Telegram Sam wrote:
doug - evergreen park wrote:
Tonight, Tonight.
And the embers never fade
In your city by the lake
The place where you were born
This line always ellicits an emotional reaction from the audience when the band plays in Chicago. Notice that he uses the pronoun you, not I, making it seem as if he’s speaking directly to his fellow Chicago natives.
Funny that song should come up. I just read about Chicago's only known crucufixion which was, as it turns out, insincere. was a fascinating story. But there was another crucifixion that I remember distinctly. I was pretty young so it had to be the early 70s. Two kids, maybe in the 10-13 year old range took one of their little brothers who was a baby and crucified him. That story stayed with me for a long time. I remember being so horrified and the thought of that happening to a baby haunted me.