Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Are people capable of unconditional love?
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Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Are people capable of unconditional love?

Focusing primarily on romantic love more so than family or pets or whatever.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

I once promised a girl unconditional love but I told her she would have to wait 3 years.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

I think those of us that are parents know that its not only possible, its reality as far as their kids go.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

badrogue17 wrote:
I think those of us that are parents know that its not only possible, its reality as far as their kids go.

Curious Hair wrote:
Focusing primarily on romantic love more so than family or pets or whatever.

Author:  Zizou [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

I absolutely believed this from about the ages of 15-26. Sometimes I miss the way I use to able to feel about a girl when I was younger. Don't know if that is something that ever comes back. Now, I am a cynical and jaded bastard when it comes to notions of love. I haven't really loved any of the women I've been in relationships with in the last 7-8 years. I imagine if I ever do get married the conditions will be that I could stomach living with said person and not be embarrassed by them being the mother of my children. But I still have an iota of hope at the center of my necrotic heart.

Author:  Darkside [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?


Author:  Apologist [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

No. Concept is a construct.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Curious Hair wrote:
Focusing primarily on romantic love more so than family or pets or whatever.

My love for you knows no bounds.

Author:  pittmike [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

You may have to try a few times but yes it is.

Author:  Scooter [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Yes. No question about it.

Author:  Darkside [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

My brother on the existence of unconditional love....

"Yeah, I'll love a bitch unconditionally as long as she sucks my dick whenever I ask."

I asked if he understood the question. He says he does.

Author:  Scooter [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Darkside wrote:
My brother on the existence of unconditional love....

"Yeah, I'll love a bitch unconditionally as long as she sucks my dick whenever I ask."

I asked if he understood the question. He says he does.

He is not with her anymore is he?

Author:  Darkside [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Scooter wrote:
Darkside wrote:
My brother on the existence of unconditional love....

"Yeah, I'll love a bitch unconditionally as long as she sucks my dick whenever I ask."

I asked if he understood the question. He says he does.

He is not with her anymore is he?

He is. Married. Sly boots.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Most assuredly not.

Expecting perfection from the imperfect is the very definition of preposterous.

Author:  Darkside [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Don Tiny wrote:
Most assuredly not.

Expecting perfection from the imperfect is the very definition of preposterous.

Finding perfection in the imperfect is the very definition of unconditional love.

Author:  Scooter [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

That is how true love exists. Two imperfect people who can find the perfection in each other.

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

I don't think so. Anybody can come up with a dealbreaker in about 5 seconds if they thought about it.

Author:  Scooter [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Telegram Sam wrote:
I don't think so. Anybody can come up with a dealbreaker in about 5 seconds if they thought about it.

If you do this however you assume the other is perfect. With this you might end up dancing with yourself. I will take a chance on the latter.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

SomeGuy wrote:
Curious Hair wrote:
Focusing primarily on romantic love more so than family or pets or whatever.

My love for you knows no bounds.

Youve made me believe in unconditional hate

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Scooter wrote:
Telegram Sam wrote:
I don't think so. Anybody can come up with a dealbreaker in about 5 seconds if they thought about it.

If you do this however you assume the other is perfect. With this you might end up dancing with yourself. I will take a chance on the latter.

I love my wife as the sum total of who she is. If she came up to me today and said "Guess what? I'm a Holocaust revisionist now!" that's a pretty significant impediment.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Not sure. Is this a trick question?

Author:  Don Tiny [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Darkside wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Most assuredly not.

Expecting perfection from the imperfect is the very definition of preposterous.

Finding perfection in the imperfect is the very definition of unconditional love.

Your definition fags it up a bit but doesn't refute my point.

Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Don Tiny wrote:
Most assuredly not.

Expecting perfection from the imperfect is the very definition of preposterous.

I think unconditional love is more complicated than loving your partner no matter what. In the romantic sense, I see it as more of a way to maintain a relationship and the acceptance and support of the other person thru life. I think there is always the potential to love somebody, forgive somebody, and help somebody. Even if you are mad at them or will not accept certain treatment from them that does not mean you are withholding love, it's the opposite if you are willing to keep trying.

Yes it's possible but sometimes it takes a lot of work and a special person.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

God dammit you guys used to be cool and now all gay as shit. Eat my feces queer lovers

Author:  Spaulding [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

okay ike.

It's also possible and okay to say unconditional love has no place in a romantic relationship if you really want to deal in literal and absolutes.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

I have crazy dreams every night. The only unconditional love i will ever find is in those dreams. When i wake up i have to deal with reality.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?



Curious Hair wrote:
Focusing primarily on romantic love more so than family or pets or whatever.

ruh oh CH.... are the hawks testing your limits/boundaries? i can see this morning saying "NO! NEVER AGAIN!" as you prepared to "take your whoopin" from the board who cracks me up when they actually vote for you as the worst sports poster on the board. i don't even know how to comprehend that beyond some sort of supreme sarcasm, but hey i guess knowing things about hockey and actually being a hockey fan makes you a horrible blackhawks fan because there comes a point where you put down the rational thought and pick up the pom poms and go YEAHHHHH I'M A GODDAMNED IDIOT BECAUSE KANERRRRR AND TOES AND THE BOYS GOT THIS ONE IN THE BAG!!!! WOOOO * STARTS BEATBOXING CHELSEA DAGGER *

or, gulp, are you hitting a rough patch in your most recent relationship? i know sometimes it's hard to have to settle for bitch #2 or #3 (as i assume your "santa game" is maintained at all times; you roll three hoes deep =) so if you're losing the proverbial "bottom bitch" to what we euphemistically call "the human condition" well then, c'est la fucking vie. nobody wants to settle for a jump-off, but if your #1 is giving you some flak to the point where you're questioning yourself like "can she love me unconditionally?" then you might have to check yourself before you wreck yourself because i like to think that in its purest form love transcends conditions and thus that's why it's called love in the first place, but what do i know? under the bridge over here i love any night where i can get a few hours of sleep without getting splashed without the *wha-pishhhhhhh / whip sound * citizens of the greater palatine area saying "OMFG THAT'S PROLLY SINI WATCH ME HIT THIS PUDDLE!"

or, double gulp (easy on the ice), did el hair-o curioso done goof recently and therefore he's presenting conditions to one of his 3/+ "companions" or "assistants" and now you're wondering if unconditional love is possible because you're in a situation where there's some kind of giant pulsating condition taking up the proverbial pink elephant on the living room couch position that's manifested itself in such a way that s/he (</2015>) can't help but go "GODDAMN WHAT THE FUCK CH THERE'S A GODDAMN PINK ELEPHANT IN A TUTU CASUALLY SITTING ON YOUR LIVING ROOM COUCH?!!?" of course in the form of your new/found(?) condition/s?

or are you actually the elephant man or something and wondering if you have a chance with a decent 6+ because to truly love you she'd have to compromise her pursuit of her male/ish anima and "settle" for CH? or i suppose if you're not the elephant man you could be proverbially "outkicking your coverage" or whatever euphemistic metaphor people use to say that some guy is pulling a chick who is aesthetically out of his league? if that's the case i reckon we gotta bust out your HAWKS BRAND ONE-GOAL(TM) POM-POMS and implore numfar to do the dance of joy in the spirit of getting you some proper esteem....

...cuz all kidding aside man from what i've gathered about you over the years you're a good solid dude who has a lot going for him upstairs and seeing as you have a soul to go along with intelligence/wit/candor/perspective that even more-so than 100% raw/visceral aesthetics should carry the day cuz if you're aiming forever with one of the hoes in your stable then you should take into consideration the fact that since you're playing in a proverbial "keeper league" in fantasy dating that you're going to want to find someone who has long-term keeper value and therefore is osmeone you actually like being around/with no matter what they actually look like, cuz that's eventually gonna go to shit anyways, you know, kind of like when you have a 20/20 or 30/30 guy who is a no-doubt first round draft pick for a few years but then as the years pile on and a few injuries come and go eventually the stolen base total dwindles and then a guy who is ranked #7 when he's like .274/32/94/35 is suddenly ranked #77 when he's like .272/27/89/4... you can't count on those SBs/looks forever, especially when the SBs/looks are what made you go out and get 'em in the first place. so yeah since you're not a dependant-on-SBs-guy the flipside is doubly true for them, and since society has essentially given womyn (STRONG! INDEPENDENT! WOM-Y-N! GET THE "MEN" OUT! SIGNED, A WOMYNSA GRADUATE) the "power" to choose who gets the (checked) "privilege" of staking 50-66% of their wealth/possessions/future to play house with them for the semi-to-long-term, man, they're gonna wanna make sure after they hit that run of ages 20-30 grotslottery they get someone who they can actually like to be around when it comes to family time, and they also wanna be with someone who can always provide and make $$$.... especially in the case of divorce, i mean who wants to get stuck with a brokeass loser when it's time to check out circa age 35 and find someone you actually wanna be with find out that you're only getting half of like a ~5-25k estate and ~20-40k/year? I HAVE A LIFESTYLE TO UPHOLD THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

so yeah dude, what does this pertain to? i need some conditions to tell you about unconditional love, because YES, while it's possible, it's kind of like getting "pink" in final fantasy 2 (USA, aka FF6 in japan).... yeah you can go to that one room and fight the rare/ish pink blob dudes and beat them in the certain way that would get them to drop pink.... but even then it's a 1/100 chance, and when you've fought 25-100 hard battles beating formidable enemies that CAN actually defeat you (even if you've leveled up your party to the hilt and you have 2-3 guys who can drop ultima on them for 9999s across the board) there's still only that 1/100 chance that you'll get "pink" --- and in my experience i've gotten pink fairly easily (like the first time i tried to do it i managed it in 2-3 hours / ~25 battles) however i've also had a snes ROM issue erase a save slot where i was toying around with a friend's pink and he spent some 15-20 odd hours just trying over nad over and over nad over and over and over again to get pink.... and after he let me borrow his game to show off the pink to me and i had a shitty SNES at marc shapiro's house "eat" the save slots and take away dude's pink.... man it's fleeting and it's mental when you actually try to get dude's pink back and you yourself spend 10+ hours at shappy's place trying to get it back for him to no avail. it's at that point that you're reminded that pink isn't technically quintessential or even necessary to the journey at hand, and while it does make you relatively invincible (the one person who wears it gets a lot of 1dmg attacks cuz pink is THE SHIT) still, man, after you spend those 10-20 hours trying to get it back for a friend who you lost it for only by a technical glitch that was out of your hands (insurance companies would file it under "act of god") thats when you realize that pink is great, pink is awesome, and pink is something you'd definiely love to have and want to show it off to your friends like YEAH BWOYYYYY I GOT THAT PINK WHY DONT YOU BORROW MY COPY OF THE GAME AND TAKE IT OUT FOR A SPIN" still man, when you get that pink you better put the sleeves on that thing and hell if there's such a thing as a SNES burka then put that on it too cuz man the last thing you want is to be passing that pink around so everyone can get a chance to experience it and then next thing you know marc fucking shapiro's SNES goes and takes your pink away and you're left reeling like "MAN I SPENT COUNTLESS HOURS GETTING THAT" and then you learn an important lesson about showing off and what kind of pitfalls can befall you for doing so.

TLDR = yes, pink is glorious to have and everyone wants to have it.... but sometimes you gotta just go "fuck it, i can whoop sepiroth's ass without it cuz i got 2-3 dudes dropping ultima on him like what what (in the butt) and i'm stocked full of grenades if the dude has the audacity to fucking frog me (and yes, incidentally the first time i beat sepiros </weeaboo> i was down to my last party member who was turned into a frog and i knew i was dead with his next attack so i just insolently threw a grenade at him like FUCK YOUUUUUU and it actually killed him. i busted out a spin move for that one) --- and yeah man, you CAN and most times WILL do it without pink, so while you put in some token effort and maybe up to 2-3 hours trying to get it.... if you dont get it remember that only weirdo obsessed (or "autistic" as the kids would call you now) dorks and nerds and etc go out of their way to get pink no matter how many hours it takes..... and if their goal is to have pink as opposed to beating the game (happu/proper ending) well then i think they're caught up in the technicalities as opposed to the big pciture.... and where is the devil said to lurk, mister hair? PROTIP: it starts with d.


holy shit if you told me i'd enter this TLDRfest going with a multi-paragraph epic metaphor about how "pink" armor from FF2 = unconditional love i'd have laughed at you and said no fucking way. but that's the power of TLDR on teh CSFMB..... once you get going you never know what new and exciting (read: the kind of awful/unreadable stuff that makes ernie aka mr. csfmb aka "the 'side" HOF / das bagman remind me how normal people post) twists and turns each and every post can take.

GODSPEED, CH, GODSPEED. and plz let me know how it works out.... or maybe i should read the thread after the OP. c'est la vie..... c'est la fucking vie indeed.

(it's not a REAL sini post unless by the time you finish typing the message the board has logged you out due to inactivity and makes you log in again.... why can't we stay logged in by default again? =)

Author:  Douchebag [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

pittmike wrote:
You may have to try a few times

At the same time?

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Seriously, nobody? OK...

Curious Hair wrote:
Focusing primarily on romantic love more so than family or pets or whatever.

Hawg Ass wrote:

Author:  spanky [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are people capable of unconditional love?

Great thread.

"Are people capable of unconditional love.........well of course they are, because we all are part of a family in some don't count that. Let's exclude the obvious, because I may be able to prove a point here if we exclude family......."

Great thread.

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