For awhile there, science was saying they were kind of our equals because all descendants north of sub-Sahara have a low percentage of neanderthal blood. It turns out arrowheads were found in a cave of cro magnons and not in caves of neanderthals.
Neanderthals, our closest relatives, who split off from us some hundreds of thousands of years ago, had their own tools, but no known projectile weapons like arrows or spear-throwers. This may have been for cultural reasons, or, in the polite parlance of science, a result of cognitive limitations. I don't have to be polite, though. They saw us taking down tasty deer and elk from a safe distance with our extremely cool and useful archery, and still couldn't figure it out? That's big-time evolutionary loser behavior. Durr, I'm a Neanderthal, I'm going to keep poking my prey with a long sharp stick even though that guy over there is shooting them from far enough away that they don't even recognize him as a threat.
If you're a Neanderthal reader who takes offense to this characterization, you may register your outrage by emailing our complaint line. Oh wait. You can't email us, because you're probably too stupid to use email, and you're also extinct. Scoreboard!
As for you, human reader, the blood of geniuses flows through your veins. I think you should take a little victory lap this morning, for belonging to the only species that was smart enough to invent the bow and arrow, agriculture, and the Nintendo Switch.
Ah, but there's a coda to this story. Neanderthals didn't just disappear. Unless you're of sub-Saharan African descent, Neanderthal DNA makes up a few percentage points of your genome. That's right: We had sex with them. This might have been a tricky courtship, because they had a limited vocal range and certainly didn't speak the same language. So how'd it happen? Researchers are too busy to wonder, but maybe should, if we didn't impress hot Neanderthal babes with our sick archery skills. Maybe the bow and arrow helped us conquer the world and get laid.