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 Post subject: Flashbacks
PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:12 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:25 pm
Posts: 27055
Anyone remember in your teen years when you did acid and people said you'll get flashbacks in your 40s? I've been pissed I haven't gotten any but I actually did the other night. It was a dream so I'm not entirely thrilled about that but it was absolutely insane how real it was. I was at knee high deep lake with a bunch of people partying and there was hot women naked and when we all went into the house I realized I was tripping, we all were. It got intense as fuck but I loved it, and I tried following this one girl and we ended up at a gazebo looking for shoes. Then some people came up to us freaking out to get off their property and we couldn't understand why they were mad, so I kept looking for the shoes and I thought how I didn't want to stop tripping and that's when I suddenly woke up. Bed was a mess, covered in sweat and sheets everywhere. Heart was racing. Fucking weird... And I remember most of it days later? What the fuck is that shit I never remember dreams. If I die soon let people know I was bigfan.

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