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celebrities at borders
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Author:  suckers playground [ Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  celebrities at borders

as stated in another post, i worked at borders for about a year, and in that time i had a chance to meet a bunch of "celebrities" that i rarely think about. here are some of my favorite moments:

- bagging a very pissed-off looking james carville's books. it was like three or four really obnoxious westerns and political books. i had to stop myself from saying something mean.

- picking out a "rock" cd with horatio sanz that he intended to give to some younger relative(?) as a gift. i recommended the eagles of death metal, he settled on nickelback.

- i once checked out michael wilmington (film critic for the tribune) and didn't recognize him or really care all that much. i asked him for id on an unsigned credit card. he freaked out and demanded to know if i "had ever read a newspaper." it was hilarious. i later ran into him on the way out of the music box after probably the worst movie-going experience of my life, the original japanese version of "pulse" (a tech-horror flick that was recently given the hollywood remake treatment), and i was with some friends who knew the story. they kept loudly asking me if i'd ever read a newspaper in my life, and if i hadn't, that i should, because "wilmongton's gonna drop bombs on tokyo," or something like that. that was kind of awesome.

- shaking hands with walter jacobsen and senator dick durbin in the same day, and promptly washing my hands after both encounters.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Is there a crustier, surlier dude on TV than Michael Wilmington? I don't get CLTV anymore (it's on my TV, I just don't understand it) so I'm not sure if he still does them.

But, his TV reviews sounded like a guy trying to talk while dropping a deuce.

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