Frontman wrote:
I can't stand this sort of BS. If your opponent is going into a kneel-down victory formation; don't try to go after the ball. You risk injuring not just the QB and the Offensive Linemen, but your own players. You also put a big fucking target on Josh Freeman to get the shit kicked out of him/chop block/knee blown out on purpose down the road.
It's bush league, its the chance at an injury, and don't be surprised if you get a phone call from the Guardian of the Shield known as Gooddell this week.
You wanted to be a head coach in the NFL, act like one.
While I am ok with these unwritten rules in baseball and football about what is fair and what is not, I find it strange that NFL players have a problem with this. The sport has all sorts of questionable activity going on in every game. You have lineman that leg whip guys, DB's laying out helpless receivers, guys tackling people at their knees, forearms to the back of a tackled players and all sorts of other garbage.