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Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be
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Author:  Dallas Winston [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

1. Macho Man
2. Jake Roberts
3. Rick Rude
4. Freebirds

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be


Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

I agree with all those Dallas. I'd also add Warrior. I know people think he's crazy, but he was very significant. As much as WWE tries to downplay his importance to their history, they simply can't. The fans remember.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
I agree with all those Dallas. I'd also add Warrior. I know people think he's crazy, but he was very significant. As much as WWE tries to downplay his importance to their history, they simply can't. The fans remember.

He's not in?

Thats ridiculous...and I wasnt part of Warrior Nation, but he belongs

Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

rogers park bryan wrote:
The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
I agree with all those Dallas. I'd also add Warrior. I know people think he's crazy, but he was very significant. As much as WWE tries to downplay his importance to their history, they simply can't. The fans remember.

He's not in?

Thats ridiculous...and I wasnt part of Warrior Nation, but he belongs

He'll never get in until he or Vince dies.

Author:  Dallas Winston [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

I agree Warrior should be in. He may be a despicable person, but he was sooooo over!

Author:  Bob Loblaw [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Dallas' initial list of guys have to go in. I can see why they can't put Jake up on the stage though. Warrior has to go in to. I'm almost now convinced that his promos were so bad they might be brilliant. Honky needs to go in (they've tried ,but he's declined), Cornette and Midnight Express, King Kong Bundy, Paul Boesch

Author:  SteveSarley [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
I'd like to see more representation from both the AWA and WCCW.

Jake "The Mailman" Milliman, Kenny Jay and Pistol Pez Whatley?

Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Haystacks Ross

Author:  Bob Loblaw [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
I'd like to see more representation from both the AWA and WCCW.

^ me too. i was thinking about Chris Adams and Gino, but i can see why they'd shy away from that. I forgot the bulldogs. they should definitely be in, but another team i can see why they'd stay away from

Author:  Dallas Winston [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

SteveSarley wrote:
Jake "The Mailman" Milliman

That's "Milk Man" to you! :D

Author:  SteveSarley [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Dallas Winston wrote:
SteveSarley wrote:
Jake "The Mailman" Milliman

That's "Milk Man" to you! :D

I stand corrected!

Author:  Dallas Winston [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
Thinking about WCCW for just a second, how about King Kong Brody, Gart Hart, Skandar Akbar just off the top of my head. (Freebirds obviously)
Would love to see the Dynamic Duo in there.

I would be all for Gary Hart going in. When talk of great managers comes up he often gets lost in the shuffle.

Author:  RFDC [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Gary Hart definitely deserves it.

Freebirds,Macho Man, Jake, and Ultimate Warrior are no brainers and should have all been in a long time ago.

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

You guys are right on Gary Hart. Dude invented Great Kabuki and Great Muta.

If Jake ever stays clean he'll be in and be on the WWE payroll forever.

Author:  Bob Loblaw [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Good to see Gary Hart love, he'd get my vote. I thought me and Beebo were the only Gary Hart fans.

I'd put Rick Martel in someday too. WWF career was long enough and he was AWA champ.

Sunny wants out of the HOF and Orndorff has pretty much shit on it too.

Author:  Phil McCracken [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be


Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
In 2011 I became one unhappy retired wrestler when WWE inducted into its Hall of Fame Abdullah the Butcher (Larry Shreve). Not just because Shreve had never worked for the WW(W)F or stepped foot inside Madison Square Garden, not just because my good friend Randy "Macho Man" Savage was passed over in the honors list of that year, but because Abdullah actually is a butcher in a disturbingly real sense.

Is he any relation to Elmhurst Shreve?

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Who really cares about the WWE HOF?It is a bullshit travesty. Basically a Kiss my Ass club for Vince.

Author:  Colonel Angus [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

They need to get Scott Hall in before he dies.
Macho Man, even if they have to let Angelo & Larry in, too.
Jake the Snake
Rick Rude
Did they let Jesse Ventura in?

Author:  newper [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Colonel Angus wrote:
They need to get Scott Hall in before he dies.

Are you allowed to induct a living person but not invite them to the ceremony?

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
chaspoppcap wrote:
Who really cares about the WWE HOF?It is a bullshit travesty. Basically a Kiss my Ass club for Vince.

I'll have you know pooperscooper, that when you Google "WWE Hall of Fame", about 3,670,000 results come up.

your point being?
If I Google Bigfoot alot of results come up,it is just as big a bunch of horseshit as well

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

[quote="Colonel Angus"]They need to get Scott Hall in before he dies./quote]

I'm not a celebrity hater and I don't root for peoples problems but something about the Scott Hall thing just makes me laugh

"Below his previous rock bottom"

Author:  Chris_in_joliet [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

They need to induct the first Ultimate Warrior not that 2nd one that came back when the first one died.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Chris_in_joliet wrote:
They need to induct the first Ultimate Warrior not that 2nd one that came back when the first one died.


Author:  Drop In [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
chaspoppcap wrote:
Who really cares about the WWE HOF?It is a bullshit travesty. Basically a Kiss my Ass club for Vince.


:lol: :cry: R I P

Author:  Beebo [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Speaking of which, I'd love for Percy to get in. Gary Hart, too. Oh, yeah: Bruiser Brody.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Keeping Score wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Colonel Angus wrote:
They need to get Scott Hall in before he dies./quote]

I'm not a celebrity hater and I don't root for peoples problems but something about the Scott Hall thing just makes me laugh

"Below his previous rock bottom"

Did you see his new 10 minute video with Louie where they take us behind the scenes on making a frozen pizza?

Who is Louie?

Author:  SAV [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be

Wahoo McDaniel

Rock & Roll Express

Midnight Express with Cornette


Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestlers Not In The HOF That Should Be


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