This was such an odd experience for me. I already knew the outcome of the 1995 Rugby World Cup before seeing this, and I wonder if that hindered the drama. But drama seemed very lacking in this film with seemingly so much at stake. I think the film needed to bring more of the post-apartheid life in South Africa to life...maybe even having a character (even if fictional) that actually had to deal with the racism and atrocities personally. Mandella's used too much for a character who has no arc whatsoever. He is more of a cheerleader than anything else in the case of the rugby element.
The film tries to balance both Mandella's role as president and the rugby world cup looming, and I think there's just something missing. I never felt like I was "brought in" to the film.
I think part of it has to do with the fact that I don't fully understand rugby and this film doesn't really do much to enlighten a novice to the sport. Rugby, like soccer, also has an arbitrary time scheme and the "overtime" didn't make a whole lot of sense. It just seemed to be a hard sport to convey in a film to make it dramatic.
It's not a *bad* film necessarily, but I just never got into it. I don't think it deserves Oscar recognition, but it will most likely be nominated for picture, director, both actors, and possibly screenplay.
This is going to be a somewhat weak crop of Oscar films this year it looks like.
out of