Peoria Matt wrote:
Sini, I've been online watching whatever I want for quite a few years with no interference. Now the Comsuck caps may cause us to rethink things. Or we may just go Comcast business Internet .
yeah, i know.... over the years i've only gotten one e-mail from my ISP saying NBC/universal notified them that i downloaded an episode of caprica and please cut it out b4 we seek litigation..... and since then i threw on peerblock and tried to stick to canadian/UK shows and fringier stuff and i've been good. i'm just saying if TPP goes through and over time they might start getting more clever about fucking with us re: streams/torrents/etc...... i'm just saying that i wouldn't sit here and 100.0% bet on 5-15 years of for-sure 100% ducking cable to save $$$, that's all. they're actively trying to figure out how to monetize this.
btw a year or two ago my dad got some lawyerish notificatins that he was getting named in a lawsuit for illegally downloading the hurt locker. that was because of some company called *volt*.* (aka "volt/voltage/something") who boasted that they could MONETIZE PIRACY for people who paid them (which is ironic with the hurt locker cuz it only originally got attention and thusly later-awards cuz it was leaked online and got a lot of attention from the leak) --- so the end result was that they just went and grabbed a shit ton of IPs all willy nilly, claimd that they found an IP in a hurt locker torrent assigned to my dad's account at the time, and hey we're suing you for $10k+ and it's gonna be nasty but hey you know talk to your lawyer and we can prolly work out something for $2500.
that scheme preyed on the ignorance of middle-class-ppl-with-disposable-$$$ to not know that all these giant potnetial group lawsuits get thrown out (cuz they file them locally in DC so how does that have juristiction in IL if not a fed case?) and the whole burden of proof is basically this company saying HEY THIS IP WAS IN THE TORRENT CLUSTER AND THAT'S 100% SUREFIRE GUILT.... and in our case neither me nor my brother had ever downloaded the hurt locker, my parents didnt even know how to, so it was a complete bullshit thing and they were pressuring my dad with a few letters to settle for 2 grand b4 they get sued for $10k+ and etc..... i told him to stay the course and it'd get thrown out, and indeed it did..... but still he has a 100% NO TORRENTS EVER policy at his house now.
so what im saying is in the future i'm sure "they're" thinking up ways to get smaller sums of $$$ for-sure compafred to ^^^^that^^^^^, and while you can ditch cable and use the internet right now i just wouldn't count on it forever, that's all.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?