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Serious Question for the Group...
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Author:  Ugueth Will Shiv You [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Serious Question for the Group...

Comical replies are certainly welcome and completely expected.

Here's the deal: my wife and I are friends with another couple who just recently had a child. We never really got along with the husband because he is your typical one-upper. A little bit crazy, not a strong work ethic, a little bit of a free-loader (his wife makes much more than him). Also ex-military, which he likes to brag about on a daily basis. There was also some indiciation very early on (prior to their marriage) that he had been into selling/using pills and other drugs. We never had anything to go off of other than rumors, but whatever.

Fast-forward to a few months ago. This guy starts acting all sorts of weird leading up to the birth their daughter. Really hyperactive, really fidgety, so on and so on. Personality differences are very noticable.

His wife quickly learns that he's been using pills and - via reading a text message or two - also learns he is selling them as well. She confronts him about it, which sets him off and ultimately leads to him getting hospitalized for a "mild overdose". Stomach gets pumped, whole nine yards.

While this is happening we learn that he was actually dishonorably discharged from the Air Force for selling drugs in the past. Interesting.

Things seemed to get a little better for them for awhile, but now the erratic behavior has started again for this guy. He still has pills in the house, but he swears up and down that he isn't using them anymore. His wife has caught him in a few lies already regarding the drugs, but she also just takes a very passive approach to the whole thing. I attribute this to the frequent drug use among her own family members (meaning she's probably use to drugs always being around), but I'm no psychologist and that's just a guess. Whatever.

Long story short, my question is this:

Do my wife and I have a responsibility to say something to this guy? We obviously care very much for their daughter and for the wife, and we could really care less about him. Regardless, we understand that he is the husband to our friend and father to this young child.

We certainly don't want to make anything worse. I've never dealt directly with a drug addict before, so I'm pretty much at a loss right now as to where my responsibility as a concerned "person-in-the-know" begins and ends.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Author:  Brick [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Sounds like a "Wife Swap" would work wonders.

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Does he get pissed when Karen flushes the coke?

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

sjboyd0137 wrote:
Does he get pissed when Karen flushes the coke?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Ugueth Will Shiv You [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

sjboyd0137 wrote:
Does he get pissed when Karen flushes the coke?

No, but the spaghetti sauce is to die for.

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Ugueth Will Shiv You wrote:
sjboyd0137 wrote:
Does he get pissed when Karen flushes the coke?

No, but the spaghetti sauce is to die for.


I see witness protection in their future.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

my opinion: This is the wife's problem, not yours. She needs to handle it. preferably a final ultimatum and likely divorce, but again, her call. you can be supportive of her when need be.

Author:  Hawg Ass [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Getting in the way of people's marriages and problems can lead to bad things. As much as you want to get involved, I would advise not. Just support them the best way you can.

Author:  Ugueth Will Shiv You [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Hatchetman wrote:
my opinion: This is the wife's problem, not yours. She needs to handle it. preferably a final ultimatum and likely divorce, but again, her call. you can be supportive of her when need be.

Yeah, I can see it that way as well.

My wife and I are already distancing ourselves from this other couple because of this dude's behavior.

Author:  good dolphin [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Tell you wife you are going to ask the woman over to have a heart to heart discussion. Give them both lots of alcohol and while the friend is at her weakest and you wife is admiring you for being a caring guy, work it into a menage. Then tell the husband and collect the insurance after he takes it badly. Finally, leave both women with the kid and run away with your slutty sister in law and the insurance money

Author:  HOVA [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Not really your problem. It's doubtful that you all talking to him will make things better because he isn't close to you. Unless you've put on about 50 pounds of muscle it probably isn't good for your health.

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

If he acts now he may be able to get a room or suite with Mac.

Author:  Ugueth Will Shiv You [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

good dolphin wrote:
Tell you wife you are going to ask the woman over to have a heart to heart discussion. Give them both lots of alcohol and while the friend is at her weakest and you wife is admiring you for being a caring guy, work it into a menage. Then tell the husband and collect the insurance after he takes it badly. Finally, leave both women with the kid and run away with your slutty sister in law and the insurance money


Author:  Telegram Sam [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Maybe you can convince your friend to contact the producers of Intervention! and see if she can get her husband booked on that show. Or Cupcake Wars. Or Two Broke Girls. All of those shows are pretty good.

Author:  T-Bone [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

If you guys end up talking to the woman in private and just let her know that you guys are there
for her if she needs anything that would be appropriate. I don't see anything good coming from
confronting this guy whatsoever. I was in a similar situation and I know I wouldn't have appreciated
that at all. At the end of the day this woman has to give the guy a good talking to and possibly an
ultimatum. If he doesn't get the picture after that, and it sounds like he has had plenty of
chances to clean his act up, then she can't let him bring her down. If he were to get busted
for dealing or get into some kind of accident while under the influence, that is when things
could get really bad for all involved. Good luck with whatever you decide, just my 2 cents.

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Ugueth Will Shiv You wrote:
Do my wife and I have a responsibility to say something to this guy?

I don't doubt the ability of you and your wife to be persuasive when the situation warrants, but if he hasn't made any positive changes in his life after all the negative things that have happened as a result of his long-time involvement with drugs I don't think a chat with the two of you is going to make him change his ways.

As Hawg Ass already mentioned, getting involved in someone else's marriage and personal problems is probably not a good idea. If this guy is unstable, which it sounds like he is, I would not get involved to that degree.

Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Offer to sell him your busted wine fridge when he's on his next bender.

Author:  denisdman [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Ugueth Will Shiv You wrote:
Comical replies are certainly welcome and completely expected.

Here's the deal: my wife and I are friends with another couple who just recently had a child. We never really got along with the husband because he is your typical one-upper. A little bit crazy, not a strong work ethic, a little bit of a free-loader (his wife makes much more than him). Also ex-military, which he likes to brag about on a daily basis. There was also some indiciation very early on (prior to their marriage) that he had been into selling/using pills and other drugs. We never had anything to go off of other than rumors, but whatever.

Fast-forward to a few months ago. This guy starts acting all sorts of weird leading up to the birth their daughter. Really hyperactive, really fidgety, so on and so on. Personality differences are very noticable.

His wife quickly learns that he's been using pills and - via reading a text message or two - also learns he is selling them as well. She confronts him about it, which sets him off and ultimately leads to him getting hospitalized for a "mild overdose". Stomach gets pumped, whole nine yards.

While this is happening we learn that he was actually dishonorably discharged from the Air Force for selling drugs in the past. Interesting.

Things seemed to get a little better for them for awhile, but now the erratic behavior has started again for this guy. He still has pills in the house, but he swears up and down that he isn't using them anymore. His wife has caught him in a few lies already regarding the drugs, but she also just takes a very passive approach to the whole thing. I attribute this to the frequent drug use among her own family members (meaning she's probably use to drugs always being around), but I'm no psychologist and that's just a guess. Whatever.

Long story short, my question is this:

Do my wife and I have a responsibility to say something to this guy? We obviously care very much for their daughter and for the wife, and we could really care less about him. Regardless, we understand that he is the husband to our friend and father to this young child.

We certainly don't want to make anything worse. I've never dealt directly with a drug addict before, so I'm pretty much at a loss right now as to where my responsibility as a concerned "person-in-the-know" begins and ends.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Before I read other replies to this (thus skewing my thoughts), I would stay the heck out of it. This guy is on a run away train, and it won't stop until it crashes. If you say something to him, you may become his victims. I feel bad for the wife, because this will end badly one way or another.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Tad Queasy wrote:
Ugueth Will Shiv You wrote:
Do my wife and I have a responsibility to say something to this guy?

I don't doubt the ability of you and your wife to be persuasive when the situation warrants, but if he hasn't made any positive changes in his life after all the negative things that have happened as a result of his long-time involvement with drugs I don't think a chat with the two of you is going to make him change his ways.

As Hawg Ass already mentioned, getting involved in someone else's marriage and personal problems is probably not a good idea. If this guy is unstable, which it sounds like he is, I would not get involved to that degree.

I agree with this. As was mentioned, let the wife know you are there if she needs something. Otherwise, I don't think you'll have any influence on the situation. It sounds like a decision the wife needs to make and those tough choices are typically influenced more by close family members than friends - and even family can't always make people see things as they should.

Author:  stoneroses86 [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Confronting this person would be a disaster if he is an active addict.

Author:  Chus [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

At least he isn't smoking them reefers.

Author:  stoneroses86 [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Also, the next time that he brags about being in the military, say "Semper Fi, brother." That will shut him up quickly.

Author:  RFDC [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Consider talking to him about all of this, but if you observe him starting to drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fruit get the hell out of there!

Author:  Jack Bauer [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Kramer enters



KRAMER: Is this the interference?

JERRY: Intervention.

OTHER GUY: What are you doing here?

KRAMER: Uh, is it all right if I stay for the intervention?

Steve: Hey, this is for close friends only.

KRAMER: I'm a friend. Who do you think told him to pour the Gatorade over Marty Benson's head?

OTHER GUY: Let him stay.

KRAMER: Hey, you know I got someone to make up that cologne for me, big mouth.

Steve: Somebody's going to make that crap?

Some old guys enter

Old Guy: Kramer!

KRAMER: Hey, come on, these are some of my polar bear buddies.

OTHER GUY: They can't stay.

Old Guy: We're having a party here?

JERRY: No, we're having an intervention

Old Guy: An intervention? Who's intervening?

JERRY: There's a friend of ours on drugs and we're going to confront him.

OLD GUY: Sure, we used to do that when one of our Polar Bears stopped coming. We would go to his house and say, "What, you don't want to be a Polar Bear anymore? Its too cold for you?"

Author:  Ed_from_Lisle [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

See if he wants to partner up on buying an RV. If yes, up the ante and tell him you want start cooking meth with him and work together on selling it. Eventually, you'll be invited to cook in the basement of a reputable business, so hang in there during the RV times. It'll get better. And easier. (I just finished season 3 of Breaking Bad, so my input is slightly colored by that show. However, I make no apologies.)

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Buy some pills off of him.

Take them.

Worry = Gone

Author:  Don Tiny [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Be there for the wife, but sadly I feel compelled to say to you to keep your nose clean ... sometimes 'helping' makes shit worse, and then you're kinda 'in for a penny, in for a pound' with the whole thing.

OR, there's this old trick .....


Author:  stoneroses86 [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

Don Tiny wrote:


This is unbelievably hilarious!

I am pro-Israel.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

I'm not even sure I would let the wife-friend know that you "are there for her" but if you feel compelled to show her your compassion...I guess it just depends how close you are to this woman.
Ultimately, her family is who really needs to be "there for her."

And...avoid the guy. He sounds like a peach.

Author:  good dolphin [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Question for the Group...

The father of one of my son's friends shows up to every kid event reeking of alcohol. Two years in a row he has come to the boy scout christmas party fully slurring his speech. He used to work at the BOT but now only trades from home. He hinted to me one time that he used to sell drugs down there. You know how I handle it? I pretend I don't even notice. You aren't going to change a thing either by confronting or talking to his wife. You don't think she knows there is a problem?

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