Chicago Fanatics Message Board

What Should You Do?
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Author:  pittmike [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  What Should You Do?

In this thread I would like to know what people should do. Really it is a question of personal responsibility. We argue all the time about need or drug testing and all that. No one reasonably says starve the poor.

So what should be the criteria for aid?

I am not talking about soup kitchens on state street.

What's the level of poor?

For myself it is homeless. Many on this board I doubt personally know homeless people. And if they do it's theoretically.

In closing most of you are full of shit.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

I love you, Mike.

Author:  Panther pislA [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Author:  FavreFan [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

pittmike wrote:
No one reasonably says starve the poor.

Libertarians being constantly disrespected.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

pittmike wrote:
In this thread I would like to know what people should do. Really it is a question of personal responsibility. We argue all the time about need or drug testing and all that. No one reasonably says starve the poor.

So what should be the criteria for aid?

I am not talking about soup kitchens on state street.

What's the level of poor?

For myself it is homeless. Many on this board I doubt personally know homeless people. And if they do it's theoretically.

In closing most of you are full of shit.

I'm willing to eliminate all welfare, including corporate welfare. You feel the same way?

Author:  denisdman [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

I would love to eliminate all corporate welfare. We absolutely need a social welfare safety net for people. Drug testing is a bad idea....big brother anyone?

Author:  Chet Coppock's Fur Coat [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Having grown up in a family which owned a Loop diner, and having worked myself part-time in the Loop for all of the 80s, and since 2002, I get the most angry at the psuedo homeless who manage to find enough resources to panhandle, sell streetwise, do their "hey can i get money for the train to Waukegan" shit.

I don't mean the truly mentally ill. We had a lot of those folks come through our place in the 80s. They need our help, but cash isn't the answer. My dad fed all of them, even the guy who slugged my mom in the back one day because he was off of his meds, got taken to Dunning for 72 hours, and came back and apologized. But he also knew who was bullshitting, who was pulling in $100/day back in the early 80s on fake PTSD Vietnam Vet scams to tourists getting into the city at the Greyhound (back when it was at Randolph and Lake) and Trailways bus stations.

There's a guy who hustles money "for the homeless" every business day between 2:30-3:15pm at the Starbucks across the street from my office. Well, he won't be there on MLK Day or President's Day - can't make enough money those days. He won't stay past 3:15pm. He won't actually do anything to help society. And business must be good, because he's been there for four or five fucking years now. You'd think he'd have earned enough to get a Greyhound ticket someplace warmer....

There's another guy who has been at that same Starbucks about once a week during 2016, usually late mornings. Definitely really down on his luck. Could have mental illness issues but he really doesn't say much so hard to tell. He'll stay there for an hour or two, and hel'll open doors for people and say hello and try and be a productive member of society in his own way. If somebody drops something, he'll help them pick it up. I'll give him a buck or two whenever I see him.

Sadly, this means that I don't give money directly to the homeless. I'll donate to the food pantries, I'd donate when my ex-barber (RIP) who was a Vietnam Vet used to volunteer for a group that would take a cargo van downtown at 4am on a Sunday morning with supplies. Hell, I'd even go on a run with them if he was still around.

I'm heading into the city now to get breakfast at Manny's and do a rare Saturday in the office as it was the end of the fiscal year last week. I'm annoyed at myself reading this thread because this is the day I should have stuff to give to people, useful shit like soap and socks from the Dollar Store and a couple of fucking Rice Krispie bar (52 for $8 at Costco).

So thank you for posting this thread.

Author:  Darkside [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Yeah ok. And what of the fact that so many of these homeless you say should just be put to work are suffering from mental illness? What kind of work would you have them doing?

Author:  SpiralStairs [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Darkside wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Yeah ok. And what of the fact that so many of these homeless you say should just be put to work are suffering from mental illness? What kind of work would you have them doing?

Suckin' dick.

Author:  Brick [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

We should pay someone who works full time a wage they can live on.

Author:  SpiralStairs [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Boilermaker Rick wrote:
We should pay someone who works full time a wage they can live on.

If we uploaded our consciousness into machines we wouldn't need money for anything. The answer to Mike's question is to sit around patiently and embrace the singularity when it comes.

Author:  RFDC [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive.


Author:  Telegram Sam [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

I like Mike's poem.

Author:  Nas [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Darkside wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Yeah ok. And what of the fact that so many of these homeless you say should just be put to work are suffering from mental illness? What kind of work would you have them doing?


Author:  Chus [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

RFDC wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive.


to pull rickshaws means more than just strong legs. You're also going to need a well-toned upper body....or a shirt.

Author:  Chet Coppock's Fur Coat [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

The second guy I mentioned earlier was outside the Starbucks when I got to work. 8:30am, a few tourists in the place because there are five hotels within a block and a half. But mostly, he's just trying to stay warm. I gave him all the change I had, a little less than $2. Hope it helps him.

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

I took in a homeless guy when I was living in Rock Island. He got kicked out of the mental health group home he was living in because he could not follow the rules. He was camping out in abandoned garages and stuff. I would let him use my shower and I would let him hang out in my place to keep warm. Let him stay overnight when weather was too rough. I gave him my sleeping bag. People told me not to let him in my place,turns out they where right. One night he got raging drunk was calling his other friend and making threats on him, I was throwing him out. Had to call police he wound up trashing my place, throwing shit all over broke two doors and all kinds of shit. Did $800 worth of damage that I had to pay the landlord.

Author:  Panther pislA [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Darkside wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Yeah ok. And what of the fact that so many of these homeless you say should just be put to work are suffering from mental illness? What kind of work would you have them doing?

Easy One. Basket-weaving.


Author:  shakes [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

pittmike wrote:
In this thread I would like to know what people should do. Really it is a question of personal responsibility. We argue all the time about need or drug testing and all that. No one reasonably says starve the poor.

So what should be the criteria for aid?

I am not talking about soup kitchens on state street.

What's the level of poor?

For myself it is homeless. Many on this board I doubt personally know homeless people. And if they do it's theoretically.

In closing most of you are full of shit.

what in the fuck are you even talking about?

Author:  Chus [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

chaspoppcap wrote:
I took in a homeless guy when I was living in Rock Island. He got kicked out of the mental health group home he was living in because he could not follow the rules. He was camping out in abandoned garages and stuff. I would let him use my shower and I would let him hang out in my place to keep warm. Let him stay overnight when weather was too rough. I gave him my sleeping bag. People told me not to let him in my place,turns out they where right. One night he got raging drunk was calling his other friend and making threats on him, I was throwing him out. Had to call police he wound up trashing my place, throwing shit all over broke two doors and all kinds of shit. Did $800 worth of damage that I had to pay the landlord.

Did. Not. Happen.

Author:  Panther pislA [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

chaspoppcap wrote:
I took in a homeless guy when I was living in Rock Island. He got kicked out of the mental health group home he was living in because he could not follow the rules. He was camping out in abandoned garages and stuff. I would let him use my shower and I would let him hang out in my place to keep warm. Let him stay overnight when weather was too rough. I gave him my sleeping bag. People told me not to let him in my place,turns out they where right. One night he got raging drunk was calling his other friend and making threats on him, I was throwing him out. Had to call police he wound up trashing my place, throwing shit all over broke two doors and all kinds of shit. Did $800 worth of damage that I had to pay the landlord.

So, did you end up getting HIV from him or what?

Finish the story, man!

Author:  pittmike [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

What drunk fuck started this?

Author:  Chus [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

pittmike wrote:
What drunk fuck started this?


Author:  veganfan21 [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

denisdman wrote:
I would love to eliminate all corporate welfare. We absolutely need a social welfare safety net for people. Drug testing is a bad idea....big brother anyone?

I assumed you weren't in favor of a safety net. I stand corrected.

Author:  a retard [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

chaspoppcap wrote:
I took in a homeless guy when I was living in Rock Island. He got kicked out of the mental health group home he was living in because he could not follow the rules. He was camping out in abandoned garages and stuff. I would let him use my shower and I would let him hang out in my place to keep warm. Let him stay overnight when weather was too rough. I gave him my sleeping bag. People told me not to let him in my place,turns out they where right. One night he got raging drunk was calling his other friend and making threats on him, I was throwing him out. Had to call police he wound up trashing my place, throwing shit all over broke two doors and all kinds of shit. Did $800 worth of damage that I had to pay the landlord.

He wants to kill all Muslims - nearly 25% of the world's population - yet takes in unknown crazed crackheads :!: :?: :!: :?:

Author:  Seacrest [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

a retard wrote:
chaspoppcap wrote:
I took in a homeless guy when I was living in Rock Island. He got kicked out of the mental health group home he was living in because he could not follow the rules. He was camping out in abandoned garages and stuff. I would let him use my shower and I would let him hang out in my place to keep warm. Let him stay overnight when weather was too rough. I gave him my sleeping bag. People told me not to let him in my place,turns out they where right. One night he got raging drunk was calling his other friend and making threats on him, I was throwing him out. Had to call police he wound up trashing my place, throwing shit all over broke two doors and all kinds of shit. Did $800 worth of damage that I had to pay the landlord.

He wants to kill all Muslims - nearly 25% of the world's population - yet takes in unknown crazed crackheads :!: :?: :!: :?:


Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Darkside wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Yeah ok. And what of the fact that so many of these homeless you say should just be put to work are suffering from mental illness? What kind of work would you have them doing?
They could be doctors. I mean, Panther almost took the MCATs and he is clearly unstable.

Author:  Nas [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Seacrest wrote:
a retard wrote:
chaspoppcap wrote:
I took in a homeless guy when I was living in Rock Island. He got kicked out of the mental health group home he was living in because he could not follow the rules. He was camping out in abandoned garages and stuff. I would let him use my shower and I would let him hang out in my place to keep warm. Let him stay overnight when weather was too rough. I gave him my sleeping bag. People told me not to let him in my place,turns out they where right. One night he got raging drunk was calling his other friend and making threats on him, I was throwing him out. Had to call police he wound up trashing my place, throwing shit all over broke two doors and all kinds of shit. Did $800 worth of damage that I had to pay the landlord.

He wants to kill all Muslims - nearly 25% of the world's population - yet takes in unknown crazed crackheads :!: :?: :!: :?:


Agreed. Whenever he tells a story I assume he's lying. Same is true for Scooter.

Author:  Panther pislA [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?

Frank Coztansa wrote:
Darkside wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
Put the homeless to work doing something productive. Boom - they have healthcare, a place to sleep and are contributing to society.

Easy one. Don't even have to make it mandatory.

Yeah ok. And what of the fact that so many of these homeless you say should just be put to work are suffering from mental illness? What kind of work would you have them doing?
They could be doctors. I mean, Panther almost took the MCATs and he is clearly unstable.

You wake up every morning wishing you could be me.

. . . and so does your girl. I understand how that might frustrate you, Bishop Boobies.

:afro: :pirat: :cat:

Author:  Darkside [ Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Should You Do?


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