leashyourkids wrote:
These are not partisan questions (which shouldn't matter because Trump isn't a real Repub)...
Please answer these questions without any regard for his previous opponents or his party affiliation or how bad that big bad meanie from Park Ridge and Arkansas is... Just yes or no, please... (Ha! no)
Is Donald Trump a moral person?
It depends on your definition of moral. I say no, and I think he displays a cynical disregard for morality- certainly in the Judaeo-Christian sense. He would likely subscribe to the notion that what is right is what he wants.
Is Donald Trump trustworthy?
No, he is by his very nature duplicitous.
Is Donald Trump knowledgeable of how the U.S. government works?
Probably not. Possibly in theory, but he has never held a public office.
Is Donald Trump knowledgeable of the philosophical reasons for why Democracy is preferrable?
Its much harder to judge intent than it is to observe behavior, but his behavior is certainly dictatorial.
Is Donald Trump relatively knowledgeable of how the U.S. was formed?
Probably doesn't care.
If you asked Donald Trump about his thoughts on the Articles of Confederation, could he answer?
(see above)
Could Donald Trump define his basic ideology?
Yes, but he won't because that would mean submitting to somebody who is asking him to explain himself.
Could Donald Trump explain the importance of the second amendment?
Yes, in that he realizes that its important to pander to people who think that its the only amendment that matters.
Could Donald Trump elaborate on the fear of the tyranny of the majority?
You mean how the majority of Americans did not cast their ballot for him in the presidential election?
Could Donald Trump explain the importance of an independent and free press?
Yes, in that it is important for him to discredit anything that challenges his authority.
Could Donald Trump explain why his personal finances could be a conflict of interest in his role as president?
Could Donald Trump speak in an educated manner about the geopolitics of the Middle East?
Who cares? They're all brown people who are here to be exploited.
Could Donald Trump explain the importance of the concept of "innocent until proven guilty"?
Less important than the concept of "money greasing the wheels."
Could Donald Trump adequately answer as to why there is a risk to performing a religious test for immigrants to this country?
Probably, but being divisive is key to his strategy.
Could Donald Trump name a single Western philosopher and elaborate on his/her impact?
Big Fan of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, and Niccolò Machiavelli.
Is Donald Trump a man of faith?
He is a man of cynicism.
Is Donald Trump aware of what American Exceptiinalism is?
He's exceptional, just ask him.
Is Donald Trump aware of why freedom and personal liberty is such an important part of American culture?
These are leading questions, its almost like you are trying to tread Trump's liberty.
Does Donald Trump understand why abuse of our judicial system is detrimental to our entire system?
Those who are not strong, like him, deserve to be abused by the system.
Can Donald Trump explain why his ability to sue others on a whim is a regressive affront to a fair and equitable justice system?
I like turtles... You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise, it's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. Why are you not helping???
just a few...