Gays shouldn't be saddled with dudes like Jerry Sandusky and Denny Hastert who go around molesting underage boys. Given the relative promiscuity of gays vs heteros, Hastert / Sandusky / Priests / Rabbis / Boy Scout leaders / et al would have zero need to resort to underage boys and patently illegal conduct to satisfy their sexual urges if those urges were typical homosexual urges.
eg, TV's Andy Richter lived in and grew up in Yorkville during the time that Hastert taught and coached there--Richter's father was an active, but secret [heheh, "but"] gay homosexual living in Yorkville during that time as well. On a few podcasts [Maron, Fitzsimmons], Richter talks about how his dad would cruise rest stops, There's Something About Mary style, for gay sex in the Yorkville area.
child molesters often exert power and control over children in an effort to dominate them. They do experience sexual desire for adults but molest children episodically, for reasons apart from sexual desire, much as rapists enjoy power, violence, and controlling their humiliated victims. Indeed, research strongly suggests that a child molester isn't any more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual.
In fact, some research shows that for pedophiles, the gender of the child is immaterial. Accessibility is more the factor in whom a pedophile abuses. This may explain the high incidence of children molested in church communities and fraternal organizations, where the pedophile may more easily have access to children.
In these situations, an adult male is trusted by those around him, including children and their families. Males are often given access to boys to mentor, teach, coach, and advise. Therefore, a male pedophile may have easier access to a male child. In trying to make sense of an adult male's sexually abusing a male child, many of us mislabel it as an act of homosexuality, which it isn't. ... 32622.htmlThe casual miscategorization of child molesters as gay homosexuals leads to such well-intentioned but misguided actions as banning gays from the Boy Scouts. Child molesters, not gays, need to be kept out of the Boy Scouts and out of positions that Hastert and Sandusky held and used to abuse children.