good dolphin wrote:
I thought the incentive to bike lanes, subsidizing divvy was to help the environment
People making less than 35K are more likely to use public transportation as their alternative. Wouldn't it be better to offer the $5 pass to the rich it you wanted to achieve your stated goal?
Remember, red light cameras are for safety
Yes, when I mentioned abuse, I was actually thinking the "rich" (making more than 35k) would abuse it, by getting a friend or unemployed relative to sign up.
The incentives for public transportation and biking are really screwed up. They cut the tax benefit for public transportation to $130 per month but raised the parking lot benefit to $245. You'd think they would do the opposite if they wanted less driving.
To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?