hey guys, i love all y'all pantsless cretins, even the ones who befriend me on facebook like we're playing a game so i have to figure out who you are (PROTIP: i don't care, no offense =) so like, i'll offer some definitely-weird-in-comparison OC that might not quite be misha barton before... life happened, but it's at least a spirited 5 minutes with rachel bilson before you're like "sorry, it's your fault baby you turn me on so much"
i realized something last night / this morning... by a rather noticeable margin the greatest devo song that, amazingly, devo didn't make, is also the greatest pop music song ever made.
weird al yankovic - dare to be stupidnow you're probably thinking "a weird al song, sini, dude you're a fucking drugged out pantsless cretin." hey, up until a couple'a weeks ago you were right. but i'm thinking clear and fast and like... dude, weird al came out and aped devo so hard that my lilbro (the weird al guy in our family) told me that the lead guy in devo seriously motherfucked him for making their best song. and he did.
see, on the surface the song seems like a lark... like he's RIPPING ON DEVO or something... but in reality he fucking loves them and this song is his love letter to devo much like pretty hate machine is trent reznor's love letter to depeche mode. in this song, al is offering you some WISDOM that is no stranger to the core tenets of the dadaism movement. he's speaking to the spark of audacity that exists within anyone who aspires to create "art" that demands a right to exist alongside the established status quo. in the song, and i'll spare you a 64 page version where i break it down line for line, al tears through all kinds of idioms and cliches that are commonly found in the greater USA day-to-day conversational/vernacular lexicon and throws them on their ass.
he does this on, like i said, the best devo song that devo never made. it's fucking punk rock in a sense... like in the middle of the song after he delivers the chorus he just up and hitches the cut and pulls out a vintage ramones "LET'S GO!" before hitting you with the SEX that is that main synth-hook.
he straightup tells any kid with balls who's listening "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!?!?! WE'RE ALL WAITING FOR YOU" --- as someone who personally has the greatest rapper to ever pick up a microphone waiting on him to do some suitably brilliant rap shit where like i don't have to ask panther if i'm actually good, i can relate to that. at the end of the song he straight up says "THE FUTURE IS UP TO YOU... WHAT YOU GONNA DO?!?!?!" i mean it's a fucking invitation, literally.
"COMEON JOIN THE CROWD!! (dare to be stupid) SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!! (dare to be stupid)
IT'S SO EASY TO DO!!!! (dare to be stupid)"
it's fucking powerful. and once he made it, you knew he was gonna be some millionaire for life doing dumb shit... his cred was established. all he had to do in order to garner anyone with even 1/2 of a working's brain respect was play them this song and be like "oh yeah? well i'm the guy who made that (fuck you)."
in short, weird al just like.... fuckin a. he did it man. he sold that car with rustproofing.
so yeah.... anyone got any counter-examples to throw up here? i'm always down to tell people why they're wrong

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?