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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:34 am 
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pizza_Place: how many planets have a chicago?
greetings programs! last night/this morn/whatever i finally got the werewithal to do a little something on toby keith's "courtesy off the red white and blue" and that got me to thinking.... man i figure the veil almost has to be lifted on the fact that i'm pretty solid with this defacing music thing that i do, and even tho i apologize to my """true fans""" out there who were fed a steady diet of writtens over the last few years, it's like.... man i gotta hold SOMETHING out until my life gets to a pace/place where the authority figures in my life stop acting like 100% total calamity is over 9000% certain to be right around the corner (i.e. work tells me they'll have no problem shifting me to a data entry gig a few weeks back then my pops is all YOU DONT HAVE A JOB.... AMAZON WILL NEVER TAKE YOU BACK" over and over and over again so i talk to them again and it's like "uhhh yeah we dont have anything at [my station so your ~55-66% manual labor job that you physically can't do right now is the only option here but check the jobs website" and i think i got something deece but that dreaded 1yr of corporate experience will have to up against a series of voicemail boxes that my mind once said belonged to !!!people!!! (including a recent one that's OMFG level cuz a well named man)

AHEM. i digress (i really dont have anyone to talk to about whats going on in my life. all of my friends are in a weird holding pattern and my nuclear family at home is literally radioactive and glowing in the dark like i can literally make the rounds in the city lighting up the lives of homeless people $5 at a time and delivering so many smiles to random people that there's a growing trend of balck people on the L lighting up long newports after talking wirth me for a few minutes but then i come home and i am the biggest piece of shit ever and i'm told everything i did/do wrong and how i'm a full retard for cashing out 401k stuff cuz it's going to be $1000 per withdrawal so clearly i'm going to owe the ttaxman something like $1000-2000 and why dont uou go clean yoyr room (nevermind they live in the same basic level of mess that i do and BLIB BLIB BLIB BLIB BUH BLAB BLAH BLAB BLAN it's [ciurrent time] and don't you know i [current event] at [current time] so why do you have to come up tto me and [whatever i'm on about] when you know i'm going to [current event] at [current time] ??" any blowback to this WTF level of blowoff will result in literal crying whining and screaming from the #1 source of negativity in this household.... you know the one who goes to church every morning to repent for..... idk, maybe they should ask that poor sap nailed to a cross on the wall.... altho he's most likely not anatomically correct as most christians neglect to tell you that they also cut his dick off too cus god forbid the big jeez wanted to do the 33AD equivalent of netflix and chill with his bottom bae mry magdalene (who was either a prostitute or some kind of total babe IIRC, right? i havent read the gnostic gospels in awhile, and they tend to get buried in the desert for 1500yrs at a time so you gotta be on the ball when its nigh time to reads you some World History X =)

anyways you might wonder why i include all of this personal life drama in this otherwise innocuous thread, and if you allow me to ro retort i'd tell you that i'd rather be listening to KMFDM'x xtort right now than informing you that $emessiah37 and $helloimmati are good people who will always provide top notch ROI if you ever wanna help out a couple'a dreamers (we're from the lost continent of atlantis =) start up a band called "digital prostitution" where not only will you get some songs about the current state of our internet addicted society which hearkens the phrase 'television is the opiate of the masses" and regurgitates it as "sinicalypse is an opiate made out of a fat ass kid" and then continue on about how he lost on jeopardy because he dared to be stupiid because he's too white and nerdy for his own good committing enough word crimes to wrap his head in foil and now he thinks he's about to say the line "clever girl' in jurassic park.... but i digress. i once claimed to be a stand up comedian in wholly inconvenient renaissance man format (or was it convenient? either way i'm still fun even tho the homies still can't have none at my #LGBTQWTFBBQ =) and ummm yeah my bonafides are bonafide cuz i grew up on the movie hackers in the mid 90s and became steadfast in my resolve to hack the gibson, which i uhhh... totally did. yet go figure the rap/music business doesnt pay for schmucks like me who took aceyalone too literally when he said 'welcome to my art show it's not about a salary" =/

and btw a special U.F.OFF!!!! going out to the board's very own spmackman himself the legendary camps who once told me to "hush" or "STFU" aka "GTFO" when i said that pharoahe monch was obviously the best rapper in NYC. not that anybody ha s a problem with the jiggamang but still, man, i can tell you that pharoahe fucking monch is legit that dude and his simon says coffee mugs on are the best damn mugs ever. i tried to order a few a couple'a weeks back but it was weird and freezing and almost like my money is no good there. ah well i'll have to settle for wood in the hood and his cut Bad MF.

TLDR = YEAH IF YOU HAVE ANY SONG/S/ THAT YOU WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ME DO A VERSION OF / HOMAGE TO / ETC HIT THIS THREAD UP AND LET A BROTHER KNOW cuz my home life is generally pretty miserable and the less i gotta think about it the better and music is my escape and i know all y'all wanna help me escape the jaws of misery because uhhh.... i so totally deserve to get crushed by the system i bit my thumb at because tall midget said so and *claps hands* that's that. stat. breaker 1-9-- roger over and out!

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:43 am 
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btw, assuming the default response to the last post = "lol the resident board druggie must be hurtin for a fix of the good stuff" and therefore you decide what i really need in life (to be surrounded by 25+ other losers who enjoy mid-career eminem a little bit too much, well would you believe it that the not-greatest-rapper-in-NYC (cuz camps Himself proclaimed it to be so and we don't question true board legends like Let's Go Campsin!!! =) welp, pharoahe monch has me covered on this one too! bring it on1!!!1

oh and in the first msg i forgot to explain the other aspect of the band "digital prostitution" it aims to be a reolving door all-star band of whoevef's around whatever town at any given time outside of a few core members (assuming myself and the ole battle axe (aka maticalypse) are in it and maybe another person or two.... and i am aiming high AF for at least one dude i'd love to do postal service type work with to achieve such great heights but yeah akin to george clinton and the p-funk all-stars (aka his studio musician laden backing band when he isnt on a formall parliament/funkadelic tour) you just kind of constantly rotate people in and out off of the stage and etc.... so you have literal and figurative digital prostitution going on with this band. seems like a good idea to me and i love that real estate @whoordereddp (hearkening "who ordered double sausage?" from a quality porno near you =) and uhhh yeah. chickenbutt.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:26 am 
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Slayer - Angel of Death

This Ends in Antioch wrote:
brick (/brik/) verb
1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks
2. Proper response would be to ask an endless series of follow ups until the person regrets having spoken to you in the first place.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:10 am 
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BigW72 wrote:
Slayer - Angel of Death

aight big dubs i will take a gander at it momentarily. i also gotta find a decent thread to put my plugs into cuz man.... real talk, if anyone wants to financially support me for any amount of anything (cuz even a $5 for a tallboy starbucks white chocolate doubleshot helps1) until i can get back into amazon and working again [which is up in the air cuz i might have jusr had a 2 day pump and dump with covid) yeah.... sheeeit.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:10 am 
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BigW72 wrote:
Slayer - Angel of Death

ok and sorry it took me about an hour to get it posted but this whole trying to market myself thing really sucks... but hey when you're a million to billion dollar talent and you've got 20yrs of product out there you figure MAYBE SOMEONE ELSE COIULD HELP YOU OO IT but nah it's more fun to watch me squirm.... especially when me and mati get to do the plane scene from dark knight rises and i see how she's rolling and it's like "ok you get to bring friends..."

but yeah here's my shitty bullshit kinda rapping need to get better at singing version of this song.. seriously i plan to get much much better at singing in the near/ish future. i'm only ~1 day recovered from having a 2-3 day COVID??? attack where i could barely breathe whatsoever. dont expect miracles from me.... expect better!

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:29 am 
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John Cage 4'33


Johnny Dowd 'No Woman's Flesh But Hers'

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:45 am 
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pizza_Place: 1. Aurelio's 2. Pizano's are a board treasure. Don't ever change!

This Ends in Antioch wrote:
brick (/brik/) verb
1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks
2. Proper response would be to ask an endless series of follow ups until the person regrets having spoken to you in the first place.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:12 am 
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BigW72 wrote: are a board treasure. Don't ever change!

thanks dude! and for the record there is indeed a legit concentration camp in the mall of justice. it's a series of empty rooms that you're endlessly paraded through where until you achieve the most menial tasks like going around and picking up every dead fly carcass with only your pinky fingernail and individually dumping them in the toilet do you go to the next bigger emptier and dirtier room and get faced with nothing but isolation and loneliness where your thoughts start racing about curses passed down throughout your family and all kinds of mental shit to like, man, it's just excessive and demeaning and it goes on for hours and hours after you see the TV judge and he says you're good to go home.... then you're on indefinite hold just shuffled through this endless maze of nothing where you really gotta concentrate on tiny little things you can do to try and make the whole overall situation better than it was than when you came in.

eventually when they're done dicking you around with that they have some martin sheen looking doctor dude talk to you dismissively about nothing important then they just let you sit there and rot indefinitely for another hour or two. it gets so excessive that you realize they're never letting you go so if your only way out is the sweet release of death well thank god for COVID you've got the mask and if you can swallow that fucker it'll tie around something by your windpipe and end you. now i'm not a suicidal type of person but indeed when the only options are "rot here for eternity even tho the authority formally said you can go hours ago" or "HEAD LIKE A HOLE... BLACK AT YOUR SOUL... I'D RATHER DIE THAN GIVE YOU CONTROL!!!!" take it from a guy who dj's as emessiah, i am insanely jealous of anyone with a "nine inch nail" if you catch my drift.

so you give it a go, you start to choke and feel the cords wrap around you... but then you're saved by your gag rephlex records label and it's like what in the actual fuck?!!?!

so then you kind of go well fuck... i suck at death. so you loudly rap on the door for the turnkey (prison guard) and a nice sherriff dude comes over and you point out that you realize death is the only escape from this mess you got yourself into, you gave it a go and it didnt work out.... so is there a way that i could enlist your guys help to do this professionally because i know who and what i am and what needs to be done to make sure the world keeps on spinning for everyone who deserves to be there, and the guy has a genuine smile because he recognizes a true team player when he sees one and says "certainly sir, just give me a minute" and sure enough within 3mins he's back with a printout showing two nondescript black kids' mugshots and you ask him like "ok just like make sure they're a good shot like i just wanna be walking down the street give em a silencer or something so i never hear it coming and one second i'll e here and one second i won't and honestly if it's like that it's neutral and yeah they were smiling and nodding, so fucking cool about it. let me right out of the cell take me up to the desk all my possessions are ready to go and they only tell me one cautionary thing before i go.... don't go back home to 5731 (as my original crime was going in through my personal secret entrance to the old house where i made most of the music in and --- because i thought that my victim/crush/soulmate/secret-lover/accomplice/justgetoverhereandhoponyourthronemyfuckingqueenbaby was going to be there and i was sleep deprived like 5 days trying to better my working relationship with amazon INC and get promoted through showing i could do with less self medication to keep my deteroriating corporeal form in order would be the key to moving up through the company.... but then a planned 3 day jaunt became a leave of absence and after weird shit my phone kicks up with an old msg from this msgboard from 2018 that has an odd typoo standing out saying "go img" which i had over-interpreted as saying "go i'm in morton grove" and all this girl wanted me to do was just come back home and it was gonna be some kind of surprise party for me like NOOOO WE DIDNT REALLY SELL THE HOUSE TO MUHAMMAD MCMANSION NEXT DOOR SO HE COULD LET A BUNCH OF PEOPLE PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE TO HANG OUT WHERE I DID MY MUSICAL THING FOR THE LAST 10YRS PRIOR..... IT WAS ALL A PLOY TO HELP ME GROW SPIRITUALLY AND REACH THIS PLACE WHERE I'M AT NOW WHERE I CAN FINALLY RETURN HOME GRAB MY GIRL AND START MY OWN FUCKING LIFE / FAMILY / ETC IN THE ONE TRUE GROVE I CALL HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

i literally rang the doorbell twice before i went in. the people in the house didnt even fucking answer. i yelled hey cmon guys the door's open anyone? then i went in through my own secret entrance (supposedly 25 grand of renevations to the house but the one way only i ever went in was left there for a trap for me to go into?) so as i barrelled down over the kitchen sink and fell to my old kitchen floor i see strange muslim ppl i dont know staring at me.... i figure "fuck it let's see if the world can be honest with me for once" and i go "did we get enough footage of me doing this yet? am i good to go?" but for people who pretended to not know english they sure knew how to dial 9-1-1 super quick and the cops are there and i'm being super friendly to them saying sorry for the misunderstanding you guys know me i used to kind of live here and rock out and do my thing and i'm just kind of having one of my adventures [and i didnt tell them what fucking assholes these tenets of the house were cuz comeon.... if they would have just talked to me like a fucking rational human being i never would have did the stunt thing.... but dude... when you've got arguably the most badass artist chick on the planet fucking with your head and turning you out into even more of a secret weapon super rapper/dj/whateverthefuckiam and you just want all of that bullshit to end cuz you're tired of being a secret agent and you just wanna live your dreams of just... you know... finally having a girlfriend in life. all i ever really wanted really... nope. you gotta get locked up booked $600-1000 impound fee on your car and all that shit and put through the system [even tho i entertained all of the cops] and then after having to have been the happiest nicest coolest obivously dr. who-iest prisoner in the history of morton grove, off you go to the mall of justice where you see the oddly familiar looking TV judge in undrr an hour he says you're good to go on an i-bond cool.... but then you're put in a concentration fucking camp for hours on end after he says you're i-bonded?

yeah dude, honestly, i kind of throw myself headfirst into method acting and whatnot... but i really believed i was a goner. so as they handed me my $47 and all my possessions back all they said is "dont go back to 5731 and you're good" --- which i figured was a funny warning seeing as i just ordered a professional hit on myself, but you know what hey i dont make the rules here i just take everybodys shit and come back with a shitty disposition like MAY I HAVE MORE SIR PLEASE?!?!!

so i went and got a pack of cigarettes at the shell at dempster and still had $30+ left so i coulda went down to the city and got a couple'a bags.... and hey inner city crime maybe i get got while doing a bag.... nice way to go.... but then something just clicked inside of me and i wanted to go out where i lived and i decided to not listen to those people who let me out of the IRL concentration camp so i just walked right back to my old house and sat down against my old garage door and figured lonzo and israel (or whatever you wanna call the 2 guys they said were gonna carry out my hit) would hopefully be there soon enough cuz i didnt wanna deal with those asshole tenets again (i mean like... hey dont you fuckers actually wanna meet me? like you know... hello? why are you renting THAT house again?) but nope. within 2mins of sitting at the garage MGPD is back and calling me up to the front of the driveway to get re-cuffed re-arrested re-charged trespassing AGAIN and this time it wasnt a concentration camp, it was a weird bollywood dance routine with my hands hardcore shackled behind my back for 9-12hrs and still to this day if i put my arms high and back enough i can feel where those shackles from the great 26th/cali cook county bollywood dance routine went down. 95% of other prisoners were cuffed normally but i was in excruciating pain the whole night. i was led to believe that i would again have to give up my life and get reincarnated into being someone else born in the 1980s, but at least this time they'd give me a magic bag of dope that woudl OD me and eat my brain and all that.

but nope. and even after seeing artist girl legit there in full nurse mask face shield getup across the building (or at least it felt like her when our eyes met. meatsuits can get tricky when you're into knowing too much) and there was nothing i could do to approach her but watch her work and dance her routine away while most of the people in the room "felt" like people from my life but looked like people i kinda didnt know and i was the only one shackled in such an excruciating pain that this went on for 6-7hrs and etc.... and at the end of it all i'm finally unshackled and put into an empty isolated room where i would sit for appx the next 7-11 days with no offers of a shower or clean clothes until i personally stripped naked and shoved out my clothes under the door and screamed at the top of my lungs til someone noticed i was naked in there and they gave me clean clothes. and i was completely ignored outside of being given a cpl meals a day, so i basically freestyled doctor who off the top of my head, worked out some kinky masturbation fantasies and used the dry-out time to at least get that side of me healthy.... and then one night it was so fucking weird there was this feeling like i fell into another dimension via a 4-5D acid trip where i got up to the door where i could technically see and hear the TV out in the main room (cuz everyone else would be let out for showers or some commons time, except me, the biggest menace of them all) and i swear to god ray fucking hudson was calling UFC fighting. it was fucking amazing.

oh yeah and all the guards/sherriffs/whatever all "felt" like people i worked with at work. it was truly fucking mental. so eventually they let me see a TV judge after the 9 10 11 12 days? i didnt know... i was just gone for awhile. another TV judge says i'm free to go on another i-bond so thats cool i spose. but then nobody mentioned to me that they're taking me out on a stretcher and dumping me off at some hospital so... [drum roll] I CAN GO TO ANOTHER MENTAL WARD CUZ CLEARLY I AM MENTALLY ILL FOR UHHH... YOU KNOW.... thinking i made some pretty good music that the community might have been proud of over the 14yrs i spent in morton grove and that maybe just maybe someday i could come back and finish what i started there.

but hey at least at that hospital there was a guy who reminded me of ozzie and some cool hospital workers were low key sliding me some test tubes with powdery shit that looked tasted and mmmyeah like a bag of my sweet release and then there was some great shit on cartoon network and when i finally got out life was all surreal and weird again, i had a weird guy rob me at the corner of western and division (taking my drugs and $30 but claiming he'd be back within 30-45mins with my money and dope. weird shit. i didnt wait for him) but i somehow buzzed AMZL DIL7 and saw chris warren and my old SA/SM roger like Whaaazaaappp as i stopped back at DCH2 to get some water and get a proper lyft home from the helpful RTS staff.... and then i had my lost summer of 2020 where i made more rap songs and a bunch of mixes and like.... you know.... its just weird man. idk why all this crazy shit always happens to me when people have the option of treating me like a grown up and just being honest with me, but i guess it's just too damn fun to wind me up and send me careening off into crazy (relative?) adventures that i have to go through cuz.... uhhh..... i made the mistake of calling a dialup bulletin board called "kooler than jesus" as my first dialup BBS i called, cuz that was the one point where i think my life really got on this path so i blame lithium and liquid jesus in no particular order and you know... its not like i ever signed up for this bullshit. but i guess someone's gotta do it, eh?

and wow.... what has this story taught us? fuck if i know. i just had never really told the story of my IRL concentration camp experience and various arrests all for the crime of trying to impress a hot young piece of ass into wanting to hang out with me cuz i wanted to show that i "still had that badass artist streak" in me and i hadnt gone soft by working in corporate america for the last 2+ ryears and really buying into the 645-145 lifestyle like OMFG amazon plzzzz bring back MCO someday. and yeah.

so now at the end of another one fo these periods where there has been way less drama (minus the 3 days where i couldnt breathe from monday to late weds / early thurs this week, but hey you know i'm me and i deserve to have horrible fates/curses/pains/aches/etc thrown upon me cuz.... uhhh yeah the rumors are true. all my ex girlfriends ended up cucking me out like a total bitch in the end. the whore of babylon Herself even brought a dude home from work and he got all up in her grotslot while she was on the phone with me. that was classy, especially when she said she assumed she could fuck whoever she wanted whenever she wanted even if i was on the phone with her because... [drum roll] I DO DRUGS!!!! thats right kids!! because my retro tastes for the quaaludes era of the 70s weren't fashionable circa 2007 i deserved to have a dumb golddigging mk ultra beta sex kitten bitch try to psychlogically destroy me over the phone!

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:12 am 
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so yeah..... you know, someday if i ever end up getting back to that wonderful little house where i did so many wonderful things and i genuinely enjoyed waking up and living my life every single day.... and if i'm able to enjoy the company of arguably my biggest fan and supporter of all-time (cuz seriously man all bullshit aside ol girl fucking REPRESENTS like no other. seriously where do you think i got on all those diverse beats from? i'm kind of locked into my thing but once i realized the bitch could work and dance and not even use her tits and ass and voice to lead me around the battlefield of life.... dude... i bitch for the style points but at the end of the day when we team up the results are unfuckwithable and this song is pretty much where i am now.

this time around i blew my whole 401k (which oddly had $2700ish jacked from it between when i first checked it in early december and went to take $$$ out of it in late december.... but hey chalk it up to the game... tahts what i do) so this time around i just cashed out the 4400 they left me and went around just kind of doing the love life let it love you back and man.... the resulrs have been amazing. so minus this fucking IT TAKES A VILLAGE / FEMA FUN CAMP fucking with me like they all want to torture me and take credit for me spinning my pain into art cuz you know 50 confirmed kills = yeah we really need you hilldog..... but i digress. my 0 confirmed kills have earned me a lifetime of scorn and suffering and you know...... how am i gonna pay my phone bill in a few days cuz the retail therapy i did in the last 27 days was fucking great i got so many gifts for so many people if i ever had my own place so many decorations and creature comforts....b ut i digress. i gotta go back to working the megacycle that was physically breaking me thus necessitating my pissing off the vengeful ghost of nancy reagan and like.... idk.

but honestly... i dont know i dont care and i dont give a fuck. at this point i'm down to like $28 left to my name and all i wanna do is just have something to do on any given day. nooe of my old friends ever wanna hang out and my family is on permanent opposite day mode perma training me for absoliutely nothing at all.

and yet, in the end.... i just do what i do and keep thinking i'm getting closer to a delusional fantasy i don't deserve because like.... fuck. i'm me? yeah i think thats it. i think things would have genuinely been better if the mall of justice had actually done what i had contracted them to do, as i prolly woulda woke up as a baby again and had another 20 sweet years of whatever before "oh no...." but then... see.... there's the problem with the end of that buzzkill song i linked up there.... #1 fangirl might have gotten mad. and i dont think the world has seen her mad. or driving a car. and there's reasons for that that i can only speculate on and laugh as i say "thank god that aint my problem cuz you know me, right?" --- and btw, pimping IS technically easy when you have absolutely no interest in the OMFG gorgeous chick you're talking to cuz like when there's no pressure of fucking up your chances you can unleash the full wrath of your game and start to try and figure out which of your friends you wanna hook up that OMFG crazy hot tall blonde punk rock chick bartender @ innjoy on division with and it's just zen. you literally lol in your face as you introduce yourself and shake her hand as the norse god of not getting laid =P

and yeah, thats the story of my current legal issues (just gotta do some more therapy til march and the state is good with dropping the charges. thank god they're cool cuz i know they had to throw a bunch of shit at me but honestly man i was just trying to impress someone worth impressing and all i got was tortured and dance routined and dried out and told i was insane and the usual bullshit. its like... .cant we just do a rap battle or play quake or something civilized like i'd do when i was growing up? or is it all just another instance of one of my songs coming to life to lol at me again?

idk/idc/etc/whatever... onwards and upwards... EXCELSIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:18 am 
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Hussra wrote:
John Cage 4'33


Johnny Dowd 'No Woman's Flesh But Hers'

and give me like 10mins and i'll have something on this. brb

ok for that 4'33" he's just a pretentious jagoff doing nothing and getting applause for it. i already have a rap on file that coincidentally (cuz i honestly had never seen or heard of that thing b4 you posted it hussra) i have a song where i rap as jackson pollock that i called 4332134 as my "random seed" to generate random numbers after recording the song just happened to coincidide with 4'33" so let the synchroonicity part 1 sting ya til the police show up like WE'RE HERE FOR THE KILLAH BEES!!!

so yeah to any dadaist shithead literally just shitting on the floor or LOL ARTISTIC NOTHING.... as i said jackson pollock can blow me.

now give me back that 10-15min quote and i assume the johnny dowd one is a real song and i'll do something on that over my next cigarette here (cuz i think there's a certain authenticity to having a cigarette hanging out of your mouth while recording freestyles/demos/proof-of-dopeness-es =)

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:55 am 
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dude hussra that second song is fucking amazing. it's going to require more work on my end but it's work i'm going to be happy to do cuz i have to junk my own loop out of that song, but setting up my laptop to do this has given me a chance to jet on a johnny dowd kick and this guy is amazing. thank you for sharing him with me! the best part about my relationship with music thus far is i know fuckall about most guitar driven / rock stuff, especially going backwards towards the 60s-70s so it's all new to me and i'm loving it with the added perspective of maturity.... cuz me about 10-15yrs ago would have had no time for something like this but i've got my lil weird al twist to how i wanna go about it and how i can tribute it and now it's just technical issues on my end so lemme see if i can gimmick up a backdoor loopjob for the beat. i'd be a shitty electric messiah if i couldnt.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:35 am 
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ok hussra, man, i didnt know i had 11mins in me.... but here's sinicalypse - no other woman's bumper shall i touch but hers. based on a true story cuz... uhhh... my life sucks and i always need something threatening to take everything away from me and damn me to hell otherwise i can never make quality product/s/ for anyone. duh. intro2sini101

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:10 pm 
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Whatever the last song Keith Relf played would be killer.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:05 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
Hussra wrote:
John Cage 4'33


Johnny Dowd 'No Woman's Flesh But Hers'

and give me like 10mins and i'll have something on this. brb

ok for that 4'33" he's just a pretentious jagoff doing nothing and getting applause for it. i already have a rap on file that coincidentally (cuz i honestly had never seen or heard of that thing b4 you posted it hussra) i have a song where i rap as jackson pollock that i called 4332134 as my "random seed" to generate random numbers after recording the song just happened to coincidide with 4'33" so let the synchroonicity part 1 sting ya til the police show up like WE'RE HERE FOR THE KILLAH BEES!!!

so yeah to any dadaist shithead literally just shitting on the floor or LOL ARTISTIC NOTHING.... as i said jackson pollock can blow me.

now give me back that 10-15min quote and i assume the johnny dowd one is a real song and i'll do something on that over my next cigarette here (cuz i think there's a certain authenticity to having a cigarette hanging out of your mouth while recording freestyles/demos/proof-of-dopeness-es =)

Random Seed is what this club chick / coke buddy named her kid after she got preggers but had no clue which Crobar/Sound-Bar/Smart Bar/Excalibur hook up was the baby daddy, she kept the kid.

Death metal covers of 4'33 were a thing for a minute back around 2015

Confirmed cigarettes improve sound:


Last edited by Hussra on Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:12 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
ok hussra, man, i didnt know i had 11mins in me.... but here's sinicalypse - no other woman's bumper shall i touch but hers. based on a true story cuz... uhhh... my life sucks and i always need something threatening to take everything away from me and damn me to hell otherwise i can never make quality product/s/ for anyone. duh. intro2sini101

"one of them songs you kick back and smoke a j to...and get real f'd up" -Eric Lynn Wright

Your vocal track too low in the mix, gonna have to break out headphones and the Shiiit stack to relisten. Cool ass track otherwise

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:35 am 
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Hussra wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
Hussra wrote:
John Cage 4'33


Johnny Dowd 'No Woman's Flesh But Hers'

and give me like 10mins and i'll have something on this. brb

ok for that 4'33" he's just a pretentious jagoff doing nothing and getting applause for it. i already have a rap on file that coincidentally (cuz i honestly had never seen or heard of that thing b4 you posted it hussra) i have a song where i rap as jackson pollock that i called 4332134 as my "random seed" to generate random numbers after recording the song just happened to coincidide with 4'33" so let the synchroonicity part 1 sting ya til the police show up like WE'RE HERE FOR THE KILLAH BEES!!!

so yeah to any dadaist shithead literally just shitting on the floor or LOL ARTISTIC NOTHING.... as i said jackson pollock can blow me.

now give me back that 10-15min quote and i assume the johnny dowd one is a real song and i'll do something on that over my next cigarette here (cuz i think there's a certain authenticity to having a cigarette hanging out of your mouth while recording freestyles/demos/proof-of-dopeness-es =)

Random Seed is what this club chick / coke buddy named her kid after she got preggers but had no clue which Crobar/Sound-Bar/Smart Bar/Excalibur hook up was the baby daddy, she kept the kid.

Death metal covers of 4'33 were a thing for a minute back around 2015

Confirmed cigarettes improve sound:


I don't know anything about Johnny Dowd but I like that guitar a lot

This Ends in Antioch wrote:
brick (/brik/) verb
1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks
2. Proper response would be to ask an endless series of follow ups until the person regrets having spoken to you in the first place.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:07 am 
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Hussra wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
ok hussra, man, i didnt know i had 11mins in me.... but here's sinicalypse - no other woman's bumper shall i touch but hers. based on a true story cuz... uhhh... my life sucks and i always need something threatening to take everything away from me and damn me to hell otherwise i can never make quality product/s/ for anyone. duh. intro2sini101

"one of them songs you kick back and smoke a j to...and get real f'd up" -Eric Lynn Wright

Your vocal track too low in the mix, gonna have to break out headphones and the Shiiit stack to relisten. Cool ass track otherwise

this one should have turned out pretty okj

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:43 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
BigW72 wrote: are a board treasure. Don't ever change!

thanks dude! and for the record there is indeed a legit concentration camp in the mall of justice. it's a series of empty rooms that you're endlessly paraded through where until you achieve the most menial tasks like going around and picking up every dead fly carcass with only your pinky fingernail and individually dumping them in the toilet do you go to the next bigger emptier and dirtier room and get faced with nothing but isolation and loneliness where your thoughts start racing about curses passed down throughout your family and all kinds of mental shit to like, man, it's just excessive and demeaning and it goes on for hours and hours after you see the TV judge and he says you're good to go home.... then you're on indefinite hold just shuffled through this endless maze of nothing where you really gotta concentrate on tiny little things you can do to try and make the whole overall situation better than it was than when you came in.

eventually when they're done dicking you around with that they have some martin sheen looking doctor dude talk to you dismissively about nothing important then they just let you sit there and rot indefinitely for another hour or two. it gets so excessive that you realize they're never letting you go so if your only way out is the sweet release of death well thank god for COVID you've got the mask and if you can swallow that fucker it'll tie around something by your windpipe and end you. now i'm not a suicidal type of person but indeed when the only options are "rot here for eternity even tho the authority formally said you can go hours ago" or "HEAD LIKE A HOLE... BLACK AT YOUR SOUL... I'D RATHER DIE THAN GIVE YOU CONTROL!!!!" take it from a guy who dj's as emessiah, i am insanely jealous of anyone with a "nine inch nail" if you catch my drift.

so you give it a go, you start to choke and feel the cords wrap around you... but then you're saved by your gag rephlex records label and it's like what in the actual fuck?!!?!

so then you kind of go well fuck... i suck at death. so you loudly rap on the door for the turnkey (prison guard) and a nice sherriff dude comes over and you point out that you realize death is the only escape from this mess you got yourself into, you gave it a go and it didnt work out.... so is there a way that i could enlist your guys help to do this professionally because i know who and what i am and what needs to be done to make sure the world keeps on spinning for everyone who deserves to be there, and the guy has a genuine smile because he recognizes a true team player when he sees one and says "certainly sir, just give me a minute" and sure enough within 3mins he's back with a printout showing two nondescript black kids' mugshots and you ask him like "ok just like make sure they're a good shot like i just wanna be walking down the street give em a silencer or something so i never hear it coming and one second i'll e here and one second i won't and honestly if it's like that it's neutral and yeah they were smiling and nodding, so fucking cool about it. let me right out of the cell take me up to the desk all my possessions are ready to go and they only tell me one cautionary thing before i go.... don't go back home to 5731 (as my original crime was going in through my personal secret entrance to the old house where i made most of the music in and --- because i thought that my victim/crush/soulmate/secret-lover/accomplice/justgetoverhereandhoponyourthronemyfuckingqueenbaby was going to be there and i was sleep deprived like 5 days trying to better my working relationship with amazon INC and get promoted through showing i could do with less self medication to keep my deteroriating corporeal form in order would be the key to moving up through the company.... but then a planned 3 day jaunt became a leave of absence and after weird shit my phone kicks up with an old msg from this msgboard from 2018 that has an odd typoo standing out saying "go img" which i had over-interpreted as saying "go i'm in morton grove" and all this girl wanted me to do was just come back home and it was gonna be some kind of surprise party for me like NOOOO WE DIDNT REALLY SELL THE HOUSE TO MUHAMMAD MCMANSION NEXT DOOR SO HE COULD LET A BUNCH OF PEOPLE PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE TO HANG OUT WHERE I DID MY MUSICAL THING FOR THE LAST 10YRS PRIOR..... IT WAS ALL A PLOY TO HELP ME GROW SPIRITUALLY AND REACH THIS PLACE WHERE I'M AT NOW WHERE I CAN FINALLY RETURN HOME GRAB MY GIRL AND START MY OWN FUCKING LIFE / FAMILY / ETC IN THE ONE TRUE GROVE I CALL HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

i literally rang the doorbell twice before i went in. the people in the house didnt even fucking answer. i yelled hey cmon guys the door's open anyone? then i went in through my own secret entrance (supposedly 25 grand of renevations to the house but the one way only i ever went in was left there for a trap for me to go into?) so as i barrelled down over the kitchen sink and fell to my old kitchen floor i see strange muslim ppl i dont know staring at me.... i figure "fuck it let's see if the world can be honest with me for once" and i go "did we get enough footage of me doing this yet? am i good to go?" but for people who pretended to not know english they sure knew how to dial 9-1-1 super quick and the cops are there and i'm being super friendly to them saying sorry for the misunderstanding you guys know me i used to kind of live here and rock out and do my thing and i'm just kind of having one of my adventures [and i didnt tell them what fucking assholes these tenets of the house were cuz comeon.... if they would have just talked to me like a fucking rational human being i never would have did the stunt thing.... but dude... when you've got arguably the most badass artist chick on the planet fucking with your head and turning you out into even more of a secret weapon super rapper/dj/whateverthefuckiam and you just want all of that bullshit to end cuz you're tired of being a secret agent and you just wanna live your dreams of just... you know... finally having a girlfriend in life. all i ever really wanted really... nope. you gotta get locked up booked $600-1000 impound fee on your car and all that shit and put through the system [even tho i entertained all of the cops] and then after having to have been the happiest nicest coolest obivously dr. who-iest prisoner in the history of morton grove, off you go to the mall of justice where you see the oddly familiar looking TV judge in undrr an hour he says you're good to go on an i-bond cool.... but then you're put in a concentration fucking camp for hours on end after he says you're i-bonded?

yeah dude, honestly, i kind of throw myself headfirst into method acting and whatnot... but i really believed i was a goner. so as they handed me my $47 and all my possessions back all they said is "dont go back to 5731 and you're good" --- which i figured was a funny warning seeing as i just ordered a professional hit on myself, but you know what hey i dont make the rules here i just take everybodys shit and come back with a shitty disposition like MAY I HAVE MORE SIR PLEASE?!?!!

so i went and got a pack of cigarettes at the shell at dempster and still had $30+ left so i coulda went down to the city and got a couple'a bags.... and hey inner city crime maybe i get got while doing a bag.... nice way to go.... but then something just clicked inside of me and i wanted to go out where i lived and i decided to not listen to those people who let me out of the IRL concentration camp so i just walked right back to my old house and sat down against my old garage door and figured lonzo and israel (or whatever you wanna call the 2 guys they said were gonna carry out my hit) would hopefully be there soon enough cuz i didnt wanna deal with those asshole tenets again (i mean like... hey dont you fuckers actually wanna meet me? like you know... hello? why are you renting THAT house again?) but nope. within 2mins of sitting at the garage MGPD is back and calling me up to the front of the driveway to get re-cuffed re-arrested re-charged trespassing AGAIN and this time it wasnt a concentration camp, it was a weird bollywood dance routine with my hands hardcore shackled behind my back for 9-12hrs and still to this day if i put my arms high and back enough i can feel where those shackles from the great 26th/cali cook county bollywood dance routine went down. 95% of other prisoners were cuffed normally but i was in excruciating pain the whole night. i was led to believe that i would again have to give up my life and get reincarnated into being someone else born in the 1980s, but at least this time they'd give me a magic bag of dope that woudl OD me and eat my brain and all that.

but nope. and even after seeing artist girl legit there in full nurse mask face shield getup across the building (or at least it felt like her when our eyes met. meatsuits can get tricky when you're into knowing too much) and there was nothing i could do to approach her but watch her work and dance her routine away while most of the people in the room "felt" like people from my life but looked like people i kinda didnt know and i was the only one shackled in such an excruciating pain that this went on for 6-7hrs and etc.... and at the end of it all i'm finally unshackled and put into an empty isolated room where i would sit for appx the next 7-11 days with no offers of a shower or clean clothes until i personally stripped naked and shoved out my clothes under the door and screamed at the top of my lungs til someone noticed i was naked in there and they gave me clean clothes. and i was completely ignored outside of being given a cpl meals a day, so i basically freestyled doctor who off the top of my head, worked out some kinky masturbation fantasies and used the dry-out time to at least get that side of me healthy.... and then one night it was so fucking weird there was this feeling like i fell into another dimension via a 4-5D acid trip where i got up to the door where i could technically see and hear the TV out in the main room (cuz everyone else would be let out for showers or some commons time, except me, the biggest menace of them all) and i swear to god ray fucking hudson was calling UFC fighting. it was fucking amazing.

oh yeah and all the guards/sherriffs/whatever all "felt" like people i worked with at work. it was truly fucking mental. so eventually they let me see a TV judge after the 9 10 11 12 days? i didnt know... i was just gone for awhile. another TV judge says i'm free to go on another i-bond so thats cool i spose. but then nobody mentioned to me that they're taking me out on a stretcher and dumping me off at some hospital so... [drum roll] I CAN GO TO ANOTHER MENTAL WARD CUZ CLEARLY I AM MENTALLY ILL FOR UHHH... YOU KNOW.... thinking i made some pretty good music that the community might have been proud of over the 14yrs i spent in morton grove and that maybe just maybe someday i could come back and finish what i started there.

but hey at least at that hospital there was a guy who reminded me of ozzie and some cool hospital workers were low key sliding me some test tubes with powdery shit that looked tasted and mmmyeah like a bag of my sweet release and then there was some great shit on cartoon network and when i finally got out life was all surreal and weird again, i had a weird guy rob me at the corner of western and division (taking my drugs and $30 but claiming he'd be back within 30-45mins with my money and dope. weird shit. i didnt wait for him) but i somehow buzzed AMZL DIL7 and saw chris warren and my old SA/SM roger like Whaaazaaappp as i stopped back at DCH2 to get some water and get a proper lyft home from the helpful RTS staff.... and then i had my lost summer of 2020 where i made more rap songs and a bunch of mixes and like.... you know.... its just weird man. idk why all this crazy shit always happens to me when people have the option of treating me like a grown up and just being honest with me, but i guess it's just too damn fun to wind me up and send me careening off into crazy (relative?) adventures that i have to go through cuz.... uhhh..... i made the mistake of calling a dialup bulletin board called "kooler than jesus" as my first dialup BBS i called, cuz that was the one point where i think my life really got on this path so i blame lithium and liquid jesus in no particular order and you know... its not like i ever signed up for this bullshit. but i guess someone's gotta do it, eh?

and wow.... what has this story taught us? fuck if i know. i just had never really told the story of my IRL concentration camp experience and various arrests all for the crime of trying to impress a hot young piece of ass into wanting to hang out with me cuz i wanted to show that i "still had that badass artist streak" in me and i hadnt gone soft by working in corporate america for the last 2+ ryears and really buying into the 645-145 lifestyle like OMFG amazon plzzzz bring back MCO someday. and yeah.

so now at the end of another one fo these periods where there has been way less drama (minus the 3 days where i couldnt breathe from monday to late weds / early thurs this week, but hey you know i'm me and i deserve to have horrible fates/curses/pains/aches/etc thrown upon me cuz.... uhhh yeah the rumors are true. all my ex girlfriends ended up cucking me out like a total patriot in the end. the whore of babylon Herself even brought a dude home from work and he got all up in her grotslot while she was on the phone with me. that was classy, especially when she said she assumed she could fuck whoever she wanted whenever she wanted even if i was on the phone with her because... [drum roll] I DO DRUGS!!!! thats right kids!! because my retro tastes for the quaaludes era of the 70s weren't fashionable circa 2007 i deserved to have a dumb golddigging mk ultra beta sex kitten patriot try to psychlogically destroy me over the phone!


PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:59 pm 
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Bagels wrote:

ooh i can work with this one.. thereyago done within like 20-25mins of seeing the subtle song trigger

but let's let the pictures do the talking.... back in the day circa 07-09 i made an EP called supreme pizza: legend of the modelfucker EP. somewhere between 09-14 lil matisen heard my music (she would later describe it to me as being raped. idk how this is a positive or negative thing or how she equates it to rape, but i guess she didnt expect to fall in love with me? i can say without hesitation that this girl totally loves me cuz like... dude.... she put in mad work to hang around my digital world in the 2010s and she's in my fantasy baseball league! hell yeah! we traded for judge and degrom and stuff.... i gave up degrom to get judge tho.... but hey she got me syndergaard years ago so she's all good in my book.) but AHEM yeah she decided to become the legendary model to my legendary modelfucker and she hatched a plan to land me cuz like.... seriously this chick very well could be god or something cuz she's not supposed to be possible. she was way beyond me at age 18 and from the second she got a hold of me she started training me and making me better at social media and life and look at all the tracks from 2018-present... she singehandedly got me to try and get better at my artforms and gave me the motivation to go through the process of writing and reciting songs


plus we're fucking adorable.... like this first picture shows she is a legendary model cuz like..... dude who knows where the fuck she actually is? she posts anachronistically and she's basically beyond pretty much all of us and thats why she's my substitute teacher,... when i'm lucky. and my girl wants to get lucky all the time. peep the legendary model game here... the feigned look of bewilderment, the red nose, the cigarette, the OMFG body that's no doubt underage whole the green panties literally suggest GO AHEAD whole she's got her hand looking like it;s about to get down there and get busy. this used to casually be on her instageam page until she knew that i got my hands on it and therefore i could champion it as a "rare mati" cuz she loves to braodcast her stuff on my channels. even on her tiktok she mentions that her "reality rehab" show will pop up on other channel/s damn well giggling and knowing i was gonna get all over it and i mean.... look at her dude. you'd go crazy too. when IMU outed me for posting that one dick pic under the name sinicalypse and all that he never bothered to report what it was attached to, now did he? flol... [[[click on the picture/s for bonus content]]]


now this picture is from at least 4 years ago. maybe even 5-6yrs ago. see her cute as a button red nose? look at this picture i took this last evening while i was rapping in the garage. i had to pay tribute to my #queenbaby theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee #1 entity in my universe [[[accept no substitutes. and click the pic for zeee content =]]]


and yeah. i know i can get annoying when i'm all lovey dovey in love and wanting to go on and on about this girl.... but it's been over 4yrs since the initial compatibility test proved that we are capable of canceling each other out..... so what are we waiting for? idk. i just need this girl in my life ASAP cuz honest to god her outer beauty pales to her inner beauty like for our 2 weeks we just chilled and talked and didnt even really flirt or anything (well she did, but i was just kind of like "man we're so tight that all the sex and stuff is inevitable i can be me and talk around this girl.... zomfg!!!!" --- hell maybe i did screw up our relationship? its not like she was gunna come over cuz if she did theres no way in hell she's leaving. we were that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 / whpa!!! and it was fairly obvious that like..... man. i finally met my match.

and now 4++ years later i'm still working on the first date. but if you saw what she's working with under her sweater and knickers welp..... man..... you'd just kind of scream WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!??@!?eDAS;OFPDA and wanna hulk out and smash things... but me? i just abide, dude! =P

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:06 pm 
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and hey mati, i know you'll read this cuz you're my kind of creepy little cyber/stalker freak so you know what time it is, riiiiiight? seriously i'm getting sick of your bullshit cuz you and me need to be together you cumb dunt.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

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