The Doctor Of Style wrote:
The worst thing that could have happened for you was that Miller Moss turned out to be exactly who "WE" always thought that he was. And yet he was able to defeat ranked teams and be ONLY ONE GAME WORSE as a QB than the dude considered to be MUCH BETTER than him by dudes like you.
No, the worst thing that could have happened is for him to be good and for his team to be good. Instead, he got benched and is transferring.
Also, Moss was 4-5. Williams was 7-5. So, use better stats.
Miller Moss and whatever tomato can replaced him had s record that was one game worse than the Generational talent put up last season. Despite playing in a better conference.
Thus it's clear (not to you because you don't understand sports that well) that the Generational One had very little impact even at the college level