good dolphin wrote:
WTF? I was looking to go this weekend and I find that they closed down. That pretty much leaves just one that I can think of in driving distance.
The movie watching at drive ins is not great. However, the entire experience is a lot of fun with the family a couple of times per summer. Now I will have to go back out to the one in West Chicago, which is a haul for me, especially driving home late at night.
Yeah, the Keno one was in pretty rough shape. I never went and probably should have tried it. Dolphin there is one in McHenry which I've driven by a
bunch of times, maybe that is the one you are referencing. Real close to Darkside's neck of the woods, maybe he has been. It looked to be in good
shape the last time I saw it and is just off Route 120 so wouldn't be that hard to get to from 94.
McHenry (McHenry County) Illinois
McHenry Indoor/Outdoor Theatre: 815-385-0144
located at 1510 North Chapel Hill Road
(½ mile north of Route 120)
Solo screen lit with double features, seasonally,
May thru September. Parking policy implemented
here to assure unobstructed views of the screen:
bigger vehicles should park adjacent to red poles;
the conventional cars park next to the silver poles.
Admission: $5 for ages 12&up; under age 11 free.