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Would your dad do this?
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Author:  jimmypasta [ Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Would your dad do this?

Author:  Sonny LoSpecchio [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

Lorenzo the Busdriver was never too bright. Nice guy, good father, but not too smart.

Author:  Jaw Breaker [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

Good scene, but this was my fav from that movie:

Author:  FavreFan [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

Yeah, now youse can't leave is easily the best scene of that movie.

Chris Coghlan isn't gonna pay your rent, Jimmy.

Author:  JORR [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

When I was a kid there was a drug store at Devon and Crawford (that's Pulaski for good dolphin) called Mal's Pharmacy. Once I was in there with my mom and I wanted some candy. I was maybe six or seven at the time. My mother was busy getting a prescription or shopping for some sundries so I grabbed two packs of Smarties and put them in my pocket. I planned to give them to her to pay for when we got to the register. I was probably thinking if I sprang the candy on her that way she would be too embarrassed not to buy it for me. Anyway, I forgot to pull the Smarties out. Later that day I was home and eating them and my mom asked where I got the candy. I hemmed and hawed and the truth came out. My father made me walk over to Mal's and hand the fucking fifteen cents or whatever it was to Mr. Perlow who was the proprietor. Talk about embarrassing. I didn't steal again for awhile.

Author:  Nas [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

One of my favorite movies of all time. I cried when Sonny got killed. He was right about the door test.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

FavreFan wrote:
Yeah, now youse can't leave is easily the best scene of that movie.

Chris Coghlan isn't gonna pay your rent, Jimmy.


Thanks for my new sig!

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would your dad do this?

Nas wrote:
One of my favorite movies of all time. I cried when Sonny got killed. He was right about the door test.

There were a lot of good father and son examples in the movie. Great film. The best mob movies are really about the dynamics of family.

I see these representations of the first half of the 20th century and am always interested in how whole families lived in 1-2 bedroom apartments while people today think whole houses are not sufficiently big.

My mom grew up in a two flat across the street from Kilbourn Park. She was an only child. They had two bedrooms, a small kitchen a dining room and den. We used to go there for Christmas day and even with eight people I never considered the place small. I would if I lived there. They owned it so the backyard was their's to use and the park was across the street but it had to be tight during the winter months.

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