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ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)
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Author:  sinicalypse [ Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)

idk about you guys, but sometimes when i'm caught up neck-deep in ARRRRRGHHHHH i just gotta run.... i run so far away... tryin'ta get away! this strategy actually worked brilliantly during that big cubs comeback game in SF-- i purposely avoided the game as much as possible (and even somehow managed to avoid finding out the final score til appx 5am the next day) and in the end IT WORKED! OH LORD YES IT WORKED LIKE IT HAS A HUGE VOCABULARY THAT'S STRANGELY LACKING THE WORD "WELFARE!"

so with that in mind, for those of you not chanting "WE DON'T QUIT!" in an inside-out "rally cap" right now, i offer you THE ABC BUNKER(TM) in the hopes of providing a nice oasis from all things cubs for a moment, a minute, an inning, or god forbid: even an evening if that's how far you wanna go.

personally i just threw on my ~40min mix of the very best of those ~250 vintage unreleased tracks that aphex twin threw on soundcloud last year, and even tho my style can kindly be called "trollglitch" i'll still maintain that it's fun to get grabbed by a groove and have to find a way to make your chunkyfunkymunky[youknowwhatsnext] ass move!..... however i definitely maintain that i'm not doing this thread to spam my stupid afxmix, it's just that i happen to have the unique ability to share things like this en masse because the internets seem to like me for some [obviously unknown] reason/s.

sooooooo uhhhh did anyone see part 3 of the james o'keefe / project veritas videos? the donald duck shit? [yes, i know o'keefe is a felon and <article from salon'huffpo/daily-KOS goes here> but still, even if a totally reprehensible piece of shit personally went out there and showed a lil extra thigh to get the job done, man oh man, it's crazy (sad) to see this stuff (that donald rumsfeld could classify as a "known unknown") be presented to you not only so matter-of-factly, but so casually/lulzy that it's just like..... man oh man can we get this election over with anyways?

[2 on 2 out while i'm typing all of this.... see why this thread exists? WE CAN HAS #SCHWARBERTIME!!!]

that said time to go sod off and take a piss. hey did anyone notice they're throwing up full subbed episodes of dragonball super on youtube lately? today's honest trailer is for the nightmare before christmas and then, of course, cinemasins did the da vinci code today (cuz they always seem to wanna link up with new/ly-released movies by hitting up predecessors/prequels/etc to have some content out there that's related to a new/hip/now movie release cuz i guess you make some decent $$$ off of tha t00bz if you can cosistently get 100k-1mil views on your videos? idk how tht works for them cuz my ABP takes care of me like it knows it's doing the lord's work.

TLDR = i've just been trying to suggest a multitude of topics/distractions to get you away from the perpetual torture that is the rest of this cubs game. anyone got any other/better ideas?

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)

You missed the 2005 Game 1 rewatch.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)

Terry's Peeps wrote:
You missed the 2005 Game 1 rewatch.

good call speeps.... hey btw are you PSYCHED for Lesnar vs Goldberg 2: Electric Bugaloo? i seriously dont know why the WWE is bringing bill back to go and re-create arguably the worst mania ME of all time, but still.... watching him sweat out there in his way overpriced affliction jacket (isaw that they sell nate diaz t-shirts..... FOR $55!!!!! LOL!) giving this 3/4-assed promo (cuz you know cuttin hot promos = what got bill over back in the day. duh! #LegendOnTheStick!) = this feels just like orton vs bork lazer all over again..... just some completely out of leftifeld thing like "JHEY IT'S TWO MEGA-STARS WRASSLIN.... YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A BAGSHITTER TO APPRECIATE JUST HOW AWESOME THIS MATCH/UP IS!!!!

now let's kick this into high gear: if you REALLY wanna get over the cubs i've got two things that will literally make your day/night/morning/[continuum-outside-space/time] > > THE 2014 CURIOUS HAIR SEAL OF APPROVAL AWARD WINNING [INSERT MATING CALL/CATERWAUL HERE] ....... [DRUM ROLL] ....... TESS ELLEN!

yeah she has a few videos that you can pretty much find here but hey, if you just ignore the initial thumbnail on the "Exciting fruit bar" and come in with an open mind and an open fly..... yeah!

Damien Sandow wrote:

or i guess you can just always check out the coolhole. sometimes they watch movies-currently-in-theaters in there, sometimes they watch LEXX, sometimes they watch idubbz, sometimes it's random shit. ... IIRC they tend to run "the hole" from sun-weds so it should be right in y'all wheelhouse!

so anyways i'm trying to offer up distractions.... and i am in no way trying to show up the 2005 WS viewing parties/threads.... brilliant idea speeps.... just like LESNAR GOLDBERG 2 : PAY BILL (think "KILL BILL" here =)

anyways if you're someone with eyes to watch and a mind to think you know that H&I is finishing up their DS9 episode b4 voyager and enterprise ( all 3 are on season 4 right now) so between that and for the "opinionated voyager/DS9/enterprise episode guide"s, yeap, it's time to roll with the old people's network that dethroned adult swim in this household with one fell swoop of 90s-00s star trek spinoffs..... CUZ I'VE GOT FAITH.... OF THE HEART!

Author:  good dolphin [ Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)

sinicalypse wrote:
idk about you guys, but sometimes when i'm caught up neck-deep in ARRRRRGHHHHH i just gotta run.... i run so far away... tryin'ta get away! this strategy actually worked brilliantly during that big cubs comeback game in SF-- i purposely avoided the game as much as possible (and even somehow managed to avoid finding out the final score til appx 5am the next day) and in the end IT WORKED! OH LORD YES IT WORKED LIKE IT HAS A HUGE VOCABULARY THAT'S STRANGELY LACKING THE WORD "WELFARE!"

so with that in mind, for those of you not chanting "WE DON'T QUIT!" in an inside-out "rally cap" right now, i offer you THE ABC BUNKER(TM) in the hopes of providing a nice oasis from all things cubs for a moment, a minute, an inning, or god forbid: even an evening if that's how far you wanna go.

personally i just threw on my ~40min mix of the very best of those ~250 vintage unreleased tracks that aphex twin threw on soundcloud last year, and even tho my style can kindly be called "trollglitch" i'll still maintain that it's fun to get grabbed by a groove and have to find a way to make your chunkyfunkymunky[youknowwhatsnext] ass move!..... however i definitely maintain that i'm not doing this thread to spam my stupid afxmix, it's just that i happen to have the unique ability to share things like this en masse because the internets seem to like me for some [obviously unknown] reason/s.

sooooooo uhhhh did anyone see part 3 of the james o'keefe / project veritas videos? the donald duck shit? [yes, i know o'keefe is a felon and <article from salon'huffpo/daily-KOS goes here> but still, even if a totally reprehensible piece of shit personally went out there and showed a lil extra thigh to get the job done, man oh man, it's crazy (sad) to see this stuff (that donald rumsfeld could classify as a "known unknown") be presented to you not only so matter-of-factly, but so casually/lulzy that it's just like..... man oh man can we get this election over with anyways?

[2 on 2 out while i'm typing all of this.... see why this thread exists? WE CAN HAS #SCHWARBERTIME!!!]

that said time to go sod off and take a piss. hey did anyone notice they're throwing up full subbed episodes of dragonball super on youtube lately? today's honest trailer is for the nightmare before christmas and then, of course, cinemasins did the da vinci code today (cuz they always seem to wanna link up with new/ly-released movies by hitting up predecessors/prequels/etc to have some content out there that's related to a new/hip/now movie release cuz i guess you make some decent $$$ off of tha t00bz if you can cosistently get 100k-1mil views on your videos? idk how tht works for them cuz my ABP takes care of me like it knows it's doing the lord's work.

TLDR = i've just been trying to suggest a multitude of topics/distractions to get you away from the perpetual torture that is the rest of this cubs game. anyone got any other/better ideas?

Go outside.

SICP v. Montini Friday night. I'll sneak you out some cocktails as well.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)

Good Dolphin wrote:
Go outside.
Indeed that's what i'm doing tonight cuz holy shit I managed an impromptu crack nap and woke up to see 1-2 become 1-3. I've got this week's Supernatural locked and loaded buy b4 that i'm heading to CVS to see if they've got some Dean's Egg Nog.

First batch was shit ("meh" as euphemism) 2nd bottle of 1st batch (big family party w/kids a-gogo) was better. 2nd batch was like "heyyyy u know this is aboutvright" --- 3rd batch I got at jewel yesterday = ON POINT (til the SoCo comes anyways) so I'm going to CVS to see if thru have any dean's egg nog cuz I want one more ON POINT quart.

Problem is = you might remember that one cokehead/ish dude @ cvs follows me around the store ever since he mistakenly accused me of shoplifting in DEC 2014. Its humiliating when I go in there with my dad to get prescriptions and I got this disheveled cokehead following us around so if I see him tonight i'm gonna tapevhim.... Wish mebluck!

(The preceding was intentionally TLDR to avoid TGE cubs and hopevthat the lack of me = makes them do better. You're welcome!

Stay tuned true believers!

Author:  BeerFan [ Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ABC Bunker (Anything But Cubs)

I love lead off walks.


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