The shit is really hitting the fan now with this Hawaiian judge ruling against the second Trump travel ban. Every time Trump issues an executive order the liberals don't like, they will sue him in federal court for injunctive-relief, using a judge they've already shopped. Obama didn't just go to Hawaii to play golf. He was talking to the same judge that he had appointed.
What Obama is doing is sedition/treason. He needs to be frog-marched in handcuffs into federal prison. I don't give a hoot that he's a former President. All the more reason that he should be put behind bars, because there can be only one sitting President, no matter how much he wants to be back in power. Abe Lincoln once preached about how a "divided house cannot stand" in reference to slavery. Well, that's exactly what's going on here now.
The liberals are just asking that they be taken out now. ... al-crisis/