blow me, morrissey. mel tucker needs to go cuz the guy is unmitigated shit at calling a defensive game, coaching up players, etc. he inherited a good jaguars defense and turned it to shit. he inherited a really-way-more-old-than-we-thought bears DEF and promptly watched it turn to shit, and now we're gonna run phil emery out of town because he was busy fixing the offense and getting a line that will give you and the offense a chance.
and emery has a pass with me because when he got in here he realized "you know, this team needs a #1 WR. i know, let's go get jay's BFF" and that has been an unparalleled success in bears history because at the rate he's going if this ankle ever heals he'll get all the bears receiving records in short order until alshon possibly sticks around to take them at a later date.
maybe it's because he's black and as a society we don't wanna pile on a brother who tries, or maybe it's just to be edgy and contrarian.... but don't give me a column like WAAAHHHH EMERY SHOULD GO BEFORE MEL TUCKER. get the fuck out of here with that dumbass column, you idiot. go sell newspapers to.... people who need change for a $5 to get on a bus in 2mins because that's all i can figure your market is. everyone else who wants a newspaper gets the trib for a reason.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?