Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Playboy: It Was A Mistake
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Author:  newper [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Playboy: It Was A Mistake

One year after scrapping nude photos, ending a decades-old tradition for the Beverly Hills-based men's magazine, the March/April issue will again feature women posing in the buff, the publication announced today.

"I'll be the first to admit that the way in which the magazine portrayed nudity was dated, but removing it entirely was a mistake,'' said Cooper Hefner, the son of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and the magazine's chief creative officer. "Nudity was never the problem because nudity isn't a problem. Today we're taking our identity back and reclaiming who we are.''

Why this struck anyone as a good idea in the first place is beyond me. When you ask a random person what comes to mind when you think of Playboy, the answer is most likely to be naked women. People subscribe to your magazine because they like to look at naked women (and of course, read the articles.) It is like McDonald's deciding to get rid of the Big Mac, because it was around in the 60s and it dates the brand.

On Cooper's behalf, I remember he was completely against this when the magazine decided to do it in February. By May, the CEO was let go.

Author:  GoldenJet [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Playboy: It Was A Mistake

Now, if only this message board would see the light...

Author:  Walt Williams Neck [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Playboy: It Was A Mistake

Stupid as New Coke and Classic Coke just a stupid idea....must be a bunch of yes men on the Playboy board

Author:  Hockey Gay [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Playboy: It Was A Mistake

GoldenJet wrote:
Now, if only this message board would see the light...

Won't happen. The three wisemen proved that they're beta cucks by getting rid of it in the first place. You cant save white knights who have been indoctrinated by feminism. It is what it is.

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