m well aware of that, and that requires even more thinking about how to do it.

That's a really flippant and nonchalant way to address the 1st Amendment, just imagine how much she hates and despises the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Scary stuff.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Hussra wrote:

Truly scary.

Author:  Chus [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

SomeGuy wrote:
Hussra wrote:

Hillary has said she wants to do something similar.


Now, this is only really directed at people criticizing Islam and questioning why the their leaders want tot destroy their nation, history, people and culture.

Sucks, but if Hillary gets in it will come here as well. She has said as much.

You’re going to hear all of the usual complaints, you know, freedom of speech, et cetera. But if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating. It’s more complicated with some of what they do on encrypted apps, and I’m well aware of that, and that requires even more thinking about how to do it.

That's a really flippant and nonchalant way to address the 1st Amendment, just imagine how much she hates and despises the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Scary stuff.

Settle down, champ. ... -amendment

Donald J. Drumpf wrote:
I think the media is among the most dishonest groups of people I’ve ever met. They’re terrible. If I become president, oh, do they have problems. They’re going to have such problems. One of the things I’m going to do if I win, and I hope we do, and we’re certainly leading, is I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re going to open up those libel laws so that when The New York Times writes a hit piece, which is a total disgrace, or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.

He has repeatedly encouraged his supporters to use physical violence against those exercising their 1st amendment right to protest his rallies.

He also said he would shut down the internet, if it meant catching Muslims, whatever that means.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Good, you walk into the bear cave, poke the bear and expect to get a hug and a cookie? Seems like those paid protesters are trying to shutdown a rally being held by law abiding citizens looking to exercise their 1st Amendment rights consisting of freedom of speech and right to peaceably assemble. Those paid agent provocateurs should be happy they left alive!

As for Mrs Clintoon, what Donald Trump said does not absolve her from being a corporate whore fascist. The scariest part is that she's a lawyer and has beem involved in high levels of government. Trump is just an outsider speaking for the people.


Author:  Chus [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

I can't wait to see how long you can keep this up.

Author:  Chus [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

SomeGuy wrote:
Good, you walk into the bear cave, poke the bear and expect to get a hug and a cookie? Seems like those paid protesters are trying to shutdown a rally being held by law abiding citizens looking to exercise their 1st Amendment rights consisting of freedom of speech and right to peaceably assemble. Those paid agent provocateurs should be happy they left alive!

As for Mrs Clintoon, what Donald Trump said does not absolve her from being a corporate whore fascist. The scariest part is that she's a lawyer and has beem involved in high levels of government. Trump is just an outsider speaking for the people.


Way to move the goalposts. Which amendment would he violate first? :lol: ... le/2581763

DING! DING! All aboard the Drumpf train. Next stop, derailment.

Author:  Baby McNown [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Once he sobers up he will get bored with it. How long will that take? Nobody is quite sure.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Clintoon is totally cool because someone else said something too!

Never thought you'd join in that line of thinking, CHUS!

You are a Clintoon enabler!


Author:  Chus [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

SomeGuy wrote:
Clintoon is totally cool because someone else said something too!

Never thought you'd join in that line of thinking, CHUS!

You are a Clintoon enabler!



Author:  Chus [ Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All You Bullies Hide Your IPs/Scotland Yard's coming for

Someguy, you can kiss your subscription to goodbye, if Drumpf takes office. :lol: ... e15eb701fc

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