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Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?
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Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread? ... ie-disney/

In your new book 12 Rules For Life, you’re very critical of Frozen. Why do you call it “deeply propagandistic”?
It attempted to write a modern fable that was a counter-narrative to a classic story like, let’s say, Sleeping Beauty — but with no understanding whatsoever of the underlying archetypal dynamics. You could say that Sleeping Beauty was raised out of her unconsciousness via a delivering male. Another way of reading the story is that unconsciousness requires active consciousness as an antidote. And the unconsciousness is symbolized in that particular story by femininity and active consciousness by masculinity. I could hardly sit through Frozen. There was an attempt to craft a moral message and to build the story around that, instead of building the story and letting the moral message emerge. It was the subjugation of art to propaganda, in my estimation.

Not just a lovely story about sisterhood?
No, not just a lovely story about sisterhood. No, ‘fraid not. No, you don’t spend tens of millions of dollars on a carefully crafted narrative that’s just a lovely story unless that’s what you’re trying to tell. That isn’t what the people who made Frozen were trying to tell. Not in my estimation.

You regard it as more propagandistic than say, The Little Mermaid?
Those other movies are based on folktales that are maybe — some of those folktales have been traced back 13,000 years.

Aren’t we allowed to make up new stories?

Not for political reasons.

I wish we had audio of this. "Noooo, fraid nawt" needs to be heard in an Alberta accent.

Author:  Juice's Lecture Notes [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

No, you don’t spend tens of millions of dollars on a carefully crafted narrative that’s just a lovely story unless that’s what you’re trying to tell.

...uhh, K.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Who is he and why do I care?

Author:  Hatchetman [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Can’t comment never seen Frozen.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Don Tiny wrote:
Who is he and why do I care?

He's an idiot who happens to be correct about one important topic which gave him notoriety.

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

The use of "deeply" has become as much of a red flag to me as words like "microaggression", "cis-gendered", "problematic," etc. that copious amounts of bullshit lie ahead

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Don Tiny wrote:
Who is he and why do I care?

He's a psychology professor at the University of Toronto who has reinvented himself on YouTube as a thought leader of the alt-right.

Author:  SpiralStairs [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

leashyourkids wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Who is he and why do I care?

He's an idiot who happens to be correct about one important topic which gave him notoriety.


Author:  Hatchetman [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Brief google search finds his main theory is that men should stop acting like little Caller Bobs.

Author:  America [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

He's fine. So far down the list of problems he's not even worth mentioning in a negative light.

After we send 50 million liberals to the gas chambers we can talk about Jordan Peterson.

Author:  shirtless driver [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

I suppose it's more lucrative than being a 'thought leader' on the CFMB?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

shirtless driver wrote:
I suppose it's more lucrative than being a 'thought leader' on the CFMB?

Yeah, he's making a ton of money to fixate on Jungian archetypes while sounding like a cross between an NHL color commentator and Kermit the Frog. Meanwhile, our own sinicalypse stalked a teenage girl and wrote a whole concept album about it and didn't see a dime for his troubles.

Author:  shirtless driver [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
Meanwhile, our own sinicalypse stalked a teenage girl and wrote a whole concept album about it and didn't see a dime for his troubles.

that's only because he's not allowed to have money. I'm sure he's moving more units than Migos.
At least he has his Angels hat, and his dumpster. That's really all one needs in life.

Author:  hnd [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

he was great before he delved into marketing himself as a knight against SJW's. now he's a hard twitter follow. not that i necessarily disagree with all his points all the time but because its just like, really, this is what you want to be known for? but i imagine the money is there so can't really blame him.

its disappointing for guys who enjoyed Maps of Meaning and his other works.

guys like him and Vox Day were interesting to read and follow until this war against the SJW started a few years back.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

hnd wrote:
he was great before he delved into marketing himself as a knight against SJW's. now he's a hard twitter follow. not that i necessarily disagree with all his points all the time but because its just like, really, this is what you want to be known for? but i imagine the money is there so can't really blame him.

That's the problem with getting your income from a tip jar. If only academia had developed a means by which its members could do their work without being at the mercy of their customers.

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Don Tiny wrote:
Who is he and why do I care?

I feel like I'm not missing out on so many things in life.

Throw him into the Linda Sarsour group of easily avoided "newsmakers."

Author:  hnd [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
hnd wrote:
he was great before he delved into marketing himself as a knight against SJW's. now he's a hard twitter follow. not that i necessarily disagree with all his points all the time but because its just like, really, this is what you want to be known for? but i imagine the money is there so can't really blame him.

That's the problem with getting your income from a tip jar. If only academia had developed a means by which its members could do their work without being at the mercy of their customers.

i had no idea this stuff was going on and i saw he was going to be on Joe Rogan a few years ago or maybe just a year ago. don't remember. i was so excited because i think joe is a good interviewer for the most part.

all he talked about were justice warriors, anti-fa, and freaking kekistan or whatever the hell that is. so disappointed.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Jordan Peterson as tough guy in a bar in Mt. Greenwood: yeah I almost kicked this guy's ass but I didn't and also the guy was a baby

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Jordan is a girl's first name and the he is from Canada.

Author:  Juice's Lecture Notes [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
Jordan Peterson as tough guy in a bar in Mt. Greenwood: yeah I almost kicked this guy's ass but I didn't and also the guy was a baby

Quad City Jordan. Except Pat would never admit that he didn't do the thing he just claimed to have done.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

My guy dressed like Howard Cosell hit a really rough patch.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?


Interview with Jordan Peterson's daughter who only eats beef. They must have to do a Chernobyl-level evacuation of her entire neighborhood every time she takes a dump.

Author:  Cashman [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
YouTube as a thought leader of the alt-right.

No he isn't. Not sure how he is alt right if he is Canadian. He has said, he is not political. Other than psychology, he talks about how bad Hitler and the Nazi's were and free speech in Canada.

Author:  Cashman [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
Jordan Peterson as tough guy in a bar in Mt. Greenwood: yeah I almost kicked this guy's ass but I didn't and also the guy was a baby

I guess you've never heard of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or have had children.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Everyone who disagrees with CH is alt-right.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

You think Jordan Peterson has nothing to do with the nascent right-wing youth movement?

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
You think Jordan Peterson has nothing to do with the nascent right-wing youth movement?

He has as much to do with the alt-right youth as the rebellious upper-middle class Protestant youth has to do with the SJW totalitarian left.

You’re obviously not a dumb guy, but sometimes you twist yourself in knots to make things fit your warped world view.

Author:  Cashman [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

Curious Hair wrote:
You think Jordan Peterson has nothing to do with the nascent right-wing youth movement?

No! What the hell are you smoking? A guy who studying Nazism and how bad it is, contributes to alt right movement? A lot of his talks have to do with the differences between men and women.

I think there are a lot of reasons for the shift to more of a right wing thinking. Part of it is probably the middle class shrinking. I think a big part of it might be the left villainizing being a white male.

In one of Peterson's video's that is in a classroom, he identifying that for some reason, he is noticing more and more white men at his speeches and watching his youtube channel. I want to say, he thinks it has to do with women/men's roles when it comes to responsibilities. Women's are spelled out and Men's are not.

Author:  WaitingforRuffcorn [ Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

You have a terrible adherence to terrible ideas CH. Rascist.

Author:  GoldenJet [ Sun Aug 12, 2018 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jordan Peterson is a grifting dipshit: rolling thread?

He's the genius who blames women for their own abuse?

Isn't there a faction of internet nerds who can't get laid, so they hate women that revere him?

This guy doesn't deserve any facetime.

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