Hey guys,
I've been checking out a real cool Sports Radio show the last couple of days on Blogtalkradio.com and I thought I'd pass it along. It's called "The Wheelhouse" and it's hosted by guys named Mike Bower & Chris Cause. You can check out the show at:
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thewheelhouse and if you wanna see their website check it out at:
http://wheelhouseradio.wordpress.com/ The Wheelhouse airs Monday - Friday @ 7:30am LIVE on blogtalkradio.com/thewheelhouse
Also if you have the time check out the show from Mike Bower called: "The Bower Show" at
www.blogtalkradio.com/the-bower-show or at
http://thebowershow.com ....It's real guy radio. The both of these shows are great. I hope you check em out!