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The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival
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Author:  suckers playground [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival

A combination of informed, curmudgeonly capsule previews combined with comments by a fairly indifferent writer as well as another writer whose naivete and educated assumptions make for some of the most hilarious music writing I've read in a while. This will keep you informed, entertained, and you'll have a laugh or two along the way. Check it out here: ... -saturday/

Beirut’s horn arrangements could be interesting if everyone would stop singing. Singing ruins so much music. Especially when the guy singing also writes “perdu à Casablanca” on his myspace profile. And says he’s from Francylvannia, New York. If you think that’s cool, you’ll like him. If you don’t, you won’t. That sort of either/or one-to-one relationship between a myspace profile and the music is so uninspiring, “n’est-ce pas”?.

Author:  Puckhead [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival

SP, were you at all excited about the Pitchfork lineup this year? I saw it and had absolutely no desire to see 95% of the acts.

Author:  suckers playground [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival

I think their Friday lineup was the best they've had since introducing Old Geezer Cash-In Night to kickoff the fest, but I'm not all that upset about having missed it.

Re: Sat/Sun, On the whole, I've seen most of the bands I'd have wanted to see and in venues that are far better suited to their respective sounds. The best acts booked would have to be (in my opinion): Lindstrom; Ponytail; Fucked Up; Women; Disappears (though I'm not sold on all the hype). Slim pickings for someone with my taste.

I've seen several other bands that played and while I like their records well enough (e.g. Wavves, Vivian Girls*, Pains of Being Pure at Heart, M83, The Thermals), I can't say that any of those acts are all that entertaining to see play live.

The rest of the lineup is - In My Most Humble Opinion - just utter crap, representing the evolution of some disturbing trends in music.

* Girlfriend swears Vivian Girls were pretty good last time they came through, and I believe her... just saying that when I've seen them, they've been terrible.

Author:  Jalapenos and More [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival

Beer vendor at Pitchfork Festival: What'll you have?

Trust fund baby: The long answer? I'll have the the pale lager that is most highly valued for its kitsch value, that iconic midwestern brew with an identifiable brand that's been readily applied to mass-produced and putatively ironic apparel, such as trucker hats and T-shirts that look like they were pilfered from the trailer of the "Dazed and Confused" wardrobe stylist.

Beer vendor: Give me the short answer, hipster douchebag.

Trust fund baby: PBR me ASAP.

Author:  suckers playground [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival

Nah, man, it's all AmAppy V-neck tees and knockoff designer sunglasses in 2009, and for the most discerning / self-conscious breed of hipster, anything but PBR.

Author:  Bagels [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Definitive Guide to Pitchfork Festival

Fuckers didn't even webcast the DOOM set

Only other draw for me would have been Jesus Lizard, and I'm sure they'll play a club show later in the year. Pass.

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