Chicago Fanatics Message Board

help me out
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Author:  buckeyejake [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  help me out

hey fellas i just launched my bands myspace. do me a favor and check it out tell me what you think. its very dream theater/muse/rush sounding.


Author:  Puckhead [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help me out

Now you have a band? Is there anyone here that doesnt have or is in a band? It is ok. Quality of the sound was so-so, so it is hard to get a good feel. Keyboard is a bit overpowering.

Author:  buckeyejake [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help me out

thanks for the input. we know the sound is terrible but we recorded it on a 15 dollar mic inputed into an ipod. in a couple of months we will have some pro sound quality work up.

Author:  Darkside [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help me out

buckeyejake wrote:
thanks for the input. we know the sound is terrible but we recorded it on a 15 dollar mic inputed into an ipod. in a couple of months we will have some pro sound quality work up.

Where do you practice? I might be able to loan you some recording equipment or help you work it for a day.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help me out

buckeyejake wrote:
thanks for the input. we know the sound is terrible but we recorded it on a 15 dollar mic inputed into an ipod. in a couple of months we will have some pro sound quality work up.

clearly you are in a band... :lol:
jake, stop apologizing for your music!!! :x
you should only care that people have fun at the shows and think the t-shirts are cool enough to buy one. 8)

Puckhead wrote:
Now you have a band? Is there anyone here that doesnt have or is in a band?

to quote a lyric from a band Stink hates: "anyone can play guitar!!!"

Author:  shirtless driver [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help me out

doug - evergreen park wrote:
buckeyejake wrote:
thanks for the input. we know the sound is terrible but we recorded it on a 15 dollar mic inputed into an ipod. in a couple of months we will have some pro sound quality work up.

clearly you are in a band... :lol:
jake, stop apologizing for your music!!! :x
you should only care that people have fun at the shows and think the t-shirts are cool enough to buy one. 8)

Puckhead wrote:
Now you have a band? Is there anyone here that doesnt have or is in a band?

to quote a lyric from a band Stink hates: "anyone can play guitar!!!"

One of the better songs on Pablo Honey.

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