24_Guy wrote:
One other point - it does strike me as a bit self-important to presume that, because someone isn't spending time with you, that person must not be enjoying himself. When someone tells you she can't hang out with you on a Saturday because she is taking her kid to the pool, maybe she actually enjoys doing that. And maybe she has other ways of enjoying herself for the remaining 14 hours of her day, again without you. .
That's kind of the unspoken part of the article that unravels the entire argument. He apparently lives for himself with no familial obligations. When I say my weekend is packed, I mean I coach two little league teams, take the kids to visit their great grandma in the nursing home, get a little workout in, give the old lady an afternoon pickle tickle, do some work, etc. I LIKE to do all these things even though they are obligations that fill up my time. So being on the baseball field with my son is my equivalent of his having a fruity drink with his friend.