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Rock vs Cena on twitter bad for business ??
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Author:  kujoe_7 [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Rock vs Cena on twitter bad for business ??

WWE News: Rock and Cena resume Twitter battle over same issues

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

WrestleMania 28 main-eventers The Rock and John Cena resumed their Twitter war of words on Saturday, repeating their argument points from Friday.

Rock tweeted initially, "@JohnCena Settle down cowgirl. Your lemon panties are getting bunched up in your lady parts. #HustleLoyaltyVagisil"

Cena responded with a long reply centered around headlining this weekend's Raw house show tour.

"In Wichita today. Maybe my buddy Dwayne from #Teamfilmit will be here...probably not. But maybe ill be lucky enuff to get a message about how he used to be in WWE and once went to Wichita, and how good it was...u know before he left...and the whatever came back...only to say he was home and never leaving....only to leave again," Cena said.

"Being your boots movie star. Ill see u april 1st. Meanwhile ill do my that I would never leave. The one I love. The one u left. #everyotherdaybesideswrestlemaina. That should hold #Teamfilmit over until the superbowl.

"But ill leave u with this..I speak fact, not politics. What is Dwayne gonna do.....Get u guys to boo me louder? Yeah...that's worked for the past 5 years :) RISE ABOVE HATE. HUSTLE. LOYALTY. RESPECT."

Cena closed, "Once again outclassed by #thefakeone man it would be a shame if Dwayne got beat by a guy with a mangina. Hey hollywood what u doin april 9? I know where ill be. Have a nice day Dwayne. Rise Above Hate," referring to the second Raw after WrestleMania 28 on April 9.

Caldwell's Analysis: It feels like two children continuing the same argument because they have nothing else to talk about and can't let go of the issue. Coming from a company that started a flatulence gimmick for one of their best women's wrestlers the last two weeks, it's not surprising, and it's not good for business.

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

After The Rock promoted his Raw TV return on February 27 in Portland and took another jab at John Cena Saturday night on Twitter, Cena replied with more of the same digs at Rock. "Another classy response from my fav movie star. Just to make sure..ill pencil u in for RAW. Cause a lot of times u say you'll be there..but we all know how that one ends. And please..keep up the mangina talk..ill flip it into a Tampax deal :) have a nice night Dwayne. RISE ABOVE HATE," Cena said.

Author:  kujoe_7 [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock vs Cena on twitter bad for business ??

Rock strongly endorses TNA Champion

James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

WWE headliner The Rock gave a strong endorsement to rising star/TNA World Hvt. champion Robert Roode on Twitter Saturday. "@REALBobbyRoode I dig your work. Keep movin' the crowd and kicking that ass. (tell Bubba his calves still aren't as big as mine)," Rock tweeted to Roode, with a reference to Thursday's Impact Wrestling episode focused on Roode and Bully Ray.

Author:  Bob Loblaw [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock vs Cena on twitter bad for business ??

Rocky keeps talking about lady parts and such, but he's the one who literally had a gynecomastia procedure (male breast reduction surgery).

Rocky Maivia, WYC?


war of words on twitter is great, now get some new material. you're both much funnier than this crap.


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