chaspoppcap wrote:
Not according to the Muslim Brotherhoods website
Statement condemns violence against US interests, says free speech should not extend to acts of ‘barbaric aggression’ that humiliate all Muslims
Without the “criminalization of assaults on the sanctities of all heavenly religions,” the Muslim Brotherhood warned on Thursday, insults to Islam “will continue to cause devout Muslims across the world to suspect and even loathe the West, especially the USA.”
The remarks were part of a statement posted on the English-language website of the Brotherhood in response to a trailer for a new film, which the Egyptian ruling party says is insulting to Islam....
One and a half billion Muslims are subjected to humiliation and abuse in the person of their leader, Mohammed, the Messenger of God, the Prophet of Islam, of mercy and good tidings for the whole world.
With the message of God, Islam, Prophet Mohammed pulled peoples out of the abyss of backwardness and barbarism to the heights of sophistication and honorable humanity.
He lit the pathways of progress and human thought for all mankind, with pure faith in the one God, belief in all Messengers without distinction or discrimination, full respect and reverence for all Prophets......
The West has passed and imposed laws that punish those who deny or express dissident views on the Holocaust or question the number of Jews killed by Hitler, a topic which is purely historical, not a sacred doctrine.
It's illegal in Germany to wear/display/sell a product displaying a Swastika (which was a religious/occult rune long before the Nazi party adopted it.) Again, if we as a society can make laws like that; based upon the idea that millions of people would find it offensive, why is it that we can't use a bit of common sense and not be so offensive to religion as a whole?
leashyourkids, yes, it is a slippery slope. But just because a path is dangerous doesn't mean there isn't a way to cross it.