Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Trivium "Shogun"
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Author:  A7X [ Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Trivium "Shogun"

Well, it looks like "The Crusade" experiment is over (even though I liked that album). Trivium have gone back to their Ascendency/Ember To Inferno sound. Matt Heafy has really matured as a vocalist. That great scream is back, and the slower vocals are much cleaner than on "The Crusade". He's also developed a death metal growl that wouldn't sound out of place on an Opeth album. Great riffs, solos, and a combination of thrash, doom, and even a sprinkling of prog rock make this their best yet IMO. If you like Trivium, buy or "acquire" this NOW!

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