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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:50 am 
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I really would tend to agree with you if their last self titled album wasn't
solid. Not sure if you liked that one or not but I really found it to be very
good. As for the best of album, I can probably look past that as they
don't get much radio play and stuff but the reissue of Ten is disspointing.
Not sure how they are going to fill multiple CD's worth of material in there. That
is something that they could have considered when the band was all over
with, unless that is what this type of move is signalling. I know everyone
has their own side projects going on between albums. I have all their
studio albums and a bunch of other stuff but I won't be springing for the
Ten re-issue.

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:31 am 
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Looks like they are going to re-release everything. Ridiculous

Ten, the debut album that sold 12 million copies and introduced the world to Pearl Jam in 1991, will be reissued in four (4) new and expanded editions. Pre-orders of the Super Deluxe Edition begin today, through the Ten Club at All four editions will be available for purchase on March 24, 2009. The reissue of Ten serves as the launch of a planned two-year catalogue re-release campaign leading up to the band’s 20th anniversary in 2011.

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:34 pm 
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Hoffy, the Lost Dogs release was done solely to fill the contract obligations they had at Sony. The selftitled album was not released on Sony.

Ten could really use to be remixed, but to re-release everything is a bit much. The diehards will lap this shit up gladly though, and it will make a ton of $, so whatever. They're also putting a bunch of ad ons in the "Delux" re-release as well: An EP (yes, vinyl) of a free concert they did in Seattle circa summer 1991, DVD of MTV Unplugged, and some posters and other shit. I'll still buy a new album if they ever come out with one again, and go to thier shows, but I don't listen to them near as much as I used to.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:11 pm 
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Did Eddie release his solo CD yet? Is it any good?

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:18 pm 
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Don't know anything about a solo album from Eddie. He did a majority
of the heavy lifting on the Into The Wild sountrack but not sure I would
qualify that as a solo album by him.

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:01 pm 
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Dude, I'm with you. I bought every album and got more and more fed up with them. It seemed like they tried to alienate fans because they couldn't deal with their own popularity. After all, their music was supposed to be anti-establishment, so they fought hard not to be part of the music establishment. The result was they put out crap music. Kudos to U2 for embracing their fame. Other than Zooropa (or whatever that garbage was) U2 did a pretty good job of putting out good music.

I still can't believe I was buying those silly Italian bootlegs for $30 a pop. If only digital music came a decade earlier!

By the way, I recently went all digital and found that a good 75% of the music I own was recorded between 1990-95. Talk about a rut.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:10 pm 
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Just chillin' like Garret Quillin.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:54 pm 
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hahah, midi...that takes me right back to '95. all those songs need is a broken english singing swedish kid.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:05 pm 
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I heard the clip of 'Brother' on the "Loop" and really liked a lot better with Eddie's vocals..Here is the song ..

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:39 pm 
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YOu can listen to a handful of songs-- Brother included-- for free at

An aside, this was taken by yours truly August 2005 in Missoula, MT.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:36 pm 
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So I got this in the mail today, and listened to it now...

As far as whether you'd be able to tell the difference, I'd say with the remix, definitely. If this is an album youre familiar with and have heard a few dozen/hundred times, Id say youd definitely notice the difference in the production between this and the original recording, its apparent. With the remastered version, maybe not...aside from the fact that its "louder", most people probably wont benefit. you need three? No, but I think these two come together exclusively, so...youre kinda fucked there, youre kinda forced to jump your personal Ten album count from one to three if you want the remix.

I'm impressed by the remixes, got a few listens in today and they're very good. Didn't get past Alive on the remasters...aside from volume/compression, they're largely indistinguishable from the originals, not much noticably different, to my ears. At first I kinda thought it was excessive/duplicative to include them, because its pretty clear to me that the O'Brien remixes are going to be the ones you go to from here on out; but it's nice to have a document of the original mixes, if only for reference...also if there's anyone out there who actually ends up preferring them, it's nice to have a fresh, remastered copy to listen to, since I'm sure the original will be going out of print now. Anyway...some thoughts on the remixes, track by track:

Once - Jeff Ament is a big beneficiary of the new mix, no doubt...there is a growling, distorted fretless bass line powering this track that I swear was nearly inaudible on the original's brought up significantly in the mix, for good reason, as well as a rhythm guitar line that was previously drowned out. O'Brien treats the couple spoken word bits on the record unideologically...the "you think I got my eyes closed" part in Once is turned down quite a bit, while the mumbling during the Evenflow solo is much louder (and finally distinguishable...I'd never even been able to make out what he was saying before), while the "I died..." tack-on to Evenflow is excised completely (for the better).

Evenflow - Vocals are most noticably different hear, less of the backwards/reverby fluff during the chorus...this one's been re-recorded and subsequently remixed since the original sessions, so the differences are less pronounced.

Alive - Cleaner and dryer, but nothing song-altering

Why Go - Think I mentioned the echo on the chorus-teaser, don't like that at all...the guitars are more defined, particularly during the verses, which is a great thing...they were muddy and indistinct on the original which was a shame, the riff really cuts through the mix now

Black - Seems like the tail end of Why Go no longer bleeds into the start of Black...they still transition smoothly, but the tracks don't encroach on one another. The piano and organ during the verses are a bit more noticable, definitely a good also catch a lot of Mike's Hendrix flourishes, which are fantastic...the lead guitar was always a bit low in the mix, I spent a lot of hours in my bedroom with the volume turned way up trying to mimic that guitar...I rationalized that it was mixed low because it would take away from the song if it was too loud...but its perfect now...

Jeremy - Another instance of some nice lead touches that were nearly inaudible the original...only other big difference is that the "hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" bit at the end has been pushed back *a lot*, while the "spoke in" is more prominent...the result is...strange. I dunno. The "hoo-hoo-ing" was probably a little silly, objectively and 17 years on...but Im not sure this is a good idea. This is probably the most "extreme" tinkering on the record, in that in changes the song in some way, I'm not sure it's a good thing. It ends up sounding like the Police and defuses the climax of the song a bit

Oceans - Relatively unfuckedwith (and unfuckwithable)...dryer vocals as on all the tunes, though this is one of the few songs where the reverb was always well justified. Also a slightly more prominent place for the guitar swells between the first and second verses, which I like. The vocals in the second verse are no longer phased/flanged, which is tragic in my opinion...I always absolutely loved that part...but I'll concede that it was a personal taste and it might have been a little thick. I would flange every vocal if I was behind the board, it sounds cool.

Porch - Pretty standard, guitars are jacked up and sound good...nothing earth-shaking

Garden - *This*, though, is earth-shaking. The guitars are crisp and clear and really really ring...and my god, that upright bass during the verses is fucking *chilling*. It's amazing work and I would swear I never even heard it before. It's a complete travesty that that bass wasn't more prominent in the original mix, it adds so much to the song. It's otherworldly and literally gave me goosebumps, very cool. I'd say if you don't buy the album it's at least worth it to pay to download this song

Deep - Nothing too drastic, but a good remix...better defined guitars, particularly when the chaos kicks in towards the end

Release - Likewise, a pretty standard remix, sounds pretty good, though that wah-ed out guitar seems significantly louder during the choruses...probably a little more than I'd like.

Anyway...overall I'd say its better than I'd expected...I can't see, for the most part, seeing much need to go back and listen to the original mixes, after hearing these. It will be interesting to really listen to eatch track back to back though, with the old and new's really a great example of how much a good producer can affect a song. All of the songs, even the ones that don't have any discernable "big" changes made, are just generally crisper than their earlier counterparts...the instruments are definitely better articulated throughout...that was something I hadn't expected really...I assumed they'd just jack up the volume and knock the reverb.

Oh, the demos are interesting too...SOLAT and Breath are interesting to hear in their early versions, as Ive gushed before its *great* to finally have a proper copy of Brother with vocals, unlike that god awful instrumental version they crapped out on Lost Dogs...and 2000 Mile Blues is interesting as a curisoity at least...never heard that one before. It actually includes some pretty decent guitar work.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:00 pm 
Porterhouse wrote:
Did Eddie release his solo CD yet? Is it any good?

The first single was the Cubs POS. What do you think :-)

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:16 pm 
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Thanks for the review Frank. I still dont think Ill go out of my way to check it out, but it is good to hear they tried to improve on what was once and still is an awesome CD. Its funny how certain songs on that CD hit me at different times in my life. Oceans will always be associated with being in Maui for my honeymoon. Release with the first time I saw them in 95 at Soldier Field. And so on.

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:54 pm 
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Puckhead wrote:
Thanks for the review Frank. I still dont think Ill go out of my way to check it out, but it is good to hear they tried to improve on what was once and still is an awesome CD. Its funny how certain songs on that CD hit me at different times in my life. Oceans will always be associated with being in Maui for my honeymoon. Release with the first time I saw them in 95 at Soldier Field. And so on.

I was at Target Wed night and walked over to the music section to check this out.
All were sold out surprisingly. It is tempting but I have so much of their stuff I doubt
I need this. Glad to hear it is cleaned up and maybe will reach some new fans that
either weren't into it before or weren't old enough to remember.

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:48 am 
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For those of you interested.....

Pearl Jam album, film, tour in the works

NEW YORK (Billboard) – Pearl Jam is lining up U.S. concert dates for the second half of the year, including the Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival in San Francisco.

Along with Dave Matthews Band and the Beastie Boys, the group will headline the festival's second edition, scheduled for August 28-30 at Golden Gate Park.

M.I.A., Modest Mouse, the Mars Volta, Black Eyed Peas, Ween, Thievery Corporation, Incubus and Jason Mraz also are in the lineup, which was announced Monday.

Pearl Jam also has completed 14 songs for a new album and is working on a film with director Cameron Crowe, guitarist Mike McCready said in a recent radio interview.

McCready told Seattle's "Ron & Don Show" that the band is about halfway finished with its next album. McCready said the band expects to have the album out before the end of this year. Pearl Jam will self-release the album, its ninth.

As for touring, the band is doing a "little thing in the States," and aims to play South America in 2010, McCready said.

Pearl Jam is widely expected to be one of the headliners of this year's Austin City Limits Music Festival in Austin, Texas. The event's promoter, C3 Presents, declined to comment to Billboard about the lineup, but the Austin Chronicle is calling the band's involvement "the worst-kept secret since Metallica's SXSW (South by Southwest) showcase."

Dave Matthews Band, Beastie Boys and Kings of Leon also are expected to be announced as headliners on April 28.

Pearl Jam has long been courted by C3 Presents for the Austin festival, especially after the promoter convinced the band to play Lollapalooza in 2007, its first large festival show in the U.S. since the mid-1990s. Pearl Jam played the Bonnaroo festival, in Tennessee, in 2008.

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:15 pm 
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Sweet, they're due for a tour

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
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There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:41 pm 
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They did a bunch of dates up and down the east coast last
year so I hope they get to the Midwest for at least a few
shows this year. Haven't seen them live since 1995.

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 Post subject: Chicago Show!
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:54 pm 
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I'll be my fanclub seats just now!

Two More Pearl Jam Tour Dates Added

We've got another Pearl Jam surprise for you ... Toronto and Chicago!! The band will wrap up their European run with two more shows on the North American continent:

Date - City - Venue

Aug 21 - Toronto, ONT - Molson Amphitheater
Aug 23 - Chicago, IL - United Center

Ten Club has tickets for both shows and a pre-sale will begin on May 4th. You must be an active member as of May 3, 2009 to qualify for the ticket pre-sale. Starting May 6th, any remaining tickets will become available to ALL active members regardless of membership sign up date. The ticket pre-sale will end on May 6th at 3pm Pacific Time.

Pre-sale tickets will be sold online only at with a Visa or Mastercard. No phone orders. Eligible Ten Club members are allowed to purchase two (2) tickets per show. Ten Club tickets are available while supplies last. For wheelchair accessible seating, please purchase your tickets online then contact

Ten Club tickets are for reserved seating and will be allocated by seniority. Seat locations will be reserved from the 1st row on the floor, extending back, and the side sections closest to the stage. The longer you have been in the fan club, the closer your seats will be to the stage. Newer members should not expect prime seat locations. Proximity to the stage is contingent on the amount of members in attendance. Seat location is NOT revealed prior to the performance.

Please read the following details before making a ticket purchase:

- Tickets are not mailed in advance. Tickets are distributed at the venue on the day of the show.
- The fan club member must collect the tickets with a valid photo identification. No exceptions.
- Purchasing Ten Club tickets means you agree to all Ten Club ticket policies and distributing procedures.
- Reselling of Ten Club tickets will result in cancellation of ticket purchase and revocation of all future ticket benefits.
- All ticket sales are final. No refunds. No transfers. No exchanges.
- All dates are subject to change.

Toronto Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Fri, May 8th at 2pm local time. Visit this link for details:

Chicago Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Sat, May 9th at 11am local time. Visit this link for details:

Questions about Ten Club tickets can be directed to or by calling 800-724-8038 (international rates may apply). Your patience is appreciated.

For wheelchair accessible seating, please call 1-800-724-8038 (international phone charges might apply).

See you on the road!

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:13 pm 
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Ah fuck me, my membership is expired. Tickets anyone?

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:21 am 
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I was hoping to go but I don't think it will work out.
Have fun if you end up going!

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:05 am 
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Agree on Pearl Jam being one of the best shows I have ever seen.

"Yep we titled it ourselves"

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 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 4:19 pm 
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They added a second Chicago show for the 24th.

When/where did you see them bigfan?

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
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There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 9:41 pm 
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Best show I saw with these guys was in '95. We were able to get into Solider Field about 9 in the morning, I was helping with some of the switch over from the Dead show. Got to watch the soundcheck for Bad Religion and Otis Rush. 20 minute Blood was memorable, Eddie spending 18 of those minutes destroying his mic stand. Cover of Everyday People and Let My Love Open The Door.

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:30 am 
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I've actually got that bootleg laying around somewhere, Hoffy. Good quality too, if I find it, I'll burn you a copy.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
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There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:49 am 
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Frank Coztansa wrote:
I've actually got that bootleg laying around somewhere, Hoffy. Good quality too, if I find it, I'll burn you a copy.

That would be awesome. My CD for that was horrible. I think it was burned from their monkeywrench radio broadcast. It was missing a lot of the comments from Eddie, like him calling out Q101 and stuff. I remember them having someone jump in on one of the songs, but cant remember who.

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:00 am 
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I was at the Soldier Field show also. Roenick was 2 rows in front of me for about 15 minutes too - before he got mobbed and had to move/leave.

Also saw PJ at Summerfest a couple years later, and then also saw them 3 times in a weekend in 1998: back-to-back nights at Alpine Valley, then 2 days later at the UC.

Also saw Vedder solo at Tibetan Freedom concert at Alpine Valley too.

Thing is, I'm sort of a fan, but not a HUGE fan. Just happened to work out that I saw them that much.

FavreFan wrote:
Im pretty hammered right now.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:00 am 
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Well I'm going to both shows. I was only going to go to one, but Friday I got a notice in the mail that I fuckedup on my taxes, and I'm getting back like $400 more than I thought I was. And here I thought the gov't was nothing but dishonest.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:52 pm 
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Actually, the last "Pearl Jam" show I went to was the HoB show with the Who. They came on stage to play the new stuff off Riot Act. Blech. Its been hard to listen to them since that event and that CD. But we were right in front to have Roger Daultry sweat on us so it more than made up for it.

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:47 pm 
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Wasn't that the show they played without Stone? And, iirc, they played an old High Numbers tune, that nobody seemed to know of. But, thats what happens when you charge $1000 per ticket

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Pearl Jam
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:11 pm 
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Frank Coztansa wrote:
Wasn't that the show they played without Stone? And, iirc, they played an old High Numbers tune, that nobody seemed to know of. But, thats what happens when you charge $1000 per ticket

Yeah, they had a cardboard cutout of Stone. I tried to get Eddie to play Dirty Frank but he laughed and said fuck off.

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

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