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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:28 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
ahem. so anywyas i'm high as shit and some shit like scarface's "i killed a man" comes on backspin43 and i started spit-taking and laughing uncontrollably... like seriously, not quite as much as when i fell into the snow and made deformed snow angels the first time i heard mc brains oochie coochie, but like, i was laughing in uncontrollable fits of rage like i'm gonna die like the weasel in who framed roger rabbit. that's when it hit me: RAP IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT. when you're talking about rap on a bigtime commercial scale, everyone is phony as shit and doing hteir best to make up this image/facade of being hardcore/dangerous/etc and it's all complete and utter horseshit meant to appeal to the ghetto pride of innercity blacks and thusly sell records to suburban white people... it's all a fucking joke.

Thats interesting to me. Why did Scarface trigger that? You think he's fake? Ive always heard hip hop fans credit Scarface with being one of the only REAL ones that was really rapping about things he's done etc.

I was always skeptical of Ja Rule's claims. I dont think he was really a murderous pimp.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:37 pm 
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rogers park bryan wrote:
But I really was looking because the few songs I downloaded (Mic Check, The greatest show on earth) havent captured whatever he had in that freestyle on the wake up show. I listen to that freestyle almost daily now. None of the album stuff that ive heard measures up.

aceyalone's fallacy of thinking that the acapella snapping at the end of hte mic check video was the way to sell records when he was on capitol records in 1995 is kind of laughable... but at least he tried.

and speaking of trying... idk man, if you can listen to the greatest show on earth and/or mic check and not walk away like "goddamn now that's how it's done" then to use a jungian term, our rap animas are quite different from each other.

i mean, you have to be sarcastic saying that you love that freestyle from the freestylefellowship/wu-tang wake up show "battle" and you don't like those two songs, especially when you pick a shitkicking battle song and the one song where he spells out the game of life in the most insanely metaphorical way possible which still stands as arguably his most purely cerebral song to date... maybe you'd be a fan of his cut "the takeoff" off'a the LP he did with rjd2 "magnificient city" in 2006.

either way, i should go and re-drop that "GO AWAY, BAITIN" picture i used on imu on the last page for you to single out those two songs, eh? =D

funny story, @ the magnificient city tour in early 06 @ metro i was a pig in shit... acey came out and surveyed the crowd, 98% white, and said "y'all don't know who the fuck i am, do you? rj... these cats have no idea who the fuck i am, do they? i think we're gonna have to show them" and then he proceeded to drop EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS FUCKING A+-GAME SONGS EVER, starting with my fantasy, the first song off'a the first freestyle fellowship LP to whom it may concern in 1991 and going all the way through his releases to the stuff on mag city.... so after the show, acey went off and i went up to talk to rjd2, who was unhooking his gear. i started to have a conversation with rjd2 despite this long line of bearded white hipster kids in nuthugger jeans coming up next to me like "rj... dude, i have to tell you man... you inspire me so much, man, i make music because of you, you inspire me so much" and rj would just kind of smile and nod if not outright laugh at them.

and i'm like "how come acey didn't do the takeoff tonight if he's hitting all of his classics? you know that's the best damn song on your LP" and he chuckles and goes "man, acey doesn't have the breath to do that live... why do you think he didn't do greatest show on earth? he smokes too much weed to do that outside of hte studio" so i'm like "holy shit man, real talk rj, how much does acey smoke in a day?" and he shot me a shit eating grin and goes "i don't smoke weed man, i don't know... i have no idea" and i'm like "fuck you! stop hatin" and he was like "hey i gotta go but you seem like a good dude" so he grabbed some flier or something and wrote on the back of it that i was to be allowed to the backstage/upstairs-bar to meet acey and hm and he's like "here man, come and have a beer with us and voice your problems with our setlist to acey, alright?" i'm like hell yeah.

slight problem was that my friend wasn't "feelin it" and wanted to go. i remember telling him we got the invite to meet aceyalone and rj and crack a beer with them, and he's like"man i want to get the fuck out of here" (the city had just institutged its smoking ban @ bars/venues so he hadnt smoked in ~2-3 hours) and he was like "i'm sorry but we're going.... YOU CAN MEET ACEYALONE NEXT TIME"

fittingly enough, i did meet aceyalone next time outside of hte doubledoor in june 98 when he toured with dilated. real motherfucker. i'd drop the picture but i know rpb has seen it so i don't need to prove myself anymore.

i have to go and have a steak now. please don't judge me based on my appearance guys!!! =D

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:39 pm 
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rpb, if you want aceyalone battle shit try "golden mic" or well, evne "tweakendz"

golden mic is my shit.... that song is fucking phenomenal.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:57 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
rpb, if you want aceyalone battle shit try "golden mic" or well, evne "tweakendz"

golden mic is my shit.... that song is fucking phenomenal.

The two songs I listed were just the two that came up on my phone when i searched Aceyalone

The hook on mic check is annoying.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:59 pm 
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It may surprise you but some of these rappers were thugs and all the things they described. So according to you only black thugs can battle rap. Just another in a long line of stupid thoughts.

spanky wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
In the grand SCEME (not scope, Dumbass) pf things


PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:32 pm 
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rogers park bryan wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
rpb, if you want aceyalone battle shit try "golden mic" or well, evne "tweakendz"

golden mic is my shit.... that song is fucking phenomenal.

The two songs I listed were just the two that came up on my phone when i searched Aceyalone

The hook on mic check is annoying.

oh yeah i'll give you that.... and you know, everyone knows... everyone knows.... everyone knows i got flows....

oh and hold on i gotta get hova here

HOVA wrote:
It may surprise you but some of these rappers were thugs and all the things they described. So according to you only black thugs can battle rap. Just another in a long line of stupid thoughts.

where the fuck did i say that? you know, there was one time i was at some hip hop party not too far from UIC in spring '99 and there was a big giant cipher in the kitchen and it was before my time, but i hung out and drank/smoked and watched in amazement as some chunky white guy with a beard in a flannel could rap 5-10 times better than anyone else there.

i was told that guy was sage francis, and he's a good rapper. turns out that was right. he would end up winning scribble jam under a character he called xaul zan within a few years of that... speaking of scribble jam, you're right hova, i never saw the old tapes with dose one (back before he made that goofy-ass voice) vs eminem vs juice (battle anyone anywhere anytime, right? also never ended up getting weed from him cuz meta mo from rubberroom was staying with my friend for a few weeks and juice was outside we needed weed and the guy made it happen cuz meta is a go-getter like that. nope) in the '97 finals... nope. hell, i wasn't even aware that eminem was "discovered" by dre when he was doing his barnstorming thing and he won the 1997 rap olympics, cuz clearly, only some very convenient theory that i think only black thugs can battle rap is not only true, but also very ironically racist here.

now, if you wanna talk about the weird grindtimenow "battle" scene with white doofuses i've never heard of coming through to cities like chicago comprised of audiences filled with all of their internet/friends and supposedly "serving" local chicago mcs like matlock and robust, then i'll grant you that i'd rather prefer some black rappers a bunch of the time. seriously i need a referendum here like peep this "battle" where it's robust (to the left) versus vesh (to the right) and tell me that you walk away from this battle thinking that vesh is better at rapping than robust. it's a fucking joke. try finding a vesh track on youtube... i dare ya! also, added humor = the black guy standing next to vesh there looks like he for-real wants to suck his dick and at one point circa the 2nd round he even motions for it i think. no bull

so if you wanna compare ^^^^^ that phenomenon to more traditional battle raps, fine, but like.... truth be told from what i remember most "battle rap" is flat out dominated by white dudes (whats his fucking face.... mac lethal comes to mind. he's a scribble jam winner too) because they feel this need to be the greatest lyricists they can be as if they have something to prove (hmmm, do they?) whereas 9/10 "hard" signed african american artists don't feel the need to do "battle raps" cuz 1) they're not too good at it, especially if it's off the dome improv and 2) as we all clearly know and you point out, they could just make a call and have that pudgy little white bitch killed if they want.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:40 pm 
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Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:05 am 
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That album is my shit!

You never miss your wealth, till your well went dry
Seem like only yesterday, you were here smiling
Now you gone away, but I know you in a better place
No traces of you, what can I do?
Alone and confused

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:23 pm 
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THIS IS HOW YOU DO A RAP "DISS" TRACK GUYS. RIGHT HERE. this is my flashbulb (a soulless chicago electronic (studio) musician who has made an admittedly nice career out of ripping off aphex twin and squarepusher, the latter of whom he dissed to me so i stuck up for my favorite musician and let him have it. and he got smeared like the queer that he prolly is) diss cut. i usually FUCKING LOATHE everything i make rapwise, and most of 2009 was a joke, but like... this is good. so here it is, an example of how to do it right.

sinicalypse - captain benn the gay master (flashbulb diss)

now, ahem, when i was like "that common drake diss song is weak... if you got beef with someone why don't you come out and say it" i just so happen to have my very own diss track to back it up. that's the link up there. i just bumped it on the walk to the cornerstore to get some squares, and like, it's good. i eviscerate the motherfucker i went after and i called it in the cut, he wasn't gonna respond to me cuz like no matter what he did he was fucked... i absolutely smashed him and like i said... it's underground beef between me and some homo named "the flashbulb" so in the big picture nobody cares... it doesn't move units (altho the flashbulb has said in the past that he's moved more units with LMFAO that is lolworthy) so like. the OG version of this cut had ~3-4 minutes of me explaining who i am, my life, and hte beef, but imma do it here.

chicago is home to a guy named benn jordan who makes electronic music under the name "the flashbulb." he's a very talented studio musician, in that he technically has a bunch of talent... he can make very technically-good music... the problem is that he has no soul. most of his "career" as the flashbulb has been ripping off the indelible musical stylings of squarepusher. seriously, it's kind of sick... but like, at the same time, to be able to rip off squarepusher DOES take musical talent and skill of a level that is appreciable, however, i don't appreciate his lack of a soul. if this guy has a soul he could pretty easily be the best electronic musician in not only chicago, but the USA... but he doesn't. he's an ex-jock turned studio musician so he ripped off a musical god, but alas, he has no soul. he's a post-hipster wine-drinking restaurant-reviewing yuppie douchebag in nuthugger jeans.

my beef with him dates back to myspace circa 2008-09 when he was advertising some show of his, and if you went to the show and were deemed cool you could get the invite to the "chicago acid house party" and he wanted to do it like oldschool raves, back when they were basically illegal and they had checkpoints so they could try to weed out cops and narcs and lamers who'd blow up the spot and get the party busted.... however, since like 1994-95 that phenomenon is long dead cuz it got real legal when "raves" became weekly club nights @ either the dolton or harvey expo centers. anyways, while complimenting the oldschool thing, i got on bennnn's case because he was being a douche about it and i just wanted to go to the acid house party without seeing a lameass flahbulb-n-friends show, so i called him out for being a douche. we got into an arugment.

in our up-n-back myspace message arguments (remember, i said rap beef is best when it's underground shit that nobody cares about since all of the parties involved have "nothing to lose" whereas common and drake are selling tens to hundreds of thousands of records and tehrefore they cnan't go all out like us underground cats can) i started invoking the names of the electronic music gods like aphex twin and how they go about their business (and keep in mind, two of benn jordan's side projects, the human action network and THE ACID WOLF (seriously, who wakes up in the morning looks in the mirror and says I AM THE ACID WOLF!!!!! ??!?! benn jordan does) basically COMPLETE AND TOTALLY FUCKING JACK AND RIP OFF APHEX TWIN'S ANALORD SERIES FROM 2005))) --- ahem. anyways benn jordan dissed aphex twin, saying that "[my] idm king makes niche music, in fact, he doesn't make enough $$$ to raise a family in london so he had to move to the scottish countryside.... [blah blah blah] whereas i don't make niche music like he does, i'm a self-made millionaire. so i get haters like you all the time, you look up and see me in a private plane going to japan to play a show and you hate the fact that your life sucks so much while mine is so great, and while i'm sorry that you're not able to experience a life as great as mine, i'm not that sorry, but i do sympathize with you and understand why you hate" --- he also pointed out that when i basically said he made a career out of ripping off squarepusher that "tom (squarpeusher) respects my music and my visio nas an artist" and all this crap and i'm like "man, if the fucker knew you h[size=150]e prolly hates you" and blah blah blah

so like, the fighting words was that this guy rips off aphex twin and yet he disses aphex twin as IDM niche music that doesnt make $$$ yet this guy is a self-made millionaire who jet-sets around the world playing shows? pfft. FUCK YOU! this flashbulb guy once made a rap diss song towards another shitty electronic musician named cex called cex cux, so since he made a rap diss of someone else i felt he deserved one.... so i let him have it. and i fucking KILLED this motherfucker. like i say in the track, he didn't formally respond... he had a dupe/mult account on watmm, where he was so badmouthed he couldnt post in person cuz hes a running joke on the place, and even he had to acknowledge via mult that i did a good job. he was absolutely fucking obliterated, and like i said in the cut... no response. he couldn't win... if he tried to battle rap back it'd be worse and it'd piss me off even more... and like, yeah. this is how you do a fucking diss track. and seriously, yeah i know my style needs work cuz im an amateur... yeah i know i go offbeat sometimes (granted i had to nick the beat off of the ~2-3 seconds of beat leftover from the song i used) but i mean, you can hear the anger and venom in my voice. i smash the fuck out of him. that's how you do a diss track, calling out his ex-girlfriends, his rampant faggotry, his unoriginality, everything. bam.

also, hova, i want you to know all that "venom" towards you was 100% messageboard shit. you're a good dude from what i know/of you and i have a lot of fun playing in the fantasy baseball league. i can't wait til ~2014 when my championship empire rains hellfire down upon your league for the next 10 years. 100% messageboard shit foreal man no IRL beef whatsoever here.


also, im "re-releasing" my old EPs and im gonna make a proper sinicalypse music rolling thread tonight. i'm not a real musician like doug or frank or darko(i think) or anyone... but i have a relatively-surprising legacy that goes back to the year 2000.... and i'm going to go down in history as one of, if not the greatest white rapper of all time. it's a fait accompli once i figure out how to fix the mental in my head

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:31 pm 
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I love this album.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:35 pm 
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Love this album too

"You can kill the revolutionary, but you can't kill the revolution."

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:58 pm 
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i was pleasantly surprised. much better than the last several

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