Chicago Fanatics Message Board

For W_Z... The Reel Big Fish Review!
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Author:  Puckhead [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  For W_Z... The Reel Big Fish Review!

Oh boy. See, this is what I get for Zach rekindling Ska days. Anyways, here you go. The new Reel Big Fish album is called "Fame, Fortune, and Fornication". Nevermind the fact that the title uses improper English as the second comma should be left out, why the hell are they still making music and why the hell are they making horribly bad covers.

Author:  man of few opinions [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For W_Z... The Reel Big Fish Review!

mofo = big fan of Reel Big Fish

i havent heard the latest cd you mentioned, but i am a big fan of 2 or three of there albums from the late 90's early 2000's. great live show as well, very energetic.

Author:  Puckhead [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For W_Z... The Reel Big Fish Review!

Yeah, we were joking though about the fact that we both liked these guys but suddenly woke up one morning to realize how much we didnt like it. When I saw they had a new CD, I figured to check it out. It might just be my biased but the songs just dont sound great as Ska, including Brown Eyed Girl.

Author:  W_Z [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For W_Z... The Reel Big Fish Review!

i was hoping those fuckin jags were trying to squeeze into the unemployment lines...

ska is dead as disco, and should never resurface. it was fun back in the late 90's, but it is incredibly dated, and there were only a few bands that pulled it off in a classy way (like the specials).

reel big fargin iceholes should just go back to 1997 and stay there.

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