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WWE till Mania
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Author:  reents [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  WWE till Mania

Now there is thoughts that Del RIo may leave when his contract expires too.

According to, word backstage in WWE is there is growing concern that Alberto Del Rio will not be re-signing with WWE when his contract expires.

The cause for concern is a combination of several things. Del Rio has openly talked about retirement coming sooner for him rather than later, he's getting older, he's had tremendous success in Mexico, and he's been frustrated lately as he's gone from being a top guy on Smackdown to now being fed to Batista.

As of now, there is no word as to whether or not Del Rio is working on a new deal with WWE, but following Raw this week there is at least concern in WWE that he might opt to leave when his current deal runs out

Author:  sinicalypse [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

speaking of the now-basically-dead wrestling section, i had a nice lil chat with the legendary kujoe via twitter DMs last night. good guy who i miss on here cuz his aggregation of wrestling news saved me a lot of time/effort, which got me reading more about "the business" in the big/ger picture.

as for the E? who knows what's a work and what isn't..... this punk leaving thing might be the ultimate 4th wall taint-rubbing masterminded by him and trips trying to cash in on the IRL malaise over the booking since d-bry had his moment taken by HHH and given to bagshitter boreton. i still wonder if we'll get a SWERVE and they'll relent and throw d-bry in the mania main event against batista (teased but ultimately..... NO)

Author:  schmitty1121 [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

I saw Punk was pulled from a show that is a week after the Raw in Chicago. If he was to comeback, I would think it would be the March 3 Raw.

Author:  donspiracy [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

schmitty1121 wrote:
I saw Punk was pulled from a show that is a week after the Raw in Chicago. If he was to comeback, I would think it would be the March 3 Raw.

It could be an appearance, not necessarily a match.

@sini, I feel your pain. Will also hurt participation when Nascar season gets started.

Although, I am looking for a new co-host for the RaceLog...

Author:  reents [ Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

We reported earlier today that Sting is very close to signing a WWE deal, and sources tell WZ the signing is imminent, and a signing announcement is forthcoming.

Despite this, however, is maintaining that the Sting signing is not a high priority for WWE, and internally it's not being regarded as a very big deal.

Additionally, it's likely Sting will not be wrestling at WrestleMania this year, despite a few WWE officials pushing to have him on the card

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Rumor is that Paul Bearer might be going into the HOF this year.

- We’ve noted before that a disclaimer will appear before any Chris Benoit match on the WWE Network. The disclaimer will likely just say something about how these are sports entertainment characters and won’t directly mention the Benoit family tragedy.

So it looks like the Benoit exorcism is over.

Author:  reents [ Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

There are a lot of current possibilities with the WrestleMania 30 card, as we have been reporting, and the final decision has yet to be made on some of the top matches.

Inserting Daniel Bryan into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match with Randy Orton and Batista is being discussed as we previously reported.

WZ has also learned for sources inside WWE that if Bryan is put in the WWE title match, which would make a Shield triple threat match unlikely, then Triple H versus Roman Reigns is a strong possibility for the big event.

WWE is currently very high on Reigns, and the company would use the storyline of The Shield having been the henchmen for The Authority in the past year as the launching point of a singles match between Reigns and HHH.

Author:  reents [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

We lost Mabel or if you called him Viscera ... asses-away

Author:  reents [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Tonight is the Elimination Chamber, do we see more of the break up of the Shield which sounds like it's coming and for Reigns to become a big star? I say yes, maybe a little and do the big one at Mania

Does Orton still win to set up Orton-Batista which nobody is wanting to see, and do they do something for Bryan to get the main event match? If the plan is to have Bryan not leave Mania the champ, why do it and have Taker's match go on last at Mania, because they maybe worried the crowd booing as the close of Mania.

Author:  schmitty1121 [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

What direction do you think they go? Are we getting Lesner/Taker? Cena/Bray? Bryan/HHH? I see Hogan is the guest host. I'm going to Raw next week, so I'm hoping Hogan will be there, along with Taker, and a possible Punk return. I saw Punk was at the UFC event last night, sitting with Dana. Stone Cold was also there, I guess him and DC are friends.

Author:  reents [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

The idea was Lesnar-Taker, they have done some buildup for Wyatt-Cena, not sure about Bryan-Triple H, Chicago will be interesting with more than likely no Punk.

Lesnar,Taker, and Hogan supposed to be on Raw tomorrow night, I have heard this thought to help build the network, Does Hogan come out near the end and then they say go to network to hear what he has to say.

Along with Punk, if I remember right, we heard a CM punk chant break out during Orton-Sheamus match.

Author:  reents [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

How about this for tonight, from one of the guys at the LAW

Jason Agnew
Despite it being a "chamber" I expect some big-time interference in this match... ultimately I think Randy Orton will remain the champion and face Batista (and maybe Bryan) at Wrestlemania... however, here's what I would LIKE to see happen.

- The four competitors locked in the cage are Cena, Bryan, Sheamus & Cesaro

- Orton is the second last man in the ring and awaits Christian to come out...

- Christian is shown laid out in the back, but instead of having an immediate replacement the bell rings, the match begins and a chamber door is opened and Cesaro enters the match

- The crowd will get behind Cesaro here to hopefully dull the "yes" chants but ultimately they will be the soundtrack of the match, and that's what we want here.

- Cesaro and Orton are then joined by Cena... hopefully picking up on some of that magic they had in their match Mondayon Raw

- Sheamus then comes into the ring... by this point the yes chants are deafening

- Finally the final chamber is set to open and the crowd is insane... but Daniel Bryan's cell "malfunctions" and does not open.

- the match continues and Bryan is in the corner desperately trying to get out... but he cannot

- Cesaro pinning Sheamus

- Orton pins Cesaro

- so we have Cena & Orton left... the crowd craps all over this and the full focus is on Daniel Bryan getting out

- Cena launches Orton into the cell of Bryan and it breaks the glass

- Bryan comes out to a flurry, and he pins Orton

- we then get a Cena / Bryan showdown.

- The Wyatts play a part in Bryan getting the win over Cena (thus we dont have Bryan beating Cena clean twice in a row for the title)

- Bryan celebrates... until we hear the music of Triple H

- Triple H says due to Christian's injury, it took them a while but we found a suitable replacement.

- BROCK LESNAR's music hits

- Lesnar treats Bryan like a rag-doll and nearly murders him by throwing into the side of the cage and destroying him

- Bryan mounts a comeback with his kicks (the crowd goes nuts)... he gets the yes lock on but Brock powers out of it... etc

- Ultimately Brock gets the win here... clean.

Thus our Wrestlemania card looks like this:

Brock is the new WWE Champion, and goes on to face Batista

Cena gets Bray Wyatt

Daniel Bryan faces Triple H.

... and I think we all know what this leads to for our main event... UNDERTAKER vs. STING!

Author:  donspiracy [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Solid. That means no way does it go down like that. :lol:

Author:  ZephMarshack [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

I think the original pair of Lesnar-Taker and Batista-Orton would both be better matches than Sting-Taker and Batista-Lesnar. Sting-Taker would be awful, and I'm not sure Batista-Lesnar gets any better reactions than Batista-Orton would. And if Bryan-Lesnar is to ever happen, it should be a full match, not an unannounced tack-on.

Author:  reents [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Orton has won, they did set up Cena-Wyatt possibly with Bryan or Bryan-Triple H and more of the SHield breaking up

Author:  reents [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

We may get Ric Flair tomorrow night too.

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Plus Hogan.

This was a terrible PPV.

Author:  reents [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Conflicting reports again about Cena, sounds like leg is okay, but wrestled a match against Orton on house shows, wasn't good and told the crowd he was having groin issues.

Some say he is injured and some say he is just selling the Wyatt attack.

Like WWE doctors told him to take the weekend off and Cena didn't listen.

Dave Meltzer reported that wasn't true.

Here is the complete story ... nas-injury

Author:  reents [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

Possibility we get Stone Cold at Mania. ... eve-austin

Author:  reents [ Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

What do you think about this. ... -developed

Author:  RFDC [ Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

reents wrote:

Do not buy it.

Bryan has been being built for months, this was not a recent decision based on Punk.

Now there very well maybe some truth to the fact that they are irritated with Punk and trying to give it to him in whatever way possible. Or it maybe just to keep his name in the news and continue to build drama around his return in the future.

Author:  donspiracy [ Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

reents wrote:
What do you think about this.


That is reading waaay to much into the story. Very Beardownish.

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

I am going to keep this short and to the point:
Wow,who would have thought HHH would do that?

Author:  RFDC [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

chaspoppcap wrote:
I am going to keep this short and to the point:
Wow,who would have thought HHH would do that?

Has nothing to do with HHH. He is not going to be in the triple threat match. This is all about Bryan and putting him in the worst spot possible. Now he has to face a HHH that is not only pissed off at him, but pissed off at Batista and Orton and wants to fight them in the main event. The deck continues to get stacked higher for Bryan to appear as if there is no way for him to leave Mania as the champ.

Author:  reents [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WWE till Mania

CM Punk and AJ Lee are engaged.

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